
A Perfect Day II

"There is a tribe to the northeast, in the Narzulbur stronghold. The leader's mates have all died, and their numbers are few. Making it easy to subdue them if they refuse your rule. They have an added benefit of a rich ebony ore mine." Gringar proposes.

"True, but isn't that stronghold right next to Windhelm? I don't particularly want to have Ulfric watching over my every move. What's the other option?" I ask, dismissing the first option, even though the ebony ore mine greatly tempts me.

"Then that leaves the tribe at Largashbur. They are relatively close, and despite being a cursed tribe, they have decent numbers. They, however, lack a mine to produce their own substantial amount of ore and have been in conflict with a tribe of giants. Their leader is weak and would be an excellent stepping stone to becoming a full-fledged warlord." Gringar explains with confidence.

I think on it for a moment before remembering that this quest puts me in contact with Malacath and a daedric artifact, thus making my decision, "That sounds like a better choice, so long as we can deal with the giants and the curse plaguing the tribe. But, what's the difference between a chief and a warlord?"

"Ah, I almost forgot your amnesia, Blüdtoth, hehe." Gringar giggles(?) to himself before coughing and clearing his throat and explaining, "A chieftain controls a single tribe, and most tribes operate independently of one another except when making alliances, finding mates, or trading. However, when one chieftain controls multiple tribes, they take control of all the orcs in a region. Then they become a warlord. And the only way orcs will recognize a new Orsinium is if a warlord is the one to declare it."

"Hmmm… That makes sense, but how will I get the other two strongholds to follow me?" I ask him.

"Simple, you make them. Negotiate, marriage alliance, or even mortal combat with the acting chief, the choice is yours, but you must be upfront and without trickery, or you risk losing the respect of the whole tribe. I recommend going to the remaining strongholds after bringing the two weaker tribes under your control." Gringar explains.

"I understand… I'll set aside time to deal with Largashbur after fully recovering. Anything else you need?" I asks Gringar, preparing to leave.

"Yes, I would like to meet with the trainer of your future guardsmen. I believe we can develop a better training program together." Gringar suggests after some thought.

"That'll be fine, his name is Balfrig, and he's up at the settlement of Helgen. Just tell Lokir before you leave and try to keep the travel to after the current training sessions." I tell him.

"Of course, Blüdtoth." Gringar agrees with a brief nod as I head off to begin my work for the day.

I begin working on the furniture when I notice a pair of curious eyes staring at me from what they think is a hidden place.

"Come on out, Aventus. Your sneaking is good, but you still need some practice." I tell him without looking in his direction.

"What?! How did you find me, papa? I made sure to hold my breath and everything!" Aventus grumbles as he steps out from his cover.

"It's because you held your breath, son. You held it so long that when you had to breathe, you couldn't stop yourself from gasping quietly. Also, you need to watch your foot placement. Do you know how many fallen leaves you stepped on when you tried to sneak up on me?" I lightly chastise him with a smile before ruffling his hair.

"Oh… Then what should I do?" Aventus asks as he closely pays attention to me.

"First, you need to breathe." I tell him as I pull him over to help me with my carpentry.

"But if I breathe, won't I get caught quicker?" Aventus asks in confusion.

"Only if you breathe like a troll," I joke as I get him to start cutting a piece of wood that will be a table leg while he laughs at my joke.

"What you need to practice is light and shallow breaths. Bring the air in as your chest slowly expands, then slowly let it out. Be very measured and try not to make any noise as the air leaves you." I tell him as I begin demonstrating how to breathe without making a sound.

"I think I understand?" Aventus says, doing his best to replicate what I did and not actually doing half bad.

"Good job, son. The next thing to consider is foot placement. When you tried sneaking up on me earlier, your feet kept brushing against leaves and twigs. You have to always be wary of what might alert your prey, loose floorboards, foliage, and even traps set by wary marks are things you must be prepared to deal with at a moment's notice. I'll teach you more when you master those two things. Until then, just keep practicing what I've taught you and attend your other lessons." I instruct him as we continue working at the table, hammering some pieces into place.

"I promise next time you won't see me coming at all, Papa!" Aventus promises as he confidently thumps his chest.

"Good… Because next time…" I say ominously.

"Next time, what?" Aventus asks hesitantly.

"Hehehe…" I laugh creepily, making him grow even more nervous as I draw closer.

"W-what?!" Aventus stammers out as he tries to back away.

"The tickle monster will get you!" I shout, chasing him around the workstation.

"No! The beast has returned!" Aventus shouts, running around with me for a few minutes before he dashes off to gain reinforcements from the kids doing their morning class.

After rounding up his allies, Aventus leads a daring hunt in which he draws and quarters the dreaded tickle monster with the other children's aid.

As I lay on the ground, defeated. Lucia actually deals the fatal blow with her wooden sword before resting her foot on my chest and being cheered on by her comrades as the camp laughs and cheers the children's victory.


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