
300: A Plague of Phantoms: Incomplete Angels VI


"Destroy the excess." Ifrit said with the same devilish grin that Chase would have when he was up to no good.

"What do ya mean excess?" Seamus asked.

Ifrit flew out to the center of the stairwell and clapped two of his hand together above his stomach and his other two in front of his face. He pulled his hands apart slowly, two spell sigils apiece were created between it's four hands. Offensive, defensive, enchantment, and utility spell sigils. The four sigils floated above its head and circled each other before combining into one larger golden spell sigil.

"Cleave, compress, divide and recede. Bend the horizon, sever the feed!" Ifrit chanted.

A black film spread across the walls and stairs, outlining them in contrasting black and white lines starting from the floor beneath ours and stretching downward. I watched as Ifrit's four hands pressed closed, like bringing his hands together for prayer. They were met with some resistance from an invisible force. His palms touched with a thundering clap that reverberated throughout the staircase.

A flash of black blinded me for a brief second, in that second I felt my stomach drop as if I had dropped down dozens of floors in an instant. When my vision returned I had to blink several times to make sure I was seeing what I was.

The endless staircase was gone, below us was the bottom floor of the staircase. Ifrit chuckled then dropped the one floor down to the bottom. I looked over at Seamus, the older man chuckled and shook his head.

"That impatience is wholly Starlight." He said.

"Hey! Hurry down before the stairs start growing again!" Ifrit called up to us from the bottom floor.

"Let go!" Reagan said then started down the stairs with urgency. Everyone followed after him and met up with Ifrit. The towering fusion looked down at us then pointed towards the only door onto the floor.

"Here's hoping this will head to the way out." Ifrit said.

Reagan and Anders walked over to the door, both pointing their guns at the doorway. Gargesh and Sylvester Arsaine stood a bit behind them with myself and Seamus taking up the rear. Ifrit stood behind us several steps back. The heat radiating off him was sweltering, even with the spell I had cast to deal with the heat from his earlier attack.

Reagan pressed the button to open the door and it slid down partway before getting stuck. It closed then tried to open itself a couple more times before it got stuck in the half open position permanently. Seamus and I shared a suspicious glance while Reagan crept closer and pointed the muzzle of his gun over the top of the door. He peeked over then waved Anders over. The other solider walked over to the door and peeked as well the two men shared a look then jumped back and shook their heads.

"Nope! Nope! Nope!" Reagan exclaimed in rapid succession. Anders shook his head and made a Norse praying gesture with his left hand.

"Lotta dead bodies! This is screaming St. Louis all over again!" Anders exclaimed. Reagan frowned and punched Anders shoulder, lightly.

"You weren't even at St. Louis, so don't even!" He said sternly.

"What do you mean bodies?" I asked. Reagan motioned to the door.

"Take a look." He replied.

I frowned then stepped around the others and approached the door, when I peeked over I understood what they meant. There were bodies; dozens of them; littering the hallway. The disturbing part was that most of them weren't torn to shreds. They were lying on the floor like they were unconscious, just waiting to be woken up. The bodies of the ancients were strewn across the hallway, down the full length of it.

"Those…are indeed bodies." I said after taking a step back.

"I have a really bad feeling about this hallway." Reagan reiterated.

"I understand that…" I said then took a few steps back and looked back up the staircase. It had grown in the few moments that we'd spoken and gained three new floors at least from what I could tell. "…however we might not have a choice but to go down it."

"I'll go first." Ifrit said then stepped around everyone and grabbed the door with all four hands and effortlessly shoved it down into its slots. The large fusion then knelt down a little and walked into the hallway.

"Nobody going to stop him?" Anders asked. Sylvester Arsaine shot him a 'are you serious look?'.

"You're free to try if you want to." Sylvester Arsaine said. Anders frowned then turned towards the hallway and watched Ifrit.

Ifrit's body had been giving off a lot of heat the moment it walked into the hallway. So much so that I could see it radiating off his body in waves. He had to step over several bodies to keep from stepping on them. The bodies he did step over however smoked a little bit, at least on their clothes and that was just with close proximity.

Ifrit was about halfway down the hall before anyone started to follow after him. As I passed by the first of the corpses I couldn't help but notice the ones that were uninjured at first glance actually wasn't uninjured. They had deep puncture wounds on various parts of their bodies, like clawed hands had grabbed them and held them down.

'Nephilguize…they snatched them and drained their mana whole slaughtering anyone else in the way.' I thought.

