
ultimate sacrifice 1

" so you are willing to sacrifice yourself for Jason" an unknown voice said, it was coming from the room which Deborah was in. The voice was from an anonymous person, it was the voice of a female witch, who Deborah always goes to talk to when ever Amazon was in troubles.

"Yes goddess of all witches , I am willing to set my soul with Jason's, in order to protect him, this way no one will be able to lay a hand on him" Deborah says.

" And you know what this means, you will never have a say to your human body again, dead ones, dead forever you shall be" the voice continued.

Now Deborah is about to perform the ultimate sacrifice, this sacrifice was meant for the protection of Jason, this was one of the most honorable deed from a witch. Her aim was to merge her spirit with that of Jason, this would allow Jason to control the same forces Deborah controls, which was nature, it was her natural power and if she does in the name of Jason, they will all belong to him.

" Yes queen mother I am aware of that, but I'll like to perform the ritual tomorrow, they are alot of people I'll like to say good bye to,since this would be my last night on Earth.

" Very well then, meet me at the coven whenever you are ready" the voice whispered as it vanished slowly like reducing the volume of an amplifier.

In reality, it looked like she was meditating, but in her mind, she was in a dark foggy environment, which was empty. She stood up from her meditating point and went out of her room.


" Guys, we have to be really careful, this is the most dangerous place we have ever entered since we started this mission, we must come out of this alive." Benganon says, he was the only one who was walking upright, the others were bent, almost walking on their kneels, he wasn't scared because he was a sorcerer, and witches can never kill sorcerers, they respect them, but sometimes it might get odd, and a witch could kill a sorcerer, that will lead to the witch being banished from magic, she would be considered as an evil witch.

They were now stuck on one side of a really tall cliff, the other side of the cliff was really far away, but they couldn't go there because the was no bridge.

" What happened to the bridge?" Jace asked.

" Wait you guys are not seeing the bridge" Jason countered

" Hah real funny, as if you can't see that there is no bridge there" Jace countered.

" I swear, there is a bridge there , or am I the only one seeing it" Jason asked

" So what you are trying to say is that there is an invisible bridge , over there, well after all we've been through this past few days, there is no way I'm not gonna believe that" Mira adds

" It is a binding spell, only the one worthy of the path, can take the path, Jason is the only one that can see the trail, and that is why he is worthy of the path" Benganon says

" I swear I didn't understand what you just said" Min says sarcastically

" What I am trying to say is that Jason I the only one who can see the path, and also he is the only one who can walk the path, if anyone of us tries to walk it, we all die." Benganon explains

" Oooo, yeah, now I get it" Min adds.

" Well so does that mean I'll have to go on my own now " Jason asked

" Yes, well are you afraid" Jace said

" No, I'm not, who said I was" Jason replied.

" Please focus Jason." Benganon says as he teleports all the way to the other side of the cliff. " I am right here waiting for you" Ben yells.

" Ok, here I go" Jason says as he starts walking on the bridge, the others were surprised, they were mersmerrised on seeing Jason walk on the air, he wasn't actually walking on the air, he was walking on a bridge which only him could walk on.

" Come to think of it, if Ben could really teleport, then why didn't he teleport from the village to where the book was" Jace said .

" Well I guess it would have been cheating" Min says sarcastically while leaving a cold smile on his face.

" No!!!, It has to do with the magic principal, you can't just teleport to where the book is, because you do not know where the book is." Mira said

" Oooooo, yeah, that's true, good thinking Mira" Jace complemented.

Jason had already gotten to where Ben was, after walking on a really old bridge that tried a couple of times to collapse with him on it.

" Let's get going shall we" Benganon said, while he casted a spell that brought the rest of the team to their position.

" Why didn't you do that long ago" Jace asked.

" Because I needed some peace and quiet" Ben replied, and the whole team began to laugh.

" Well you should have just teleported Jason, instead of letting him risk his life on a deadly bridge" Jace continued

" Well that would have been cheating" Ben says sarcastically.

They got to another part of the cave, this time, they saw something really dreadful, stand right infront of them, they were the witches of zam, the protectors of all things magical, they had been in this cave for millions of years, from generation to generation, they were dedicated to protecting all things magical. They had no eyes, because they don't need them to see, yes offcourse they were blind, but that doesn't mean that they couldn't use their senses, plus they actually learnt how to see with their nose. They have been in this cave for ages, and they know their way around the cave more than people who see with their eyes. They were seven in number, they all dressed the same way , they wore a black dress huddy, which showed that they were dark witches, most witches oftentimes dressed on white, or even dressed normally, but for this guys, it was a tradition for them to put them on, and an abomination for them to pull them off. They were really hideous, their skins were rotten.

They circled around the team, which caused them to be frightened. The witches were about to cast a spell on them, when Benganon reviled that he was a sorcerer by speaking in sorcery.

" Kolios mende litamu," Benganon uttered, this means, " we come in peace" and immediately, the witches stood down.

" What brings you to the coven of the seven witches" the witches said all together, it was as though they had revised their lines in a drama play.

" We have ventured from far and beyond, seeking for the spell book of Almagadin, we are hear with his hundredth descendant, who is worthy of the book" Benganon adds.

" Well somany people have died because of this book, you are the only ones who made it to this stage, so that means you are worthy of the book" they witches uttered.

" Yes grand witches of the dark alleys, we besiege the book of Almagadin, I am the his descendant, and I have come to claim what rightfully belongs to me." Jason adds.

They others are still carrying their swords, they are doing this Incase the witches tried anything that would harm them, which for sure won't happen.

" What you seek cannot be found in our coven, we do not have it, it can only be found behind that door, the tomb of Almagadin,. That door leads to the underworld, and it is only the worthy one that can get there." The witches continued.

" Why only him?" Mira asked, she asked because she never wants Jason to leave her side, she always wanted him beside her.

" If any other person tries to go in with him, he or she will not make it alive" Benganon replied

" Are you ready to leave now?" The witches asked.

" Yes, I am" Jason replied.

The witches opened the sacred door, it was really dark in there, it was as though they was nothing inside but a world of horror awaits Jason on this trail.

" Follow the dark side, and you would get to your destination, remember your heart must be clean of sin, if not demons would feed on your soul" the witches said, then Jason steps closer to the door, walking slowly into it.

" Wait" Mira said,then she walked closer to him and gave him a kiss on his lips." Be careful in there, what ever happens, always remember that I am waiting for you, I love you" Mira said, and immediately Jason hugged her and walked into the door.

I wonder what shall welcome Jason on his way to the underworld, a horrific place meant for demons. Would he survive this world, or is he making a big mistake.

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