

" You dare point your weapon at me boy?!" Apocalypse shouted.

" You dare call me boy?!" Poseidon shouted back; he wasn't about to let some dictator speak down to him.

Poseidon and Apocalypse got close and started barking in each other's face's mindless insults.

Captain Britain inserted herself between the two men and tried shoving them both back only to move neither of them.

" What are you doing?" Poseidon asked the woman. He watched as she continued trying to push him back. After a few seconds he grabbed her wrist and shoved it down. " Knock it off, woman."

" No, you two knock it off! We aren't here to fight each other." She spat. She looked to Apocalypse and glared at him.

Apocalypse grunted and then walked away like nothing had happened.

" Listen, I am sorry for his behavior. He's still getting used to working as a team with us. My name is Captain Britain, and this is my team, Excalibur." Britain explained.

" Well, Captain. My name is Sir Vali, head Knight Of The Round Table! What are you all doing here?" Poseidon asked.

" It's a lot to explain. But the short story is, we are chasing an artifact from a different time period." Britain spoke.

Poseidon sighed and rubbed his face.

" Of course, you are. Would this artifact have anything to do with our current situation?" Poseidon asked.

" Yes, it does. A man by the name Doctor Doom, used his mystical powers to steal a part of the starlight, the source of power that drives the captain Britain corps a special..." Britain was speaking.

" Group of Britain's from across different realities, united to protect and serve otherworld. I know. Merlyn has been working on that plan of his for a long time. I'm assuming you guys are from the future." Poseidon explained.

" Yeah, totally. We came here to get Betsy's Sword back." Jubilee spoke.

" And who are all of you?" Poseidon asked.

" You already know me homme. The name's Remy Lebeau, I go by Gambit." Gambit explained.

" Captain Britain, but my friends call me Betsy or Betsy Braddock, any of those work." Britain explained.

" Jubilation Lee. But you can just call me Jubilee." Jubilee spoke.

" The names Rogue, Sugah. Don' forget it now." The last woman of the group stated.

" And you apparently already know me." Apocalypse spoke. He seemed to have an intense hatred for Poseidon already.

" Yeah!!! How is it you know who Apocalypse is?" Jubilee asked.

" I have lived for a very long-time girl. Far longer than most of you realize. In that time, I have traveled to many corners of this planet. And I have heard many stories and seen many images. It would be impossible for me to not have heard of Apocalypse. The bastard that ended the last age. The monster that plagued Egypt. The ruler who dominated the planet long before I was born. Oh yes, i know very well who you are Apocalypse. And I don't like you." Poseidon explained.

" I don't like you either you human loving, mutant traitor." Apocalypse spoke.

' You got a problem with humans, Apocalypse?" Poseidon asked.

" Yeah, they are the scum of the earth. Mutants are the natural born rulers of this planet. They don't deserve to inhabit the same place as us." Apocalypse spoke. " You might not see it now. But one day you will."

" I'll try to remember that. Now, I don't know what you are planning to do. But I need to go and help the rest of the knights. We are spread out thin as it is. And waiting around won't do anything but ensure our demise. You said you were here to help. Then help me save my Knights." Poseidon spoke.

" We came to stop Morgan, not save your human knights." Apocalypse spoke.

" Morgan's castle is surrounded by hordes of undead, demons, Templars, and other magical creatures such as dragons. Getting to her will be next to impossible without the full force of our army. But we had to split up to try and save the cities of Britania. Without the combined forces of the knights, we won't stand a chance." Poseidon explained.

" Why not? I mean, you just cleared out an entire town of them yourself. Can't you just do it?" Jubilee asked.

" No, I can't. I mean at full power, yes. But the thing is... Morgan is a smart woman, she's cunning and crafty, and dangerous. She's seen my powers in use before. And has already created a countermeasure to prevent me from confronting her alone." Poseidon explained.

" How? How would she know dat?" Gambit asked.

Poseidon tensed up and sighed.

" Just... Just trust me when I say I know that woman better than any man alive ever has or ever will. I know how she thinks, when it comes to war anyway." Poseidon explained.

" Ah gotcha." Rogue spoke. The others seemed to have picked up on what Poseidon was putting down.

" To the southwest is Gawain, he was sent to take back the farmland that had been corrupted. To the North is Lancelot, he was sent to hold back Morgan's forces from further invading. He had Pelleas and Bedwyr with him so they should be fine. To the far west of here is Tristan, he's keeping the enemies at sea from the port. And finally, to the east is Kay, he was sent to push back the forces from the west and prevent them from blocking us in. So, as you can see, we're pretty thin on our forces." Poseidon explained.

" Can you guarantee, they'll be useful?" Apocalypse asked.

" Well, you wanted to help stop Morgan. This is it. You don't want to help get lost. And figure out how to get into her castle alone. You may be able to throw away the lives of your soldiers. But I will never discard my men. So, whether you help or not doesn't matter. Because I'm going to." Poseidon exclaimed.

" All right men! Gear up! We're moving to the sea first; we're going to bring our boys back home alive!" Poseidon shouted.


Excalibur watched as Poseidon and the Knights Templars, marched off towards the sea of London.

" We really gon let good me die, Braddock?" Gambit asked.

" No, we're not. I only hope Morgan doesn't complete whatever plan she's concocted before we get to her." Betsy spoke.

" You can't think like that, Betsy. Come on, we're totally gonna kick her ass. Let's go save the day Excalibur!" Jubilee exclaimed.

" Are we really going to forget the mission to save humans?" Apocalypse asked.

" Yeah, we are. Get used ta it, apocalypse. This how we X-men do things." Rogue told the man.

" We aren't X-Men." Apocalypse replied.

Jubilee, Gambit, Rogue, and Betsy all looked at the man and grinned.

" Yes, we are." They all spoke.

" I've always wanted to say this. To Me My X-Men!" Betsy Exclaimed.

She and the rest of Excalibur, including apocalypse although reluctantly, all joined the knights on their march to the sea.

Chapitre suivant