
The Blood Boils

Rosina looked up and glanced at Trice, who was smirking at her.

Trice thought Rosina would disagree with getting the crown base on what she had said earlier. She was confident she could take the title away from Rosina and make it hers.

"Yes, I will accept the responsibility," Rosina replied and lowered her head.

Rocco sighed in relief and immediately put the crown into Rosina's head before someone would stop the coronation again.

"What!? Why did you accept the title!? You said you want your husband to be loyal, and he's not! This baby is the proof of his infidelity!!!" Trice shouted in shock. Her voice was so loud that it echoed inside, causing the sensitive werewolf ears to ache.

Rosina smiled before standing up and facing the crowd with confidence seeping out of her pores to show she wasn't affected by the events. 

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