
New Home

The world was supposed to end that time when Mortha/Mark came to earth to help people be closer to God. He succeeded in marrying the love of his life Belle. When Belle bore a child and brought into the world, Unmei, Mark needed to pursue his mission in protecting everyone with his battalion of angels. Lucio was thrown out of heaven to dwell with humans because he felt proud that he is more cunning, beautiful and loved by God . God the Father heard and saw what Lucio did ganging up with his own group to rage war against Mark/Mortha and his battalion. God the Father didn't have a choice thus put an end to the devil's evil works and casted and threw him down to the pits of hell. It was unfortunate for Lucio was God the Father's favorite, yet, this angel whom later called Lucifer was able to infiltrate the land and humans, that he summoned his minions to raise havoc in the world.

Lucio was now called Lucifer and his plans in corrupting humans began after he was thrown into the pit of fire. The devil happened to escape hell and made his permanent home in the heart of Los Angeles. Mark and Belle left Japan with Unmei to migrate to America. Unmei grew up to be a good and beautiful girl. Little did Mark and Belle know, that, their daughter have super power abilities to lift and make objects move using her mind, or make her own fire and ice at the same time, which she hid from her love ones for she didn't want her parents to know all about it and make a big fuss about her magic, again. Her eyes would turns red when she emits fire and turns golden when she brings out the cold or icy blasts using her hands. The tip of her fingers glow and like the sun's rays beaming out magestically.

Instead, Mark and Belle decided to migrate to New Zealand. Auckland seems nice and Unmei or Destiny would need to adapt there. She uses Destiny as her English name and thought that maybe she can live a normal life wherever Auckland is. She is not that happy to move, again, for the nth time. Since her dad travels a lot and needs to do business trips, Destiny believes that living in New Zealand would make their family's life a 360 turn from okay to worse. But our young girl is optimistic in these things. Destiny knows that if her mom wants dad around he would always make it a point to e at home more often than usual. But all in all, my family is lovely. We aren't perfect but we try to be, or my parents try to make me happy and always safe.

I lived in Japan for almost 10 years and now that I'm a teenager, at 13, I know things can change from my old perspective to a new one, that things happen for a reason, and this time I don't really know the reason why we are moving here.

Angels are the only beings God created residing in heaven and protecting us humans on earth. There were no devils before because Lucifer is God's top angel who bears the light and truth of God. But after he fell down to hell and is now roaming making his power, deceit and lies known to the world, Lucio is invincible, using, manipulating and dominating souls, spirits and all kinds of evil to rule over each and every single person that God created. But since the angels fight and protect humans on earth. Devils don't have power over living beings but can tempt and make a person change their minds, hearts or actions. The angels are always on guard to warn, advice and protect us against devils and their snares. But what if angels and devils have a new enemy which people can't see and these spirits could only trace or know.

When Covid and the pandemic struck all through-out the world, angels and devils were wondering, though they are always at war fighting over a soul or a person about choosing between doing good or bad, Covid became the good and evil's fiercest opponent in this realm.

Please dad! I don't want to go to school. Can I stay here and just fix my stuff first? We just came in this town a couple of days ago. Can we just check it out? I want to see their restaurants or ice cream shops, or something?, Unmei/Destiny said disagreeing with her dad to go to school.

It's fine with me but not with your mom!, Mark replied smiling. Unmei! You need to check your schedule at school. I need to talk to your principal and since you're still under age, I am coming with you!, Belle said smiling too but Unmei doesn't like her mom when she's calling her Japanese name. Mom! Call me Destiny or Deny, so it sounds more American, the young girl cried frowning while taking out her clothed from the baggage and placing each on the available hangers at her mini closet near a big mirror beside a study table and stereo cassette recorder with laptop, television and DVD. Un….ah Deny I understand how you feel about school. But we need to enrol you right away. After that, then, we can go somewhere and check our new city out. Deal?, Bella added pulling out a hand in front of Deny and shook it when the girl agreed. She didn't have a choice anyway, besides her dad will come along and he is on vacation for three months. So, it's a good news and she could ask his help about her abilities which she had been keeping from her parents ever since she knew that she has them.

Mark needs to fix everything with his family and then he'll resume his duties for the Almighty, since it's summer and there have been issues roaming around that Lucio was busy terrorizing people in other European countries, the U.S. and some parts of Africa and its neighbouring nations. But the pandemic stayed spreading havoc, sickness and death to the world that it was difficult for nations to rise above the effects of it to their economy. Mark is preparing for his mission and their home has a basement that all his weapons and materials as an angel are kept and placed in a way that Deny won't know that he is a supernatural being. He decided to tell Deny about his true identity soon, when she has already accepted her powers to use these abilities to help the world with them.

Let's go! Deny!!!, Belle called out and Mark is on the driver's seat, on their way to Deny's school.

Clevedon, is a rural town in Auckland located in the Franklin Ward. Mark chose this pace so that less people would know about him. Besides, the country life is good for the body and soul. Though the town is beginning to open its doors to advance technology and social media, cowboys, livestock and pony rides are still best to try in the town. Polo matched are a regular thing here, so Deny would have a good feel and experience here, I'm sure of it!, Mark thought. The town only has 1,510 population that it's not hard to get by and befriend everyone. I hope that they would accept me and my family here, that's the only thing I pray for every day. Papakura HIghschool is a 12 minute ride from Clevedon to the said school. We will drive Deny there and find out about the school requirements. Belle already checked it online but she wanted to make sure that Deny met the requirements and if she passed the entrance examination.

Auckland is a vast city which I only dreamed of living when I was a kid in Japan. I always wanted to come here but it's just now when I got married that I had the chance to travel and I feel so blessed that iI got the chance to be with my family and live in the most green and one of the most beautiful countries in the world to be in, Belle thought while breathing the fresh air of Clevedon, down to Amore then Papakaru at Willis Road.

Only Got the Father knows the ends of times and news have spread that girls aging from nine to twelve years were being kidnapped or raped all through-out the world. Mark and his battalion have been very bury for the past week, since angels need to help the girls and or save them in time for being taken advantaged of or being sold to rich businessmen and women who cater to young girls or women for sex slavery or prostitution. Drugs, war, rape, prostitution and corruption spread like cancer that even the angels no longer know where to go or do first.

Mark stood his ground and ordered every angel to protect the girls and if they can make a miracle to save them, they need to. God's patience is long but the world is so filthy and malicious that He couldn't even see those souls who are living a good, righteous, honest and generous lives. Even if they aren't Christians or religious, there are people, families and individuals who care for others than themselves and serve the poor and weak because they pity them. Climate defenders and activists are also protected by the angels to continue their strife and fight for the good and the truth. Justice needs to prevail in the world and the world needs people who has vision, a mission and great ideas saving, uplifting, protecting and developing earth and its inhabitants to live for a longer time.

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