

"Just let me use my magic and it will all be done!" I snarled to the mortal who was dead set on fishing in this river. "No! No thrill!" he said firmly, continuing to thread the bait onto his fishing rod, which I had formed using intertwined vines. We'd been fishing in the river for a while because he said he was bored inside the palace and wanted to do something else.

"Mino! We've been here for an hour!" I yelled, but he just raised an eyebrow at me. "Stop overreacting! We just got there!" he said coldly, and he began fishing. We would have caught a fish right away if I had been the only one in control, but he preferred to do it alone and without the use of magic.

I stepped back away from his position as he sat on a huge rock, waiting for the fish to be caught. While he was doing so, I focused my attention on a large rock with a flower on one side.

I immediately sat in front of it and saw it more clearly. Because it grew in rocky terrain, it may have withered because it didn't get enough nutrition and its roots couldn't crawl properly.

I didn't hesitate any longer and pulled it out, thankfully with little damage to its root. I stood up and placed the withered flower in my palm. I turned to face Mino, who was just sitting on the rock, waiting.

"You and this flower have similarities," I told him, and I felt him cast his gaze at me. "Similarities like what? We're both going to die?" he sarcastically asked, causing me to raise a brow. "Come on Mino! You're ruining the moment!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, sorry your highness!" he sarcastically remarked. He's the only one who can really heat up my head like this, while I'm frustrated with uncle, I'm more annoyed with him.

He was sleeping all day and night yesterday because he wasn't used to our liquor, and I was just guarding him like a freaking spy.

I assumed that when he awoke, something awful would enter his mind and he would harm himself. He just got up this morning and said he wanted to go fishing straight away and take a bath.

We haven't discussed in depth about what he's going through in this world, and I don't want to because I know men don't want to be emotional, so I just let him do what he wants first. But there is only one thing I truly desire: for him not to exhaust my patience.

I was about to respond when something in the water seemed to move and pull at his grip on the fishing pole. He instantly pulled with all his might, and a large fish emerged from the water. When he touched it, I was taken aback. Woah! That was amazing. He apparently saw that I was thrilled, so he turned to face me while holding the still moving fish.

"See? It's more fun to get things by trying and waiting rather than by using magic," I don't know why, but I nodded enthusiastically in agreement because catching fish that way felt more fun.

"Can I try?" I asked, not waiting for him to respond because I had already crossed his position and seized the fishing rod from him as I handed him the flower I was holding, which he swiftly took and placed the fish he was holding in the container.

I hurriedly and enthusiastically attached the bait to the fishing rod and hurled it into the water. I sat swiftly where Mino had been sitting recently. "Nothing yet?" I inquired. "You just sat down, princess," he reminded me as he fixed the fish vessel with one hand while holding the flower in the other.

"Nothing yet?" I inquired again. "You just started, dear princess, learn to wait!" he said again in response to my question. I'm bored, is there anything I can do to make it go faster? "Is there still nothing? This is taking so long," I said impatiently. "Fishing is not for the impatient!" his response to me appeared tinged with irritation. Fine! I'll wait once more.

"Nothing yet?" I inquired again not long after, but he only took a deep breath as though calming himself before facing me again. "Aren't there any fish yet?" I inquired again, already upset since there weren't any fish. