
The Mysterious Boss And A Fallen King [Edited]


It began to escape from Rex's now nonexistent physical body....

It started to fall into itself, changing and evolving...

It began to mirror Rex's beliefs and feelings...

And it began to leave out certain conditions... Because without a user, the Nen was freer than any human being...

The end result?

Well, it started to change qualitatively. The Nen shone brighter than the sun and was clearer than any mountain water.


But this Nen was also suddenly pulled to a cave in a speed faster than even light.

There it merged, and like a last piece of a puzzle, completed itself with the body that had been waiting for two and a half years to be used...

The body, which looked the same from the very beginning, began to deform explosively. The hair grew longer, the body bigger and the muscle fibers increased and strengthened. The entire neural system was reconstructed and also other things took the pleasure to strengthen and improve.

The end result was a body made for fighting and martial arts that looked very muscular, but also quite lean and slender.




But most importantly, it appears that due to an unknown variable, his brain underwent a significant change, which would lead to a noticeable shift in his behavior, cognition, and most importantly, his decision-making in the future. (<--- Very important, especially the unknown variable...)

Suddenly Rex opened his eyes, but he saw black. He got up again on the floor and tried to remember the last events.

"I... I died...", Suddenly he had felt a great urge to laugh full of joy, because during the time in the Heavens Arena he still had many doubts whether his soul would really end up in the ☆Spare Body☆, or would be lost forever. But he ignored this, knowing that what he did might be something special or fascinating in the human world, but compared to the Dark Continent where the Chimera ants dwelled, it was nothing.

'EN!', His aura spread in a flash to its maximum, its radius was about 30 meters, a bit larger than half of Kite's radius.

He observed the surroundings and his own body with his En. "Wow... This is great... If I were a girl, I would have fallen in love with this body immediately."

Then it struck him. Damn it, I forgot to bring clothes here... Whatever, I'll just steal some.'

He ran for a few steps.

But from his steps came not a single sound.

'So that's Silent Step, in the Arena I could only ever imitate it improperly... Wait a minute, I have to try something that I've been wanting to do in the arena all along'.

Then Rex went into a fighting stance in front of the cave wall and hit a simple jab.

His fist reached the cave wall with tremendous speed and created a huge crater in the aftermath.

Then Rex thought again. Two and a half years... with the multiplier of four... That makes a whole decade of fighting, combat experience, learning techniques as well as basically using them, muscle training and ren training that not only increased my aura reserves, but also had a positive effect on my muscles including bones, which made them quite strong.

Rex began to manipulate his aura and formed a rather small simple skull between both his fingers, which he held outstretched. Then he tried to add a spine to the skull, when that was done he added ribs, arms, legs, finally ending up with a skeleton that only very slightly looked bad in some places.

'This... Is fun... So is this a privilege that the talented had'?

Rex spent the rest of his time in the cave. In it, he finally put martial arts he had been trying to copy in the arena to proper use.

For several hours...

But once more, this too has come to an end.

"Ehm? Who are you?"

A voice sounded from the direction of the entrance. Rex's head began to turn in a blink and saw a girl. She had pink hair and wore a white mask that went very well with her white doctor's coat suit.



"Ehm? Who are-?"

"How long?", As Rex analyzed the atmosphere between the two, it was clear to him that the girl was not under the control of a manipulator or had evil intentions, he was concerned with how long she had seen him training naked.

She looked at him strangely. 'Is that really Rex? According to Neo, he is much smarter, stronger and more brilliant than even Neo... And Neo himself... is a monster! Is Boss really not mistaken about him? Am I in the right island?'

Thousands of thoughts dove into her, just waiting to be answered. "I just got here..."

"But don't be angry at the question I'm about to ask you, I really don't want to hurt you", The girl said so she could ease the situation a bit and not to cause a fight. "Are you Rex?"

All of a sudden a lot of malicious aura came out of Rex, Rex took a fighting stance, which at any time could rip the girl's head out, despite being more than 30 meters away.

When the girl saw that, she immediately panicked. "Ah, no! I'm sorry, my name is Sanbica! I really don't want anything bad from you. My boss just sent me to you here and said that you're a great candidate for the Hunter exam for the next year! Since I see you've already mastered Nen at a considerable level!"

"What does your boss hope I'll do if I'm a Hunter?", Asked Rex to Sanbica, to hopefully learn more from her boss.

"Ehm, unfortunately I'm not allowed to mention the name here, but Boss is a Hunter like me, but he's aiming for the three stars, and for that he has to take special people under his arm and let them grow strong. People who have enough potential to become known as a two star Hunter themselves."

