
After the Fire

Inside the worn-down shed, Leon sat on the floor with his back leaning on the wall furthest away from the door. He was meditating as he waited for Ecuti to return. Breathing in and breathing out, his concentration was disturbed when a pain pinched him on his right upper arm. The sensation of the pain was more of a twitch, while also hot. He opened his eyes and looked toward it. Pulling his tunic's sleeve slowly, sometimes it touched a part of his skin and created an additional pinching sensation in his arms.

With the sleeve pulled as high as he could, Leon saw the burn mark on his arm. He could not believe how he got burned by the fire that he had created himself. However, he had to do that, or else, Ahli would be losing the battle against Anzu and die. And if he dies, then Leon knew his chances of ending this boring and miserable life would be gone forever.

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