
Bye Bye, Logic

This chapter is dedicated to @tsdtwlk. Thank you for all your support towards MRH (MOANSTERS || Reverse Harem) so far, it is so appreciated.



The ground moved beneath my feet, I felt myself falling back but a hand pulled me upright and I staggered into a firm embrace, before I was let go once again.

"Get rid of that thing, it almost swayed my landing." A farmilar voice snapped in a whisper.

But my head felt fogged with dizziness and it wasn't until I blinked a couple of times before my sight cleared up.

Wait, why was the sky dark?

I thought it was morning already.

The clink of something against the floor drew my attention, the yellow radiance from the streetlight some distance away allowing me to catch a dim glimpse of what it was.

A bullet.

My gaze moved up quickly to the chest I was faced against, there was a hole in it, just around the upper part, but the skin beneath was plain without as much as a scratch.

And it hit hit me.

I had shot the incubus in fright, but he had healed.

It struck me like lightening that I had been defenseless against him right from the start.

What? So I could just just shot him and he would heal... in like seconds?!

I mean it was a good thing that he healed, considering the fact that he hadn't tried to commit suicide but transport us to wherever this was. If the gunshot had really affected him, I would have ended up at the bottom of the cliff, my head split to my pieces and my body bent in a way I wouldn't like, or maybe just end up in someone's cage again as some disposable good.

So far so good, being right next to this stranger was my best shot at staying alive but the fact that my gun was useless against him made me restless.

It was unlike me to not, at least, have sowmthing defense worthy.

He pushed ahead, his chest pressing against my face, ringing the doorbell behind me, while he muttered a warning.

"Keep that close, this place is dangerous."

Great. No, just fúcking amazing!

I felt like a sheep in a lion's den.

Was that---

"Rowan!" Someone called from the door and my hand moved against the gun quickly, but the stranger's hand came upon my own, stopping me before I had the chance to do anything.

I turned swiftly to see who it was, but I was quickly pushed to a side as the woman jumped into the stranger's opened arms.

Wait? Was that his name? Rowan?

"My love!" She cried.

What the hell!

He was in a relationship?!

How dare he have sex with me in my dream, why not just go to her dream. Even with how attractive he was, I wasn't going to give him a pass on that one. Wasn't that not like cheating? But if the sex was like food, would it even be considered in the context of a relationship?

This world was fúcked up. I just wanted to get out of here and go back to where I came from, where it all made sense.

"Come inside. Quick!" She pulled away from him, holding his hands and leading him in. "They are looking everywhere for you."


The werewolves?

Before I had time to process her last words, Rowan's hand came upon mine in a firm grip and he pulled me in through the door and into the dark room, shutting the door firmly behind me.

I blinked, relaying on my other senses to figure out where I was and although I knew that the gun wasn't as good of a defense weapon as I would like, I hung on to it for dear life. It was the only thing I had after all.

The lights came on, almost blinding.

Orange and dim.

The room had only one thing and that was a bed in the center of it. The blue thick curtains at one side was pulled down, the purple walls also looked pretty bare.

Even the Unit didn't feel this lifeless.

"Rowan." The woman said again, walking towards him with quick strides, pulling his face in-between her palms, while her gaze bored into his. "I thought you left me, after last time..." her voice trailed off and I noted the accent, it was almost like Rowan's, even thicker. How had I not noticed it the first time?

"I thought they caught you, I thought you would never come back."

The words tumbled right out of her mouth, her hand falling from his face and moving around his chest quickly, her eyes and hands searching to see if he was okay.


Another display that I was very much uninterested in, yet had no choice but to witness.

Why was I suffering so much?

All I did was go back and get a damn bracelet, I didn't deserved this! None of this!

"Safiyah." He called out, his voice filled with lust.

I folded my arms across me, gritting my teeth at the feeling that spread slowly in my veins.

Was he doing it again? If he was, would I even know. Would I even be able to think enough to know that he was?

I pushed my hands through my cornrows, holding unto my bun, my eyes roaming the room, ensuring not to settle on them.

The walls, yeah right, those plain looking purple painted walls. If I just tilted my head towards this direction, they had the potential of looking more interesting, perha---

"Shhhhh." Her voice broke into my mind. Could she just shut up. "You don't have to say a word."

My gaze tore from the walls to the people some distance in front of me. She pulled his hand leading him to the bed and that was when I got a full image of her.

A paragon of beauty, she was. Her skin was dark and she seemed to glow under the orange dim light of the room. She was scantily dressed with a transparent black silk covering only her full breasts and her round butt.

As much as my mind was occupied with other things, I couldn't help but admit that she was endowed with it all. This place must surely have impeccable beauties roaming their land.

If only I could stay a little bit longer and explore before I was returned, but I knew that was stupid and I trashed that train of thoughts.

Her hair was black and instead of flowing down, it moved upwards, waving slightly like it was in the water, swaying in the air with each movement she made. Her eyes were green and like those of a serpent, her body filled with tattos that were artistically drawn and one of them was...

Wait, Rowan?

Wow. This love was tough.

"You are hungry, I know. Come to me," she slowly settled on the bed, kneeling while she pulled his face closer to hers for a kiss. "Let me feed you," she said, licking his ear. "I was born to feed you."

I blinked from the horror of what I was witnessing right now.

Wait, were they about to have sex in front of me?

Reading erotica from Ru's novel was proper and the most normal thing, but having it done in front of me was soemthing I wasn't ready for yet.

Who was I kidding, he did say he would take me back but first he had to feed?

Of course, they would go down on each other.

Suddenly something felt off about my environment and I couldn't help but ask myself if this was even real?

What if I was stuck in a dream again? Maybe not even my own this time but one of theirs.

I felt the intensity of a gaze over me, as if possessed, I found myself staring back into Rowan's black eyes, then I transfixed into a moment, one thought suddenly took over my mind.

If I didn't have him tonight, I would die.

So, there are three possible options.

1. Rowan is in a relationship.

2. This could be a minor misunderstanding,

3. There might be more to this than meet the eyes.

What is your take on this?

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Spice_Addictcreators' thoughts
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