Sanbica took a map from one of her coat pockets.

"I know you're very overdefensive, but this is not a bomb and I'm just going to put it on the ground here...

And before you ask me, these are the coordinations of the Hunter test. It's going to take place in about year. This is a one in a million opportunity. And if you don't want to be the boss's student, I've seen you practice your techniques here, my master is a strong Hunter! He knows more techniques than your boxing and karate!"

She looked at Rex again, he broke his fighting stance and wore a smile in his face. She turned around and quietly walked off. 'The situation has loosened up a bit. Now would be the best time to get away from this verminous pervert!'


Sanbica slowly and calmly turned around again, but inwardly hoped that Rex would leave her alone. "Yes?"

"Do you have any clothes?"

She took off her cloak and handed this over.

"Thank you," said Rex, who shook her hand.

But as she did so, Rex hid a very small aura piece at her back, it was so small, transparent like a ghost and almost nonexistence without any feelings attached to it, a novice Nen user could never have discovered or even felt it in life.

'Killing her now would not give me any information, and my aura was not rejected by her body, means she is most likely not under a manipulation Hatsu, she went to the lion's den of her own free will, respect.'

Like an assassin, Rex snuck past several white-clad guards who guarded the largest underground drug factory in all of NGL.

Each of them was armed to the teeth, but even so, the bullets could not have passed through Rex's body, which was encased in a strong layer of ten, on which IN was applied.

Step by step Rex came closer and closer to the still unofficial king of NGL.

And it was not long before he was standing in the sealed room, behind the king's chair.

Rex carefully took a newly purchased Ben's Knife that he had captured with the money from the Heavens Arena.


Quickly sliced his Ben's knife deep within the king's throat.

Loads of blood spurted from the opening.

"Ugh!", The king fell down, covering and pressing the wound spot with his hands, but the blood flowed and flowed.

The king rolled on the ground in pain, wanting to look the assassins in the eye. "Ghhh! Tahh! Wahhhh?"

The king wanted to scream at him and had so many questions in his head, but since his vocal cords were torn and he couldn't even breathe in anymore, all that came out was incomprehensible talk.

The facial expressions of terror, dread and rage were all mixed into one. Deep inside, the king felt that it cannot and must not end today!

But from his eyes came the last tears.

The fountain of blood also slowly began to stop, in the end it left a huge puddle of blood.

And it was not long before the king was finally dead.

When Rex shone a flashlight into the king's eyes again, he was eager to get out without any guards coming in now.

"I'm sorry Gyro, but you're just a variable I can't allow to live", Rex muttered to himself, trying not to feel too bad.

After that he looked again at his map, which indicated the cooridantion of the Hunter exam.

'One week...', Rex looked at the corpse of Gyro again. 'Money... That just a hundred million jenny was already enough to buy the top secret location of a king! I cannot make connections with people who would sell me without a second thought...'

'...I wonder if you are one of them too, boss?'

And with this thought Rex fled the underground factory, his next destination being the Kakin Kingdom, where the next Hunter exam was taking place!


Who is this boss, and how did he come to know Rex's location and name?

This and more will be revealed in the next episode of Dragon B-.

Haha, fun aside, here we saw that Rex, despite having a good moral compass, was still capable of killing a person. And that person was none other than Gyro!

I bet nobody expected this...

And in case you forgot, Rex is now blind, since he took the eyes of the ☆Spare Body☆...

And this Sanbica is not an OG character that I created.

Well, In this paragraph you can ask me questions if you have any, but I won't reveal who this boss is! Don't worry, it may look a bit fast paced, but it will all make sense later.

And since I'm a huge One Punch Man fan, I made Rex a bit like Garou.... Well with the martial arts and the physique...



Rex is now 12.5 years old and about as physically strong as a Chimera ant officer (two ranks below a Royal Guard). His Nen reserves are a bit below Kite's, but he has much better Nen control. His instincts and senses have also been enhanced greatly, but he didn't notice Sanbica because she used Zetsu herself, learned some cool techniques from her boss, she just got there, he's blind and that he didn't think there would be anyone else here on the island. (From here on it will only be harder and more exhausting to train his body and Nen, because he is already very close to his Nen limit, and his body limit is only a few years away)

And before I forget it... The multiplier is relative. Theoretically Rex could use a lot more of the Nen now, compared to the first ☆Spare Body☆, but then there wouldn't be, say, a 16 multiplier, probably more like a 3 to 5 multiplier.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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