
His Little Girl

Dance music filled the hall, the couples getting fuller. Dave stepped angrily, ignoring Alan who asked him where he was going.

Lisa was still about ten steps away from him, still chuckling with the brown haired man. Their distance was getting closer, the brown haired man saw Dave who was one meter behind Lisa.

Lisa turned around, finding Dave right behind her. Luckily she had put down her wine glass. Dave tugged at her waist, locking it against her body. Lisa looked up slightly, looking at Dave's face. Dave's ragged breath felt cold against the skin of her face. A gripping aura filled the air around Lisa, forcing her to remain silent, Lisa could hear Dave's faster heartbeat.

"I've made it clear Miss Redriguez, you are my fiancé and future wife!" Dave whispered in Lisa's ear, his voice deep, deep, serious. Lisa froze in place, Dave again attacked her weak point, Lisa started to worry about getting used to this habit.

Dave looked deeply at Lisa, making her gulp, nervous. There wasn't the usual seductive stare, it was a death stare, making Lisa's legs go limp.

"W-what do you want?" Lisa noticed her slightly stuttering voice, hesitant to ask.

"You! I want you. You just played with another man in front of my eyes, you should be punished Lisa!" Dave looked at Lisa gently, but his voice was sharp.

Lisa didn't reply, afraid to answer wrongly, Dave would eat it on the spot.

Dave tugged at his waist, pulling his hands into the dance arena. Lisa had never danced before, she was getting nervous, stepping on Dave's feet every now and then. Dave taught him slowly, asking Lisa to just follow his lead. Dave was still holding Lisa's waist, not letting go for a second. Putting one arm of Lisa around his neck, and the other arm wrapped around Dave's waist. Their eyes met, as if they were talking to each other.

"After today, you won't be able to run from me anymore Lili!" Dave said quietly, smiling a little.

Lisa just smiled a little, not intending to respond. It was enough once she saw Dave who was so scary in front of her. She didn't want the wrong answer to kill her that day at Dave's hands.

"Answer me, Lily!" Dave whispered softly, tickling Lisa's ear with the corner of his lips. Lisa chuckled, amused. Dave hugged Lisa's waist gently, pressed his forehead to hers. Lisa could feel Dave's skin being slightly hot. Is he sick? Or drunk?

"You have a fever?" Lisa put her hand on Dave's neck, checking his other body temperature. Its hot. Dave cracked a mischievous smile, "Are you going to take care of me if I have a fever?" His voice was deep, slightly seductive.

"What's with that nickname?" Lisa's hand held Dave's face with one hand, hot.

"You don't like it? I like it." Dave tightened his arms around Lisa's waist, allowing Lisa to feel her warm body temperature. Lisa tried to push Dave's body, but of course Dave locked her tighter.

"You have to take medicine Da-" Cup ! Dave silenced Lisa with a peck on the lips, it was a powerful tactic.

"You are my medicine!" Dave kissed Lisa softly. Lisa didn't refuse it, it's useless, she won't be able to get away from Dave. The familiar strawberry scent returned. Dave kissed her softly, deeper. The hug on Lisa's waist tightened, her breath began to heat up, due to her rising body temperature. Lisa felt the skin on Dave's face that touched hers was getting hotter, feverish. Lisa tightened her grip on Dave's neck, without realizing it.

The dance music stops, pauses. Everyone stops dancing, spotlights on Dave and Lisa, taking center stage. They both didn't notice, Lisa didn't even notice, she just kissed back Dave. Dave's shiny black shoes and Lisa's white sneakers touched.

Dave was starting to notice, there was no dance music sound. They broke the kiss, looked around. All eyes are now on them. Lisa looked down awkwardly at that. Jessy and the Wilsons looked at them in surprise, except for Jane, her expression was very happy. Lisa buried her face in Dave's chest, hiding there. Cameras flashed at them, taking pictures and videos.

Dave held Lisa's hand, resting his chin on Lisa's small bag. Dave's body temperature was rising, in stark contrast to his cold palms.

Lisa forcibly pulled Dave out of the wedding hall, leaving the frenzy behind. Lisa took Dave to the dressing room, told him to lie down on the couch. Dave complied, Lisa glared at him, shrouding him in his previously removed black coat. The staff that Lisa asked to get water and medicine for Dave hadn't come yet.

"Are you worried Lili?" Dave chuckled, teasing Lisa.

Lisa glared at him, "You almost made me look like a lover who can't take care of his partner!" Dave laughed again, happy to hear Lisa's answer

"So my girlfriend is actually a good girl, isn't she?" Dave teased Lisa again, his voice a little hoarse, the effect of a fever. Lisa looked away, not wanting Dave to notice her blushing face.

Someone opened the door, brought medicine and a glass of water. Lisa immediately took it, forcing Dave to drink it. Dave shook his head.

"I can't drink it while sleeping Lili, my head is dizzy!" Dave covered his face with his black coat. His hand grabbed one of Lisa's arms, holding her tightly. Lisa started to get angry, her skin in a few minutes seemed like it would burn if Dave's hot body continued to hug her like that. Lisa sighed, annoyed. This Dave loves toying with him, gee!

Lisa had seen a scene similar to the one she was playing in one of the dramas she watched. Lisa thought for a moment. That's not really the right way, Dave isn't his boyfriend. But let it be, just once, thought Lisa.

Lisa put the medicine in her hand into her mouth, removing the black coat covering Dave's face. Dave was a little surprised, Lisa tightened her grip on her hand tighter. The drug had passed from Lisa's mouth to Dave's mouth quickly, the mission was a success.

Lisa removed her lips from Dave's, making Dave swallow the medicine without drinking water. Dave didn't feel the bitter taste of the medicine, it was replaced by the cherry scent that filled his mouth. Lisa chuckled at Dave's shocked face.

"You forgot one procedure to take Lili's medicine!" Dave said quietly as he fully regained consciousness. Lisa glanced at him, "What's missing?" Lisa reached for the water in the glass, the bitter taste of the remaining medicine was only felt now. Drink up to half a glass of water.

"Water!" Dave grabbed Lisa's arm as soon as she put the glass back on the table. Lisa's body was on top of Dave, their lips almost touching. Lisa tried to hold herself up, supporting her with her hands. While his mouth was still full of water, puffed up, he hadn't had time to swallow when Dave pulled him away.

Dave grabbed the back of Lisa's head so she couldn't move. Dave lifted his head slightly, kissing Lisa softly. Lisa's eyes widened, trying to get up from her position, but Dave's hands held her tightly. Dave forced her to open her mouth, channeling the water.

Lisa gave up. Draining water little by little, some dripping out, falling over Dave's shirt. The kiss deepened, they both didn't realize how much their little hearts were pushing, but chose to interpret it from a different perspective. Dave broke the kiss, gently caressed Lisa's face, looked every inch of Lisa's face deep, gave her a final kiss on Lisa's small lips.

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