
First Day At School

"Guys what was that?!"

"Did I just die?"

"Am I alive ? "

"Are you real ?"

"I heard bones popping ?"

"Me too, I felt my skin flesh caking ?"

The students who passed the tests all lamented their experiences in a huge white hall that had no windows but only two doors at opposite ends.

At least they could lament while currently been a student of the school. The unlucky ones would still be haunt from the experience while been sent home, such was their luck. Like they always say, 'its better to cry in a lamborghini than under the sun after breakfast has been served'.


Mr Teddy materialised before them which made the closest student to him to drop on his ass.

He stared fearfully at him and quietly muttered

"I'm sorry"

With a warm smile, Mr Teddy offered him his hand for a get up. He smiled and stretched forth his hand, only to grasp air. With an evil smirk, Mr Teddy ignored him and stared at the students In front of him.

"Shit, he did him dirty" Someone whispered amongst the crowd as a quiet laughter went down. No one dared to raise their voice higher than the way nobles laugh at the Kings joke for fear of having a rerun of their previous experience.

"You all ought to be a total of hundred and forty eight, but there are a hundred and fifty of you, that means two imposters" He said.

Immediately there were hushed tones amongst the students as they asked all looked at each other and began to ask themselves who were the unlucky ones.

"Check If the cripple is there", someone said.

"Yeah, he's definitely one of the imposters" another concurred.

Almost instantly everyone heads turned around as they all tried to find where Hunter was.

'Ahh shit, here we go again' Hunter thought as they all began to look at him. Even those close to him stared the hardest.

The smile on Mr Teddy face only grew wider as his brows twitched in slight annoyance.

"I guess we all need a repeat."

That was all he needed to say for everyone to comport and behave accordingly as they all focused their attention on him, albeit a little unwillingly.

"Enough time has been wasted. Fifty of you shall move towards one end of the door and the other fifty to the other end. The remaining fifty should stay here. Your home room teacher awaits you, don't keep them waiting".

Upon saying that, there was an holographic numbering on everyone palms, as they all heeded his instructions.

Outside both doors, the students met their home room teacher who guided them to their classrooms.

There were four classes; A, B, C and D. Fifty students in each of them, with the exception of D.

Hunter was in class D and Hayden, in class B.

Though they all passed the test and were better qualified than others, apart from the two lucky ones, everyone knew that the upper your class letter, the better you are in terms of skills and talent. Being in D was the lowest for the first years and this was the same thing for their seniors.

As expected, a two year of study and one year of serving the crown.


"Everyone settle down"

In front of the class stood a tall pink haired busty woman with big glasses on and her hair tie, forming two buns. Her shirt strained to contain her treasures, the buttons begging for some minutes of relief, with long beautiful legs below the knee length skirt and immaculate red painted toes peeking out from the front of her five inches ankle strap heels.

Almost immediately, the class became quiet, not because of her instruction as her tiny soft voice was barely heard, but because the guys were drooling at the sight before them, and the girls were throwing all sort of looks at the male erratic behaviour. Though some couldn't help getting jealous of her physique.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Im pleased to meet you all" she said happily, throwing her hands in the air and slightly jumped which caused some unrest of her twins.

With a pleasant smile and bright eyes, she continued.

"You can call me Cathy, Miss Cathy".

"And you what's your name ?" She asked with a bubbling smile.

The boy infront of Hunter quickly stood up, face front and with an arm crossed over his chest like he was about to give a patrol report to his superior, he instantly began to speak.

"Ma'am, they call me John. But you can call me whatever you want, and also...."

Quickly she interrupted him with a soft voice

"Sorry not you John, the guy with the special seat at the back".

This time her full set of white teeth showed clearly and John couldn't help blushing and shouting a " Yes your highness" as he sat down. He wasn't alone, their numbers were steadily increasing.

'Special seat? no shit, she's talking about me'.

'It's seems there aren't much disabled folks in this world that I happen to always pique everyone's curiosity' He though to himself as he looked Miss Cathy in the face.

She was closer to him now, almost at his seat, as she began walking down after she corrected John.

"Can I have a seat here sweetie" she asked him in a cute manner as this caused more uproar within the boys and futher irritation between the girls

"Why the cripple?"

"For God sake he can't feel his legs , it would all be a waste!"

Some boys voiced out that their distressed opinions, as Miss Cathy attempted to do what she requested for.

"uh..oh..um..on..my.my lap ?" Hunter asked stuttering.

She giggled as she covered her mouth partly and fluttered her eyebrows at him.

"No silly, beside you"

This time around, the boys couldn't hold it but scream out loud as some of the girls had the continuous look of disgust and irritation on their faces, especially those that saw their boyfriends either joining the mob or trying to show solidarity with their boys. But no matter what they had in mind, they dared not say it. Because even if there teacher looked and behaved like a pretty tease, she was their teacher for a reason, in this world were only power and influence was respected. It would be too early and certainly disastrous to get in her bad book if they were found wanting.


Hunter said with a slight disappointment on his face. Quickly he masked it with a look of being unbothered, but this didn't go unnoticed by Cathy. Quickly she sat beside him in an empty desk that ought to be his, but since he wasn't using the chair, why not .

"So class, you already know my name, let's start with yours, the first lad at the front, go first".

She said briskly with a professional tone. Quite a number were surprised and seeing that she wasn't smiling but all serious now, they knew that it was time for business.

On and on, the students kept standing up, saying their names, nick names, profession class and their elemental powers. For those that had two or more, they choose to either say it, kept it to themselves or teased their classmates with hints and tips as food for thoughts.

It got to Hunter's turn and he faked as if he wanted to get up by gripping the arm chair tightly and raising his upper torso up, but just for a few seconds.

None found it funny, except Miss Cathy who giggled a little before facing the faces of the students who were trying to catch the joke that they missed.

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