
Chapter 12. Going Back

I made small talk with Anton or Ahton, as I don't know how he pronounced it, is he mixed up about his own name.

Anyway, after I dropped off all of the stuff in the warehouse, it seems like Mr Leo told Anton about me and according to him, my ability isn't that rare, though I don't know of he is telling the truth or not.

After I dropped of the goods, he invited me to his home for the day and I politely...accepted it

Who was I to drop off a sumptuous meal from someone who was indebted to me, am I right!

I had, for all intents and purposes, risked my life when I didn't have to and saved their asses, whereas I could have taken all the things I had on me and become rich enough to take everyone to the commoner realm...thinking back to it, I should have done that.

But I knew deep down that I couldn't have lived with that, I would have had sleepless nights filled with nightmares.

Putting those thoughts aside, their families were appreciative and thankful to me for helping them, I just waved it off and said it was nothing.

I ate to my heart's content and had a good night's sleep. The next day I woke up and started stretching before I realized I was in someone's house and stopped, then I carefully made my way down and out of the house to the front yard where Anton spotted me and called me over for breakfast, I humbly sat down and are everything in sight under the cool morning breeze.

We then had some pleasantries and I decided it was time.to return home, Anton handed me a bag, which I knew was my salary, but...this was too heavy, I don't know how much it was but I am guessing from the weight, it should be about 200,000 yul.

I looked at him with wide eyes, no matter what I did, this was too much

He looked at me meaningfully,

"Just keep it, alright," he said to me.

I looked at the bag for a while before I thought it best to just accept it. Although I was feeling good as new, the day before yesterday was still clear in my mind.

After I got out of the house, you should just call it a small manor with how big it was, I decided to look around the place.

I got a bunch of stuff for the kids back home and a nicer broom for Father since he always complains about how his back keeps hurting, I also bought some nice soaps and stuff that girls usually like for Sisters Lilly, but I don't know if she will be using them.

After I was done with it and was about to make my way back, I spotted a guy selling out horses, I went ahead and asked for the prices.

He was willing to sell me one for a bit cheaper after a bit of haggling.

I ended up spending 25,000 yul on the damn horse, thankfully it came with straddle and stuff.

With that my extra earnings were gone, but now that I have the cash from Anton I decided it was okay to indulge myself a little

I 'Yip Yiped' the horse and we were now on the road and back to the church.it honestly felt great as the wind rushed at me...or I rushed at the wind, I don't know how I guess this must be my first time riding a horse

It took me a while to get back to the village but I was still faster , as it would usually take me a week to get back, now it took me only three days, and that's because I am a lazy bum , I guess.

"What! is that a dragon," Asta said as his eyes nearly burst out, how can someone be so dumb

"No, it's a horse!" Replied Recca(A/N I thought she was called Becca)

"Welcome back," Sister Lily said as I jumped off the horse and hugged the kids,

Asta was a brute as he had me pinned to the ground

He was a hard head, though I guess that's where he got the drive to train himself, we do train a lot, him and me.

We made our way inside the charge which was, may I say again, beautiful now that we had more room and better stuff.

As soon as we went inside , everybody immediately lined up like soldiers and saluted,I couldn't help but chuckle at their Antics.

"Alright kids, Recca, step forward"

"Yes sir!" she stepped forward and gave a cute salute

I threw my hands around as if I was doing some kind of magic,which earned a giggle out of everyone.

"Wualllaaaa!" and a big ass doll materialized in front of her, along with a few others for the other kids and all other toys

"General Recca,I suggest you divide the weapons among your brethren"

"Lieutenant Yuno and Idiot Asta! you stay behind"

I commanded in a funny voice.

I honestly don't know what any of these words mean, but I have a hunch that it's related to power or authority.

"Haii!" -Yuno

"Wait what!"- Asta

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