
Chapter 47- I’m here with you, always.

=Yep, still 1st PoV till this "Depression Arc" Ends, which is this chapter.=

You should just leave me, like the others!..."

I felt like complete and utter garbage, shit, anything that serves no purpose as I heard my own words echo throughout the small room.

It felt like I shot a bullet that ricochet back straight to my heart as my face turned ashen.

I felt the tension in the room rising, her looks now adopt a frosty tune, both literally and figuratively.

I saw snowflakes scatter near her, to and fro as her hair casts shadows upon her face. I can't see what expression she had, yet I knew I had royally fucked her mood.

We stayed quite for a bit as bits of snow covered the marbled floor, I don't think I'll last much lost as frostbite gathered near my neck, courtesy of her sword.


"Ah…fuck," I screamed!

Don't punch me when your sword is breathing on my neck! Please! I don't need to experience physical pain on top of my already fucked mind! "Why'd you do that!" I said, a bit angry.

"HUH?! YOU SAY THAT NOW?! NOW?!" She shouted. Her free hand starts balling up into a fist as she punched me in the face once more, even without her sword, I still could not dodge that.


"Ugh…" I let out a muffled groan as my body crashed against the wall, it felt cold, like her gaze as she stared straight into my soul.


"I just don't want you to be disappointed," I said,

"Dis…disappointed? FOR WHAT?" She asked, "For not meeting your standards…" I answered

She reached me and punched my shoulder. I heard if a girl does that to you, she's flirting, guess that only applies to a light punch. It hurt like hell.

"That's for ignoring me for a month for no good reason." She said, her tone raised. She readied another punch and served it to my other shoulder. "That's for making me worry, looking all depressed and shit!"

Both my shoulder, now numb, as my back went further in to the walls. I saw her still glaring at me, I don't know what to do, I've never stayed for this long after disappointing someone…

I think she's going for a third one…I braced for impact as she made a movement, I closed my eyes, ready to feel pain, and yet, after a while, it did not come.

Rather, I felt something else.

"And this is for everything else…" Her now soft words traveled to my ears as I felt her soft body pressing against mine…

'Wha…?' My mind went blank for a moment there, no, It still felt blank even now. What…what just happened.

"I don't know what you've been through or who've hurt you, but trust me, please." I heard her whisper slowly. Her hands now cupping both my cheeks as her eyes gazed softly into mine, "Trust me that I'm not like them."

I felt her hand tightening around my back as she pulled me further into her bosom,

I don't know where I got the guts, yet I wrapped my hands around her small back, returning her…hug, something I never knew I longed for.

I heard her soft and slow whispers of "It's going to be okay," and "I'm here for you," as she caressed my bruised back.

Every time her gentle words left her mouth, I tightened my hand around her waist. I don't know how long we've stayed this way now, yet I felt no urge to let go for even just a moment.

I soon realized how wet my cheeks felt as my tears stained her embroidered robes. I felt those embroideries with my hands as I regret ever putting mine away. I never felt like I deserved to use it, to receive her gift.

I felt like a fool. No.

I really was a fool.

She was different.

She is and will always be different. At least I hope so.

I enjoyed every moment I spend with her. I stopped when I felt we got too close, and started being afraid of silly things she never cared for.

But I don't care anymore. I don't care anymore about what I did, or what I felt in the past.

All I long for now is to spend more time with her.

I just want to enjoy those moments more, not afraid of thinking I was hurting her with every little thing I do.

Not afraid of being disappointed after every little thing I said.

Not afraid of her leaving me abruptly

I'm not afraid anymore.

"Calm now?" I heard her whisper, "Mnn," I let out, nodding my head weakly as they brushed against her soft bosom.

I think her face is now adorned with a soft smile, but I don't bother to confirm as I like my current position. I love the warmth I finally get to experience.

For once, she didn't push me away. Instead, she brought me closer…

"Thank you," I whispered softly, my words almost fully damped by her cloth, but she seemed to hear my voice as her hand started to caress my messy hair. "It's okay." She said.

And she's right.

My grip loosened around her waist as I let go. I have never felt my mind so clear and free before. All I could think of are things we could do, I could say, She could ask, and more. Everything felt nice and calm.

No more fear of getting shamed, no more fear of her leaving, no more fear of getting cast aside.

My eyes started to close down as the last bit of tears trickled down my cheek, colliding with her robes.

In her embrace, my consciousness slowly starts to fade away, leading me to an ever-peaceful rest I had always longed for.

Everything finally felt okay.

(A/N: I've been rerolling ToF like crazy for 2 days...ended up with an acc with 2 daggers...kek)

There’s a reason I made long ren so pathetic here. It’s because I want it to be this easy. For someone to just carry me all the way to confidence, to carry me out of that shithole. I just don’t want to try and then magically be a better me. I realized halfway through writing this “Depression Arc” I wanted to write a different kind of wish-fulfillment story. I want someone to hand me that pill, or be that pill to make myself a better person on a silver platter.

GuessMyNamecreators' thoughts
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