
The Cute Snow

Vicenzo immediately grabbed Felissa's waist and pulled her backwards to keep her safe. He used his body as a barrier if something happened.

Felissa gripped Vicenzo's shirt tightly while peeking to the side to see what it was.

"Lady Felissa, please stand back. I need to fight," Vicenzo whispered and shrugged his shoulder, indicating for her to let him go.

Felissa let go of his shirt and stepped back. She felt chills on her back when the bush in front of them rustled.

They were tensed and prepared themselves for what was about to come. Vicenzo aimed his sword in that direction and was ready to kill whatever creature it was.

"It's coming!" Felissa exclaimed when the rustle got louder. 

Vicenzo raised his sword, and the creature finally exited the bush.

It was a puppy.

"Ah!" Vicenzo was able to stop wielding his sword when he saw the harmless animal.

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