
The Piercer of Heaven! The Birth Of The Ultimate Weapon!


The sound of metal bashing in metal rang out through all of the underworld as the legendary Cyclops forged my new Trident. Deep within their cage, I can feel the heat of their forge, which burns with the wrath of an entire universe. The weight of their hammers heavier than stars. I could see the lightning emanating off of each strike, and the thunderclaps that followed only sought to deafen my ears. I know this weapon will be unlike anything the Cyclops have ever forged. A true masterpiece.

" Take the eye of the storm! The wrath of the thunder! Take them both brothers and merge them into the tips of the trident!" Brontes ordered. He held the molted metals together with his mighty hands, all of them together.

Arges added in the waters of the world and the eye of the storms.

" And for a little extra power, the fang of the heavens and the essence of a water god." I watched as Steropes added in the essence that Brontes had taken from me and a thundercloud with a black fang on it.

" Yes, brothers. Feel it. Feel the power flowing through it!" Brontes shouted loudly. His voice was filled with pride and anger. Anger over the gods that betrayed them. But pride within the masterpiece in his hands.

" No, brother. Something is wrong. The metals are not receiving each other. They are rejecting themselves." Arges exclaimed.

Brontes looked down at the three metals. Instead of blending together it was almost as if each strike from the hammers forced them apart.

" They need something to help bond them. Bring that to me." Brontes shouted to Steropes.

Steropes quickly descended into his cage and fetched a glowing piece of metal and chucked it into the forge.

" By the power of the three elder cyclops. We forge this Trident with the power to tear the oceans, pierce the heavens, slay the stars and drown the abyss!" Brontes waved his hands and suddenly a bright glow and magical glow filled the room.

The heat from the forge grew even hotter, I knew something magical was about to happen.

I watched as the heavens themselves suddenly tore open the skies and struck down into the forge, bolts of lightning and waves of water rushed into it.

The three Cyclops all came together and laughed at the phenomena in front of them.

Then as if it were alive the Trident rose from the fires of the forge. Emerging from the ashes and fires of a burned galaxy, that's right entire galaxies were reduced to ashes to fuel this forge.

The Trident was beautiful. It was a beautiful aqua blue with a shellfish wrapped around the end of it. The Trident had two gold rings just before the blade. And the hilt was like that of a fish's scales, blue and yellow in design. The three long blades at the end were jagged and silver. Saying it is beautiful is an understatement.

I stuck my hand out and called for the blade, not vocally, but mentally. Willing it to my hands. The blade turned to water and appeared in front of me. The second I touched the blade; I felt a rush of power shoot through my entire body. I felt completely different than I had before. Like I was a new person all together.

A wall of water covered my body and my clothing vanished. And in their place was a new wardrobe.

Starting from the bottom. I had been given green boots with golden knee pads. My pants were replaced with some kind of scales, blue scales to be specific, that extended all the way up my body and covered everything but my torso. It felt like I was wrapped in the ocean itself. On my biceps were two golden arm bands. And on my hands were two kelp-colored gloves that let my fingers breathe. They were soft on the inside but rough to the touch on the outside.

I had a new necklace that was made out of some kind of metal.

All of it was brought together by a white and golden waistcoat with golden circular patterns, one which split in two at the front with a single cloth going down like a loincloth. And in the center of it was another figure piece like that of my Trident with three blue jewels on the front of it.

" Look upon it brothers. Our masterpiece. Completed. A suit of armor fit for a god along with the ultimate Trident. A weapon worthy of the man to give us our vengeance." Brontes exclaimed.

Steropes, Arges and Brontes all roared together in victory.

" We couldn't mix the three metals you wished for us to use alone. So, we had to add a fourth/ A magical ore to help bond them all together smoothly." Arges spoke.

" What do you mean?" I asked.

" That there weapon is made of the Adamantium, the Vibranium, and the metal of the titans, Celestial bronze. A metal much, much stronger than adamantine. The Greek gods use the adamantine, while the titans like Kronos and Ouranos used this, celestial bronze. We were saving it in case we ever managed to escape this hell hole. But since you needed it to kill Poseidon, we figured we'd let you put it to good use." Brontes explained.

I didn't like the idea of using adamantine, the metal of the gods like Poseidon. I wanted this weapon to be entirely human made. But I guess, now isn't the time to be choosey. No, this weapon is perfect.

" And this suit?" I asked.

" The same as the weapon. Each was made using your essence. Which means they took the form of whatever your true self was. That of the god of the seas. The armor is made of the same materials of the weapon. The only thing that does not make up the entirety of your suit is the adamantium. We could not make it flexible enough to work as armor, so instead we fashioned your greaves, knee pads, and part of your gloves with them. See the back part of your gloves are made of adamantium. That part of the glove does not bend, it doesn't need too. So, in case you need to block an attack your gloves will be perfect. And your suit, the rest of it, is made to absorb kinetic energy. Honestly, you were smart to give us such metals for use. You now have a weapon that cannot be shattered and a suit of armor that cannot be destroyed." Arges explained to me.

" Now, raise your spear to heavens, give it a name and let all of creation know who you are!" Brontes roared.

I raised the trident to the sky and began thinking of a name.

[ Insert Music. Bury the light, Devil may cry.]

I began thinking about everything that has happened since I was kid, all the battles I fought, all the pain, all the suffering, all the happiness and joy, every moment I spent training with Artemis, and Leonidas. Fighting on the ocean, tearing through hordes of enemies. Fighting with Stelios and Dinokeles. Every moment I spent with my wife, Hippolyta, her beautiful voice, her soft yet strong and reassuring hands, her calm eyes. Jason and his strong heart, he made me a proud father. But both of them, two of the most important people in my life are gone. Taken from me by my own family. And lastly, the last thing I saw, was my daughter, Diana. Her soft hair, her small hands, her beautiful blue eyes, just like her mothers, her beautiful smile and her laughter. All of it was then taken up in black smoke. Taken once again by my own family.

My eyes snapped open.


The power of my quakes rushed into my Trident, followed by the roaring power of water, circling the white bubble, and surprisingly, that which followed was a torrent of black lightning.


I slammed my Trident on the ground and large blast of lightning, water, and destruction shot out from the tips of it into the black skies of Tartarus and shook everything within.

" And my name is.... POSEIDON!"


Suddenly all of the Titans within Tartarus began chanting in an uproar.

" GOD OF GODS! GOD OF GODS! GOD OF GODS!" They recognized my power and what it means for those that locked them away. By the time I was finished the seas of Olympus would be dyed red with the blood of the gods.

" Congratulations, Nephew. You've managed to achieve quite the power. It feels like I'm looking at Poseidon when he was younger." Hades spoke as he marched into the room.

" That doesn't make me feel any pride." I told the man.

" It should. Your power rivals that of Poseidon's. You've reached a level not many in this universe ever will. But now that you have it... Where will you go?" Hades asked.

" First... I will go to Atlantis. Triton needs to pay, and I want my daughter back. If he still has her then I will find her there. Then I'm going to Olympus for Poseidon." I told the man.

" Well then..." hades extended his hand and a portal opened. " I've already let Hercules out. Now, I am returning you. Safe travels Poseidon. May you find what you are looking for." Hades spoke.

I nodded and walked through the portal.

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