
New relationships (2)

The next day, Alessandra and Edgar arrived at the palace a couple of hours after breakfast. Once again, Alessandra was in awe of the beauty of the palace. 

"It would be so fun to sit around painting everything my eyes land on. It's just as beautiful in the daytime as it is at night," Alessandra commented.

"It might look beautiful but it's full of many horrible people and secrets. A couple more visits here and you will never wish to be in the palace. Make sure you never leave the queen's side and be wary of anyone she tells you to avoid. Caleb," Edgar looked at the large man he made come along to protect Alessandra. 

The palace guards' priority was the queen's safety and he did not trust them to keep Alessandra safe. 

"Never leave her side. I don't care who tries to order you away from Alessandra's side, you must not move," Edgar gave an order.

"Yes, duke."

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