
Chains of the Past V

"Yes... I am sorry for your loss... For all your losses... In a way, I've been traveling with you for quite some time... Just... A step behind..." Langley says with an unexpected sincerity.

"Did my mother and father... Die well?" Inigo asks fighting back the mist gathering in his eyes.

"They met their end with dignity... I was the one who found them, and I made sure they had a fine burial... They... They died holding hands." Langley explains solemnly as a rather dark mood fills the room as I comfort Inigo by placing my hand on his shoulder to remind him he's not alone.

Inigo nods appreciatively at me before turn back to question Langley, "Why were you there? We're you looking for me even then?"

"I had hoped they could lead me to you. I continued to track you for years, then the trail went cold... After I found your brother..." Langley trails off, seemingly prepared for Inigo's next outburst.

"You found Fergus?! How?! Have you always been hiding in my past, haunting every step I take?! Why? I do not know you! What do you want from me?" Inigo shouts at Langley, demanding answers.

"I have come to know you very well. I am your friend, Inigo! Perhaps the greatest friend you have! We are destined to work together!" Langley exclaims, getting somewhat heated.

"I already have the only friend I need, Silvantus! And Lydia, a woman who loves me and I love dearly, I even have a rival!" Inigo starts rattling off all the people in his life.

"You don't understand! There's a great evil coming! I don't know when exactly, but it is close. I've seen it in my dreams! You are there too! You are the champion destined to destroy the Doom Strider!" Langley frantically explains to Inigo, afraid Inigo may leave.

"What are talking about? The Doom Strider?" Inigo asks, getting mine and Serana's attention.

"Yes, the very avatar of destruction and death, the demon that has plagued my dreams for decades!" Langley quickly elaborates.

"I... I need to sit down." Inigo says as he rubs his eyes, and Langley moves closer, offering a free chair on the other side of the cabin.

"Take a seat. Rest and I'll tell you all I know... I've been keeping note of everything." Langley says, pulling the chair closer which Inigo takes.

"I am sorry, my friend. I need a moment, my legs are a little wobbly all of a sudden." Inigo says as he settles in the chair.

"It is a lot to take in, I know. Make no mistake, Inigo, you are safe here... All of you are. Inigo and I have much to discuss. I don't wish to be ruder than I've been, but perhaps it's best if you leave us to it for a bit? In fact, if you both could do something for me I'd be most grateful." Langley asks me and Serana with a slightly more respectful tone.

"Alright... What do you need?" I ask Langley.

"Eggs." Langley says.

"What?" I ask, somewhat taken a back by the request.

"Eggs. You know, birds lay them. Snow Thrush eggs to be precise. Six should do the trick. They often boost my visions allowing me to see further into the future. If Inigo is here then maybe the Doom Strider is finally preparing to strike. We must be ready!" Langley exclaims resolutely.

"You've said that a few times now, what is the Doom Strider?" I ask as my quest sense tingles.

"I don't know. Maybe in time we'll find out together. Go on. Go and get those eggs and let Inigo and I talk for a while." Langley says, starting to annoy me.

"Well, where do I find the Snow Thrush eggs?" I prompt Langley again.

"There are at least eight nests outside my home. You shouldn't need to go very far. I hope you don't mind heights, they are usually rather elevated. Come back to me when you have six eggs, no fewer. Find eight and I'll give you something precious for your trouble." Langley explains.

"Alright, I'll go search for your eggs. Come on Serana, let's leave the two of them to talk." I say, moving to the door with Serana following close behind.

"Search up high, and try not to fall off anything." Langley says.

"Sure thing." I say before stopping by Inigo.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"I'm a bit shaken by how well this man seems to know me, but I'll be okay. I wonder what else he has to say... I hope my poor mind can take it, it has already been beaten enough as it is." Inigo says with a tinge of his previous humor returning.

"Ain't that the truth... Though I don't know if I trust this Langley guy, stay alert." I warn Inigo in a hushed tone so Langley can't hear me.

"Thanks for your concern, but I personally do not sense danger here. But, perhaps you shouldn't go too far from this house? If you hear any screams of agony, come running okay?" Inigo jokes again, this time slightly less forced than before.

"Will do, I should go and get Langley those eggs now." I assure Inigo as I continue back to the door.

"I have heard the Snow Thrush likes to nest up trees and on the edge of cliffs. Be careful you do not slip." Inigo cautions me as me and Serana leave the two of them to talk.

Entering the growing snow storm, Serana follows behind as I begin to collect the eggs.

"So... You have several children... That's... Unexpected?" Serana comments, in an attempt to engage in some small talk.

"Why is that?" I ask her as I spy a birds nest on the top of a fallen tree, which I begin to crawl up.

"It's just... You seem a little..." Serana trails off, her sentence getting cut off by the raging winds.

"What was that?" I shout as I grabbed the egg and dismounted the tree with a flourish, landing in a small snow bank.

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