
Just a little bit more

[U.A. High School, Musutafu, Japan]

"It was three days ago that the U.A. Academy Sports Festival ended with a heavy toll, indeed, what began as one of the most anticipated events of the year ended in death and destruction.

We estimate the death toll to be between forty and forty-five thousand, this number includes many heroes, Endeavor, Mirko, Snipe, Midnight, Death Arms, Gunhead, Rock Lock and many more died fighting one of the world's most wanted criminals.

Once again, the Black Wizard Yusuke Izuna managed to defeat the heroes, who were once again powerless against him.

After the many dead heroes, the violence in the cities has already started to increase and the heroes seem to have difficulty in containing the situation, many wonders what the symbol of peace is doing.

Have the heroes become insufficient and..."

With a movement of his hand, Nezu turned off the TV, a dark look on his face like all the U.A. staff present in the meeting room.

Each one of them was touched by this attack, by their powerlessness in front of Izuna, the fact of seeing their colleagues and friends dying under their eyes without being able to prevent it, without counting the deaths, many wounded are to be deplored, without speaking about the morale which is at the lowest.

The silence in the room is finally broken by Nezu's throat clearing as he sets his gaze on Aizawa and Kan. "How did the internship selection go for your two classes?"

Aizawa lets out a sigh as he remembers the atmosphere of the class that day while he speaks in a calm voice, "There was no problem with the selection, the real problem..." The sentence hangs in the air for a few seconds before being finished by Vlad King. "The problem is more the morale of the kids, although the ones in my class seem to be rather demoralized..." The sentence hangs again to be finished once more by someone else.

"Aizawa's class has faced death twice now and the first time, they saw it very closely." All Might's voice echoes as the faces of the many heroes darken again.

Nezu is the first to break the silence, while those eyes are still on Aizawa. "How are they?."

A sigh escapes the hero's lips as he speaks in a heavy voice. "Even though they're trying to play it brave, I can see the fear in their eyes." He says before smiling wryly. "But I'm glad to see the determination in their eyes, too."

As the teachers regain a slightly good mood, Aizawa's smile disappears as he begins to speak again in a slightly worried voice. "However, I am afraid about three students.

Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo, and Izuku Midoriya have lost a family member because of Izuna, and it's having a different effect on each of them.

I'm less worried about Bakugo, his father's murder seems to motivate him more to become a hero to stop the villains, on the other hand for the other two."

He pauses for a moment to take a breath before looking the skinny version of All Might in the eye." Izuku seems to have less and less confidence in himself, for that, I'll leave it to you All Might." He said, getting a serious nod from the peace symbol.

"As for Todoroki, I feel like those eyes are getting colder and colder, I hope I'm wrong, but I think he's slowly moving away from the heroic path to a darker path."

Even if he doesn't say it, everyone knows what Aizawa is talking about.

Nezu sighs before looking out the window to see the city, joy passes through those eyes as he recalls a happy memory before immeasurable sadness replaces the joy.

'If only I could go back." He thinks ruefully.


[Izuna's main base, unknown, unknown]


You're probably wondering why I'm doing all this, right?

Well, as surprising as it may be, I don't slaughter the equivalent of villages of human beings for fun, well yes a little bit, but the fun is not the primary goal, no what I am most interested in is their souls and as you can guess, the soul is a pretty essential part of living, so when I take the souls of my victims, well they... well, they die.

The next question you are asking yourself right now is, "what are all these souls for? "That is an excellent question Billy, my answer is, you'll see later, now shut up, as I was saying, for my goal to be achieved, I need a lot of souls and when I say a lot, I'm talking about millions of souls, but unfortunately, because of pride due to acquiring my magic and my quirk, I thought I was invincible, and I was killing indiscriminately and without any plan, believing that nothing could get to me, which got me a huge target on my back.

