
The Saving of Getting Laid

Rosina stopped running when the sound of screaming was more evident. She hid behind the tree and crawled on the ground to blend in. It was getting darker as well, closing to nighttime.

Rosina looked up at the orange sky before sniffing the air to know how many werewolves were in there f^cking, Donata.

'There are ten male wolves,' Rosina thought before stopping in her tracks when they saw their figure.

The men had their pants down and f@pping themselves in front of Donata while she was getting f^cked by one of them.

"You should be grateful since everyone was staying in hunger while you get to eat," the one that was f^cking Donata stated with a huge grin. He grabbed her neck and pressed gently as he pushed deep inside her.

"Please stop-" Donata pleaded, but it was unheard. Her words made the men even more lustful since they wanted to dominate her.

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