
chapter Liv

Time to get to work

After they had breakfast,  they arrived in Dodge town,  when Billy and Chuck walked out there grandma house. " morning everyone,  they got off their horses,  " morning boys how was your night last night? Asked.  Jessie,  "  yeah, thanks for breakfast.  Lunch and dinner,  and the lessons we had a great time,  said.  Chuck,  " we sure did,  we can't wait to join up, " keep the study up you be a heart soon enough, we glad that you enjoyed it , said. Jessie,   Marco walked out of the office,  " we have class in a few minutes boys did you bring your books? And we had a lot of work to do. Said,  Marco.  They walked in the door and he closed the door behind them,  they sat down at the desk,  and they sat down in the chairs, " we got lot of travels, inspection,  searches,  tracking,  and arrest to make, plus dad want us to come to Fredricburg,  said. Marco,  " we are done with the towns on to the city, Salt city,  the bank inspector is there inspection the bank, you inspect the  city, saloon, whore house,  poker house,  inns, depot, dinner and storefront,  weed out the outlaw make a arrest, do a trail, please tell me your judges on page, plus this folder for you boys,  he hand them the folder,  Hank open the folder,  Judge 5# re-trail, said. Hank,  " they should be sir, we not going to be away from our family again,  said. Thomas,  "  we got a lot of homestead out their that has problems one, a family is missing,  also I sending food and water out to them,  after Brick prison camp inspection, after you get done Come back here for the next, you two head to Lake-town,  call me when you both are done.  Said,  Marco  " off you go, " we do the delivery  first,  search for the family, said,  Jessie   " Garrett let's go,  they got up and left out the office.  " Mrs Garrett we  meet at Lake-town for lunch,said. Thomas,   " sounds like a great idea,  we will see you in Lake-town,  they kissed each other bye,  Hank and Thomas head off to Lake-town,  and their families hed west to the homesteads, it was already high noon as they arrived at the homestead,  the head walked up to them, they unload the wagons , " from Houston Texas we do all we can to help you here, we are the bounty of law royal hearts of Houston,  when they start missing and how long? Asked.  Jessie,  " he told them that they were gone for three days, " we find them and on the house,  [Dad the been  missing for three days,  not telling where they are, but wesearch north, South, West and east.[ said.  Jessie,  " Mom  that is a lot of land to cover, we need a  plan, said.  Teeno,  "[ let me know if you have founded them,] said.  Marco,  " Teeno go North, stay in Houston  borderlines,  Frankie  go south stay in the borderlines,  stay out of campaign, farm country and ranch country and eastren, call if you found something,  or you don't,  said. Jessie,  " Preston and Cameron  you going with us, boys be safe,  don't go out to far, meet up at Lake-town,  get thee before high night,  Heather and Nancy go West be safe,  stay with in the borderlines and out of the camps,  see you all at Lake-town,  we love you be safe, Connor and Thristan and Ryan and Bryson you are coming with us to. Said, Jordan.  They hugged each other and got back on their horses and head out,  they arrived in Lake-town,  they got off their horses and tied them up and head into the courthouse,  the only one was Judge 5#, " morning five your docket is here, are you going to be able to make it to Silver City that day? Asked. Hank,  " Yes  my supreme how is the wives and kids? Asked. Judge 5#, " families are good and healthy happy, any question? Answered.  Thomas,  " re-trail or trail, she open the folder and read it, meanwhile Teeno is up North. " you se anything Teeno? Asked, Jessica.  " nothing Warren Warner you see any thing back there? Said. Teeno,  " nope, [" mom are you sure they came this way?] Asked.  Warren,  "[no search, do your job boys, if you don't see tracks what's the next best thing?] Asked,  Jessie. "[ I hope not mom, ] said. Carter,  "[you looking for any signs  use your tracking booksand skills, after all of you are part bloodhound like me, ] said. Jessie,  "[no she didn't went there and said that, ] said. Rico, so thy galloped down the  lands, back in Dodge Town in Marco office he is teaching Chuck and Billy about outlaws and gangs,  Jordan sons, grandsons and sons-in-law  ride through the woods, "  I do not see any sign of tracks back here, said. Jesse, "[ mom Aunt Jessie, ] said. Frankie,  "[ do not call us in middle of a search you boys not even trying to look, ] said.  Jordan,  " [did she just say that? Mom we are in the woods in the south,] said, Daytona, "[ and look use the nose of yours to sniff up a track boys, ] said.Jessie, "[ you do know that you just call your own son's  bloodhound, ] said. Asher,   they ride out of the woods,  in the courthouse and in Lake-town,  "

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