
Chapter 26

Chapter 26

"Fuck you, Kim!" Jamie is expecting him to curse and it almost made him laugh when he said it like that. Jamie has no issues with slip of tongue. Maybe Gino is affected because it was Dragon and Kim he was disrespecting but Jamie has no issues with that! Hell, he will curse every single Kim but Jamie will ignore him. 

"If you're in a hurry I am too," Jamie said unaffected. 

"Look Kid, This is not a school, and your playground if you're here for fun then-." 

"Sir Jack," Jamie mumbled in a very cold voice. 

"Dragon pride is selling quality weapons that cost a fortune and loyalty with our partners. I am not here to be mocked but to make business with you and you already know the rules. I saw your signature on the contract with the backer organization on your back. We don't waste time with nonsense. If you leave then leave but make sure to handle the consequences because you aren't going to break a rule and fuck up Dragon without having deep scratches that stay in a lifetime." Jamie is now staring at him while Jack is still in his stubborn act, at the end, he came back with his lackey. Jamie is reading him and his fucker had a lot on his sleeves. 

"If you're ready and done with your dramatic tantrums then let's proceed to the business, Sir Jack," Jamie says uninterested in Jack's laughing form. 

"That's so epic Kim! Oh my god. This kid is so funny!" Jack is twisted indeed Jamie thought. 

"Of course, I knew the contract Kid. I signed that fucking paper after all." Jack grinned but Jamie ignored his teasing. 

"30 pieces plus 10 boxes of farewell gifts. No discount because you pissed me off tonight. Another 20% increase because I think you deserve much." Jamie smiles but they only see his eyes turned crescents. Jamie is still wearing his black mask. 

"You're a tough kid but 20% is no." Jack's funny face turned serious, this time his eyes did not glint. 

"Then the contract is off. You're the one who breaches Kim." He said smugly again but Jamie just chuckles. 

"Alright. I'll pay you 100$ dollars and an apology letter. I hope you find another set of weapons with quality tonight or maybe tomorrow or your body will swim at the depths of the sea." Jamie says, sounding bored and only staring at Jack who was pissed off for real this time. 

"Make it 15%," Jack says in a stern voice not joking with Jamie. 

"20 or Nah. That's my deal." Jamie meets his gaze, not dropping or giving him a frightened boy. Jamie is ruthless in business and he learned the hard way. 

"Fuck. Fine! My client tonight is from Russia. You son of a bitch. They already paid the half and if I showed up empty handed they would take my head and maybe drown my body in the sea." Jack said defeatedly still in awe at Jamie's handling of the deal. 

"Congratulations Sir Jack! You just paid for the newest weapons Dragon has yet to release. I'll give you a personal gift too for a farewell partnership. It's nice finally going out of business with you." Jamie is clapping his hands while Gino only sighs and gives him another quality and a good model of a gun. 

Jack's eyes widened in surprise. He checks the gun and sees it meticulously making sure that Jamie is not pulling a prank on him. He smiled widely and appeared satisfied. 

"You're a good kid. I like you." Jack says after a while but Jamie only rolled his eyes. They signed papers and Jack also went to see the new guns he just purchased. He came off in awe in saying goodbye to them and also offered to renew the contract. Gino raises his brow at Jack but the man only laughs out loud like the freak person he was. 

"Hey, let's have a meeting again kid," Jack said, still amazed at how Jamie handled dealing with his advantage. 

"I'm not sure, I'm just an errand boy," Jamie says in a boring tune. 

"You beat me up to my game kid! What the fuck do you mean with errand boy?" Jack is persistent and Jamie just let out an exasperated exhale. 

"Brother is not here obviously. I read your records and just managed to see in a coincidence that you have a deal today based on schedules. I realize you won't fuck it up and used it so you will buy our newest weapons and yeah! Since you're a VIP, I let you taste the first release because I know how sulky and crazy you are while reading your records. If I didn't show this to you, I know you will think dumbly and accuse us of disrespecting or whatever, or maybe think it was our plan because the contract is already ended. So for everyone to be happy I plan it for both sides' benefits." Jamie explained and yawned. He got tired and sleepy now. 

"Nice working with you Jamie-san," Jack said with a genuine grin that Jamie didn't like. 

"Same sir, Jack." They separate while Jamie is almost passed out when they reach the hotel. 

"Goodnight." Jamie is quick to walk into his room and take a bath before going to sleep. He has a weird dream that makes him wake up at seven in the morning. He still feels sleepy and after a while, he goes back to sleep. 

Jamie finally had enough of his sleeping. He is still not satisfied but he has no choice. He wakes up distraught and again, Gino knocks on his door to fetch him for brunch. 

The same restaurant that they ate at before. This time, there are also mixed guests while Kun is busy eating. The guards are not present today too but Jamie can see some of them hovering and acting as guests too. Their eyes trained at Kun. It's not easy to distinguish them. 

 "I heard you did a good job last night," Kun said in a neutral tone, he smirked but did not reach his eyes. 

"I just happened to have good memories." Jamie gulps the juice that blocked his airways, he was thankful he didn't choke. 

"Jack likes you and has been wanting to renew a contract." Jamie rolled his eyes but Kun still looked at him in awe. 

"Jack is famous for being crazy and no one really handles his stubbornness. He even told me how you threatened him that he would lose his client if you didn't sell him the weapons. You also manage to deal with our new release guns. It was officially off the market and Jack has been happy that he got one. We also profited and he even mocked how you sell them expensively without them the usual discount. He seems happy with it so it has no problem. But..." Kun's voice turned stern while having a conversation with Jamie. 

"Don't ever do that again. You're lucky Jack is crazy but many of our partners didn't tolerate disrespect." Kun's eyes were full of authority but Jamie was too focused on his word which upset his stomach yet again. 

"What do you mean brother? There will be no next time after this." Jamie says with the same amount of pitch in his speech. 

End of chapter 26.

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