

Sam opened his eyes and his mind awakened the next moment. It was his first time experiencing sleep after the procedure and he could tell it was different, mainly because he felt refreshed with no signs of exhaustion on his body.

That said, when he tried to move he found himself unable to. Moving his head left and right he soon understood why; his body was pinned down by three sleeping beauties. Nine was on the left using his arm as a pillow, Five was doing the same on the right and Three had her head on his chest and her arms wrapped around him.

Though he let out a sigh, a smile had crept on Sam's face as he found the situation oddly satisfying despite the slight discomfort. He had spent the previous night making love to the three Valkyries experiencing pleasure beyond anything he had ever imagined. His new body allowed him to go on with no rest and the sensation was so addicting he kept seeking it like a crackhead looking for the next high.

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