

Hits and blows were rampant inside Jacob's home. Indigo, on the other hand, who thought he had successfully escaped from the party was brought to book by Abe; a werewolf. "Thought I wouldn't see you again." He said, ready to pounce on Indigo. "Wait! I have an innocent girl with me. She's human." Indigo pleaded, on behalf of Sandra's life.

"See that car over there, that's Jesse's. Now, I want you to put her there and meet me here so we can battle it out." Abe ordered Indigo. Sandra wasn't aware of her environment, so she asked Indigo where they were. "Don't worry Sandy, in no time we'd be home." He assured her. Then he turned to Abe and said, "I'm not giving her to that bastard Jesse!"

"Watch your mouth vamp! Remember, just one bite and you're adíos!" Abe reminded Indigo. "I'm not afraid of any of you," Indigo said confidently. "Alright tough guy, place her anywhere you wanna place her. But it's me and you, tonight!" Abe said. Indigo gently placed her on the floor and with his vampiric speed, he twisted Abe's neck and hurriedly carried Sandra home.

Meanwhile, Jesse was still looking for Matthew. He called Abe but he wasn't picking up his calls. So he decided to meet him where he asked him to stay and to his surprise, he met him on the floor, unconscious. "Fuck!!! Where the fuck is Collins when you need him." He was about to leave Jacob's vicinity when he heard several shots and an anguishing scream coming from Jacob's living room.

He quickly ran to examine what was going on. To his surprise, he met Elliott shaking, "What did I do?" Elliott said to Jesse terrified. Most of his friends were badly injured, and he was filled with blood stains. Jesse couldn't understand why Elliott was shaking until he saw Jacob on the floor, laying on his face. Jesse could see that the way Jacob laid was almost lifeless.

So Jesse slowly walked towards Jacob's body, he crouched and then turned him over. He was dead! He was stabbed severally and when Jesse saw a knife's head sticking out from Jacob's heart area, he asked Elliot what knife he used before he pulls it out.

Trembling Elliott, who could barely talk managed to say, "Silver?" Jesse immediately lowered his head in disappointment. He then quickly stood up and gave Elliott a quick punch in the face. "You better fix this mess before the cops get here."

"How'd you know they're coming?" Elliott asked Jesse terrified. It was his super hearing ability that made Jesse know that the cops were on their way, so he said, "It doesn't matter how I know, but you better leave this vicinity before they get here." Jesse warned him before he left. He carried Jacob's body and went over to carry Abe's unconscious body and loaded them in his trunk.


After Indigo had placed Sandra on her bed, he wanted to leave the way he came in, that is, through her window. "No, In don't go," Sandra said in her rough midnight voice. Indigo was furious at Sandra, but he knew what she must have gone through so he decided to listen to her. "Hey, I'm here. What happened?" Indigo said to her as he caressed her hair.

"Will you stay with me till I fall asleep?" Sandra asked him politely. And how could he refuse, he stood by her until she fell asleep. He kissed her on her forehead and said to her, "By tomorrow, you'll feel alright." Then he left through her window.


Jesse arrived at his home, disoriented as ever. He couldn't tell left from right. He had a lot on his plate. He hit his car horn several times to show frustration. It attracted his elder brother; Vy, "Hey! Hey!Hey! What the fuck is wrong with you? It's the middle of the fucking night."

Jesse didn't care less. He continued hitting his car horn until his brother aggressively stopped him. He dragged Jesse out of his car and said to him, "If you're not gonna stop transferring your anger all on that poor wheel, then I guess you have to pour it out on me!" He braced himself up for the hits and blows his junior brother was going to lay on him.

He screamed before throwing several punches at his brother. As he received and dodged punches coming from his junior brother, he said to him, "Exactly Jesse! Keep 'em coming! Keep 'em coming!" Vy didn't plan on retaliating until Jesse hit him hard on his tummy which prompted him to throw one and his junior brother. Jesse fell to the floor and he started laughing.

Vy joined him as well. They both laughed out their sorrows. "Now, tell me what happened," Vy said. "Are you sure you wanna know?" Jesse asked his brother. He became sceptical after a while, then he said he was sure. Then Jesse helped his brother up and took him to his car. He opened the trunk and Vy was left agape. "One's a dead body and the other's unconscious." Jesse said as he looked his brother in the eye, wearing a 'we're fucked' face.

"Jesse, this is serious. What happened?" His brother asked concerned. "You should see Jacob's house. It's a fucking slaughterhouse." Jesse said as he went inside to get kerosene and a lighter to burn Jacob's body. "Get the raft on your way out!" Vy said to Jesse.

Shortly, Abe was awake. Vy told him that Jesse would explain what happened later. He told him that right now, they needed to burn a body. "What body?" Abe asked as he stretched. He looked beside him and he saw Jacob's dead body. "What the fuck?!"

Meanwhile, Jesse had already set up everything. He signalled to his brother that he was ready to burn the body. Vy carried Jacob's body over his shoulders, while Abe tagged along. They performed their usual ritual and they placed his body on the raft. They poured kerosene all over it and they pushed it into the water. It was quite a melancholic moment for the three. Before the raft was out of sight, Jesse threw the lighter on it and it set ablaze. They watched the body of Jacob Kings burn. Until he was no more.

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