Our splinter group was about halfway down the hallway when I heard a loud explosion down then end of the hallway. Ifrit's bulking frame was illuminated by blue flames. I frowned and whole Reagan, Anders, and Seamus all raised their guns and aimed them down the hallway. A second later Ifrit roared and a wave of flames spewed from his hands and down the hallway towards the end.

"FUCKING PARASITES! FUCK THESE THINGS!" Ifrit roared. He started charging and burst through the wall at the end of the hall. The moment he did, a wave of Nephilguize came pouring out of the hole and from around the corner of the hall as well.

"Seriously!" Anders and Reagan yelled then started firing their guns down the hallway at the evos.

The sheer number of Nephilguize made their covering fire worthless since as soon as one dropped three more took their place. I started casting a defensive spell sigil when I saw a flash of light at the end lf the hall through the hole Ifrit created then created a wall of light between us and the Nephilguize. It took Reagan and Anders a few moment to realize they has to stop shooting, which resulted in several bullets ricocheting down the hallway behind us.

The starving monsters crashed against the wall like a tsunami, banging against it with fist and claws. Trampling over each other as they desperately tried to break down my shield. I was then glad I threw up the shield even more when a wave of magma surged down the hallway and crashed into my shield. Incinerating the evos but not all at once like it was when Chase used his mana channeling. It was a slow burning, more akin to drowning in liquid fire. Leaving nothing but the molten magma on the other side of my shield.

"DAMN!" Reagan exclaimed as he looked up at the swirling magma on the other side.

"Good call on that shield Laddy!" Seamus said then clapped me on the back.

"Unfortunately, I'm starting to get familiar with Chase and his retinue's tactics…." I said with a sigh. "…mow them down swiftly and effectively. Chase knew that I am decent at defensive spells so it was possible that I could protect everyone…honestly that boy."

"He gets that brashness from his Gran." Seamus said with a chuckle then scratched his chin. "Not ta say that I weren't a little hellion when I were his age."

The magma suddenly stiffen and hardened. Cooling into volcanic rock before shattering into ash. The ash suddenly was sucked away from the shield and into the hole at the back of the hallway. I deactivated my spell and the wall cracked then shattered into light flurries.

"Let's hurry, I have a feeling that it's safer were Ifrit is." Sylvester Arsaine said then rushed down the hall towards the hole in the wall. Everyone rushed after him towards the end of the hallway.

When we reached the hole I saw Ifrit standing in the middle of a large and spacious room filled with crystal encased consoles and pedestals. Large screens displaying ancient writing that stretched entire walls. It reminded me a lot of the ancient space station. Unfortunately several pedestals were damaged thanks to that magma wave.

"Out of me way!" Seamus exclaimed as he shoved his way past everyone and rushed over to the closest pedestal and started looking it over. Anders and Reagan shared a look while they approached Seamus' back. Sylvester Arsaine walked around the room looking at the damaged consoles and pedestals with Gargesh close behind. I joined the others at the pedestals that Seamus was looking over then looked over at Ifrit.

The fusion was looking up at the large crystal screens. He was reading the ancient runic language flashing across the screens silently, his expression troubled.

"Gramps…" Ifrit called out to Seamus. The older man looked up from the control panel with a frown.

"Yes, Iffi?" Seamus answered.

"Look at the screens!" Ifrit said sternly. Seamus looked up at the screens, his eyes darting rapidly as he read then froze. I shared a look with Reagan then turned to Seamus.

"What's wrong Seamus?" I asked.

"This isn't the only lab that past Star farm crystal bearer owned. She own'd a lot of 'em!" Seamus exclaimed then looked back at everyone. "This facility goin' outta whack has made the others start ta do the same!"

"That's bad?" Reagan asked.

"Very bad…" I spoke up, slowly understanding why Seamus and Ifrit looked so worried. "…if all the other ancient splicer labs are expanding like this one then that means they probably are connected to the same space. So a bunch of labs expanding indefinitely means…"

"There is a possibility that the lab we are in could collide with another lab...right…" Sylvester Arsaine spoke up, cutting me off.

"Exactly." Seamus and I said in unison. Reagan ran a hand down his face then looked at Anders.

"You know…a court martial and death by firing squad doesn't sound so bad now."

CHAPTER 300!!!!!!! YES! FINALLY MADE IT! HUTEXA_THE_DJINN HERE! And now I finally feel like a serious webnovel author...that isn't contracted...or very good at keeping schedules but I try to make up for it with a good engaging story! Chapter 1 of a two chapter relaease today. Next one will be later in the afternoon.

Hutexa_The_Djinncreators' thoughts
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