Fortunately, reality caught up with me before I was captured and sent to Tartarus, but unfortunately, my notoriety greatly hinders my plans, luckily my illusion magic can hide me when I go out, anyway, once I realized that I was just another little turd in this world, I decided to improve myself and devise a plan.

The first step of the plan was to become stronger by mastering my magic and after a few tries, I discovered that my magic came from the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, so I learned how to use each branch of magic from Skyrim.

Destruction, Restoration, Conjuration, Illusion, Alteration, as well as enchantment and alchemy, even though I have an excellent level in each of them, the lack of time and power doesn't allow me to use them in deep ways like using death energy itself through conjuration or then using my life energy through restoration magic, but it's only a matter of time before I can do it, but I digress from the important subject.

The plan.

As I said, I need souls, but as a result of my less-than-stellar start, I have unwanted attention on my back and sooner or later that attention will end up hurting me, something I can't afford, especially this close to my goal, so I decided to clean house.

My participation in the U.S.J. attack was mainly to see if the canon would stay the same with my intervention, after all, hard to continue something when a comrade gets killed because of it, but it seems that kids are more persistent than I thought.

Then comes the march of the hundred demons, I am aware that the name makes a little chunni, but what do you want, I could not help myself, anyway, as you guessed, this little carnage allowed me to do three things, to lower the number of heroes and therefore problems for the future, to collect souls in large quantities obviously and especially, to test the power of my magical nomu to know if they are powerful enough for the next phase of the plan.

"What's the next phase of the plan?" You might ask, well, I'm getting to that, stop interrupting me, Billy, as I was saying, the Hundred Demons March was a great success, but that success has spawned a goddamn witch hunt, my spies in the various government organizations are positive, Japan wants me dead, and it seems that the United States wants to help them stop me, probably anxious that I could land on the doorstep of the White House to commit a massacre, a little birdie even told me that Mrs. Bate seems to be more and more eager to come to the land of the rising sun.

All this to say that I have to divert the attention of all these people and for that I need only one thing, to transmit a message, you see, in addition to the mass killings that I carry out, I am also a crime lord, of course, needless to say, that each of my employees has received a touch of mental alteration to keep them loyal, nobody likes a snitch, right.

Anyway, some members of my organization serve as spies, easy to spy when you don't know you are a spy.

These spies are placed in various places, the government, some heroes agencies, some members of the Heroes Public Safety Commission, some members of the staff of the Tartarus prison, even a student and a teacher of UA, but especially three organizations very important for my plan.

Meta Liberation Army, Shie Hassaikai, and finally Humarise.

After receiving confirmation that the forest training camp will take place and that Dabi and company will attack the camp to kidnap the child of my sperm garbage can, I told my spy in the yakuza to leak some information that my spies implanted in the Meta Liberation Army and in Humarise will manage to "recover".

What information? You will tell me, well it's very simple, simply the little project of Kai Chisaki involving a little girl named Eri and there, normally, you understand what I want to do, triggered a fucking war.

For these two organizations, a Quirk-Destroying Drug would be a holy fucking grail and when the spies of both organizations manage to "learn" that the other organization also knows about Eri, they will not be able to stand idly by and the yakuza will be caught in the crossfire, all on a battlefield that I have rigged with various enchantments.

Of course, I haven't forgotten the heroes who might come and spoil the party, unfortunately for them, they will have to stop a massive escape attempt from the Tartarus prison, causing another war, also on a battlefield trapped by my enchantments.

And while these two battles are going on, the Heroes Public Safety Commission and U.A. will be defenseless and while my nomu are exterminating the Commission, I will go to U.A. with some nomu to do a little carnage.

I just have to wait for the fight between All Might and All for One to break out, which will allow me to kill Shigaraki and his buddies, as well as the opportunity to kill the symbol of peace and the symbol of evil.

'The last straight line is coming and everything must be perfect, I must not rush, on the contrary, I must redouble my caution, I have come too far to fail now.'

A little bit more and an important step to realizing my dream will be done.

'Just a little more, I'm almost there.'

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