
We are back ( Short part )

They returned back to SGN . They were all surprised when they saw the date . Only 1 month had passed in the SGN .

They reached the palace and they saw Master Zoh was waiting for them .

He said to them ," Welcome back."

Tuk : Its been a long time Master .

Master zoh : It was longer for you .You have seen so much but look at the wonderfulness of Nature you have not aged .

Jis : Where is Mr Cardcrow and Lutan ?

Master Zoh : Don't worry about them .

Mith : Worry ?

Master Zoh : Forget about it . I know you have just come but i have to ask you to pay a visit to your home right now.

Master Zoh : Its an order and tradition.You have to rest . The time outside SGN is also slower than outside . So only a year have passed for them .

Rest and after some time leave for your home ..I am leaving .I have some meeting.

Mith : But .

Master Zoh vanished suddenly .

Jis : Mith isn't this strange ?

Tuk : Forget about it . I wanna go home .

Jis : Me too .

Akhand appears suddenly

Akhand : Well you are leaving for home huh good ?

Jis : Master Akhand , is everything all right ?

Akhand : Its complicated uh you see but don't worry . Make plans for your home visit now .

Akhand smiles and disappears suddenly .

At evening two guards came and took them to Horse cart .

The guards said ," It will take it to your destination."

They all sat there excitedly and with a flash they found themselves at the border of Kgp.

Mith feels somethibg weird and checks his bag in a hurry.

There was a bundle of money with a note on it which read ," From Zoh."

Tuk jumps in joy ," Oy oy oye ."

Mith closes his mouth and says ," Shut up . "

Jis : It was so quick . Souldn't we have informed our parents .

Mith : A Surprise would be better .

Mith : It was so weird what happened with is but i dont wanna complain afterall if we got invloved our holiday might be at risk .

Jis : Yeah .

Tuk : Yeah now lets go home .

Jis : Unlike last time i am feeling my powers this time .

Mith : Yeah same .

Tuk : Yeah and iam feeling really excited .

Lets go home quickly .

Mith : Yeah sure .

They all laugh .

Back in SGN :

Master Zoh contacts Hafung ( The other master in volume 1 with Master Zoh with whom Master Zoh watches them) .

Zoh : Hafung , there is a problem . Someone is trying to affect us . Someone tried to kill me and i believe it is someone within our zone and he may also be under a curse's influence i felt .

I was busy thinking about a problem so i couldn't catch it ..Call a meeting again in your area .

Hafung : It is really a serious matter ..Don't worry i will call.the meeting .

A huge fireball destroys an area and the masked man appears .

Creatures of darkness quickly start spreading.

The masked man looks with a serious face and says ," Let us all go back to our origins ."

Rainfall starts .

In an unknown place near a king's palace some guards find a card . One guard took it up and saw a scorpion drawn in it .

He started trembling in fear.The other guard asked," what happend ?" with a concern. Suddenly thunders started appearing and within a few seconds all the guards died .

A group of people appeared there .

One of them pointed his sword at the palace and suddenly the palace broke down and they all vanished leaving a card with a scorpion face on it .

Lutan from an unkown plave watches the sun rising in the sky with no emotions in his face .

- To be continued

(End of Vol 2 )

Training in forest arc ends

New Volume will start soon .

Chapitre suivant