
True Love Doesn't Exist

Her feet were numb. She ran out of the castle when Thane yelled at him. They were talking about her powers when she asked about his reason for wanting to die. His mood suddenly changed, and then they started to fight.

"I told you not to ask me about it again! I reminded you many times I don't have any obligations to tell you! If you ask me one more time, I'll find that boyfriend of yours and kill him!"

Thane's voice was loud, and it echoed inside their bedroom. Elisia could see his gritted teeth and clenched fist; his face was fuming with anger. But she would not let him yell at her like that. She stood and got closer to him.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You keep telling me to return you to your grave and expect me not to ask questions. Are you absurd?"

Thane also stood up and then rushed to her. They were now facing each other.

"You are the one who's crazy! I'm dead, Elisia! I'm supposed to be rotting! I planned my death for years! But what did you do? Because of your selfishness, your obsession with that man, and your immature decision, I'm here and back in this misery!" Thane shouted while pointing his finger at her face.

Elisia frowned. He said misery. What did he mean by that? She thought inwardly.

"Do not point your fingers at me! I'm not obsessed with Adrian! I'm in love with him, and he loves me! Maybe the reason you wanted to die is that no one loves you! Oh! I get it now; you don't have a mate! You never felt the love of a woman, and you will never feel it because you're a hairy, arrogant jerk!"

Thane suddenly grabbed her arms, holding them tightly. She could feel the pain as his arms gradually tightened his grip. And as his nails slowly grew, their sharp end pierced her flesh.

"Let go of me!" She yelled, trying to shake off his hands.

"You have no right to talk back to me! I should have never met you if you didn't use your powers in the first place. What about you? You keep on blabbering about that man, but where is he? You're talking about love and destiny, but why is your heart beating so fast when I'm this close to you? You can't lie to me. And stop lying to yourself. Love? It doesn't exist. There's no such thing as true love. Do you think having a partner, a husband, a lover, or a mate is evidence that true love exists? You don't live in fairy tales, Elisia. That man? He's not with you because he doesn't know you in this timeline that you created."

The words Thane threw upon her were painful, like knives slowly stabbing her heart. Adrian didn't know her yet. He was alive; she's sure about that. But, when she resurrected him, the things she anticipated and expected didn't happen.

When Thane told her to get out of his sight, she ran as fast as she could. She was hurt physically and emotionally. His nails pierced into her flesh were less painful than his words. Tears started falling from her eyes. She didn't even know where her feet would take her.

She felt exhausted, so she sat on the bench beside the trees. She wasn't sure where she was, but she didn't care anymore. She wanted to be alone and thought that it was the best place to be.

There was no one else but her. She could only hear the sound of insects and could see the lights of the fireflies flying around the place. She wiped her tears but couldn't stop herself from crying. She remembered the day she rushed into Adrian's apartment.

She knocked on the door and was so excited to see Adrian alive. When he opened it, he was frowning and confused because she was crying in front of him.

"Yes? Can I help you?" Adrian asked.

Confusion and shock were all over her face. She couldn't understand why Adrian didn't know her. She cried and couldn't control herself, so she walked closer to him and wrapped her arms around his waist to embrace him.

"I'm so happy to see you again." She cried.

Instead of hugging her back, Adrian held her hands and pulled them away from him. Then he pushed her slightly, enough for her to fall on the floor.

"I'm sorry, but who the hell are you?" Adrian shouted at her.

"It's me, Adrian. Elisia, your wife." She answered while her tears kept falling from her eyes.

"What did you say your name was? And you're my what? My wife?" He laughed. "I'm sorry, miss. I don't know who you are. I'm not married to anyone yet, but I will be a husband soon, and my fiance's name is Alice, not Elisia. So please, can you leave now because she will be here in a minute?"

She tried to insist her existence in his life but a woman suddenly appeared behind her.

"Hey, love! Why are you standing by the door? Are you waiting for me?" The woman asked while she passed by her.

Adrian's face lit up, and Elisia saw that he was truly happy to see the woman. They kissed in front of her, making her pain grow. Then the woman noticed Elisia on the floor.

"Who is she? Your friend?" She asked Adrian.

Adrian shook his head, then looked at her with disgust.

"Just some crazy woman begging for money."

Elisia was shocked and unable to move as she looked at Adrian, turning his back on her.

She wiped her tears again and continued to cry. It was dark and cold, but she didn't want to return to the castle. She could still feel the sharp pain in her chest and felt like something was on her throat.

"Why would he have to make me remember that day? He was the one who yelled at me first. I just did the same. He didn't have to blame me over and over. I already know what I did to him." She said to herself.

She sighed continuously while watching the fireflies lit up in the cold night. She was still sitting on the bench, trying to calm herself when she suddenly heard a cracking noise coming from behind.

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