
The Newspaper

Babi woke up in her own apartment. She sat up and grabbed her head since a heavy headache was blasting her brain out. 

"Ugh, did I just have a horrible nightmare?" Babi whispered while forcing her body to stand up. She felt her joints and muscles on her body were in pain and screamed the need for rest, but she thought it was because she overslept. 

Babi took a step, but she immediately faced the floor with a loud stud. 

"F^ck! What's happening to me?" Babi muttered as she tried to stand but realized she had no energy. 

In the end, Babi decided to crawl up to her bed. That was when she saw herself in the mirror placed before her. 

Babi saw how thin and malnourished she was. The beauty she cared the most vanished in her face, and that made her scream in shock. 

"AHHHHH!!!! IT'S REAL!" Babi was horrified by her appearance, and that was enough to know her 'nightmare' was her reality. 

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