
Trials of Hircine XIV

It seems to go on for an eternity, but despite his wounds and exhaustion the were-alligator is able to wrap his jaws around the Alpha's neck and ending his life with a CRUNCH.

I notice the were-alligator is exhausted and he doesn't seem to be able to regenerate as fast as me or the Alpha was able to.

I try and prowl around him, but the sewer is much too narrow to be able to circle him. And the longer I wait, the more likely he is to recover.

With that thought I decide to charge the were-alligator, I drive my claws towards his weakened neck and he opens his mouth wide in order to swallow my arm.


Just like when I pulled the same trick on the dragon back in Whiterun, I let the were-alligator take my arm so I can get in close enough with my tusks to tear apart his neck.

But, to my surprise, instead of just the pain of being crushed like I had felt with the dragon, instead I can feel the teeth digging into my flesh, cracking my bones, and wrenching my arm from its socket.

I push through the shock and use my tusks to gore the were-alligator taking him to the ground as I feel his fight slowly stop.

I take my free hand, cutting open his jaw to free my broken arm as I finally process something...

"When... Did I start taking damage?" I ask myself as I watch my impressive regeneration abilities snap the bone back in place and mend my shredded muscle and skin.

I quickly check my status screen and notice that my [Gamer's Body] effect is now listed as Desynching...

"What the fuck is going on?" I think to myself, while still in werewolf form, before the next section of the quest pops up.

[Wave 8/9 Completed... You have 5 minutes to prepare for the next wave... Final Wave... Survive for 30 minutes...]

"Fuck you Sheogorath!" I bellow into the sewers before quickly devouring the hearts of the dead werebeasts in order to prolong my wolf form.

I feel as if my body is on fire as I devour the werebeasts' hearts, similar to the feeling of absorbing a dragon soul, but much more visceral.

I feel their blood setting me on fire as it's warmth radiates out from my stomach.

After devouring the hearts, I burst out from the sewers, with only minutes to spare as I begin running through the city, searching for a defendable location to wait out this final Wave.

Though I only make it part way across the the alleyway when an arrow traveling faster than any I've encountered before flies through the air and pierces me in my hind quarters, just above my thigh causing me to stumble in pain and shock as I didn't have a chance to dodge the attack.

I rip the arrow from my rear to see a golden blur make its way gracefully down the walls of Castle Dour, twirling and whipping through the air and down the flagpoles, before continuing to sprint towards me.

With my enhanced eyesight, I can tell the figure is a woman, with golden, bronze-like skin and dark raven black hair.

She wears furs of strange animals, equipped with a bow, and a deer skull mask, worn more like a hat revealing her sharp angular features, pointed ears, and glowing amber eyes.

I push myself further, dashing between the alleyways to break my hunters line of sight. Trying to outrun her tireless pursuit by getting lost in the labyrinth of streets.

But no matter what I do, she seems to find and wait for me at every turn. Playing with me with an arrow to a leg or arm every time she catches me. But always leaving a path for me to escape.

It's then I realize that she corralling me towards the cliff's edge, but there's nothing I can do to stop it.

All I can do is stall for time, dragging out the chase for as long as possible.

But, with every loosed arrow of her's I'm driven closer and closer to the edge of the cliff until all that's left is the two of us staring each other down as my back is buffeted by the wind as she stares at me, with her bow drawn.

"Not bad... I was planning to sit this hunt out, but you've just been such a good little Hare. I'm glad I changed my mind, cause this hunt has been the best yet... Sadly, it's over and like I always knew... You lose." The woman says with a mischievous and cocky smile, breathing slightly heavily from the intense chase before loosing her final arrowed aimed straight for my heart.

I know I can't dodge her fatal blow if I just stand there, so I twist with all my might and dive off the edge of the cliff. Forcing the arrow to pierce my lower abdomen, shredding my stomach as I push myself over the edge as I bare my teeth in a ferocious grin as I dive away.

"Better luck next time!" I growl victoriously as I see a look of shock overtake her as she's left dumbfounded.

Angling myself, I fall through the air, crashing against the edge of cliff, scrabbling to stab my claws in the side of the mountain, barely finding purchase.

Cutting through the rock face, I slide down its edge as the timer counts down to zero and I feel myself fade away into nothing as I find myself back in the ancient, misty forest.

My wounds all gone and morphed back into my human form.

Clap... Clap... Clap...

A slow clapping sound fills the forest as Hircine appears before me, still leaning on his spear. Though, the last hunter, the female elf woman is standing beside him with a scowl on her face.

"Congratulations, Blüdtoth, you've survived the hunt, quite masterfully I might add. You were even able to elude my daughter. No mean feat, I assure you." Hircine congratulates me as his daughter's scowl deepens.

(Author's Note: Happy Christmas Everyone! I had to delay this chapter due to excessive holiday celebration, hope you enjoy the imment end to this arc!)

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