

I sat upon my throne, the weight of my crown pressing down on my brow. The room was silent, not a whisper nor a shuffle of feet to be heard. I could feel the tension thick in the air, suffocating me as I stared at Azar.

Azar, with his piercing eyes and unreadable expression, stood before me. I searched his face for any sign of amusement, any hint that this was all some elaborate joke. But there was none. He gazed back at me with a solemnity that sent shivers down my spine.

I willed myself to speak, to demand an explanation for his intrusion, but my voice caught in my throat, stifled by the intensity of his stare. Finally, I managed to force out a question, my voice barely above a whisper.

"How… how did you know that name?" I asked, my eyes locked with his.

Azar simply shrugged in response, a nonchalant expression on his face. "I told you, she spoke to me." He replied cryptically.

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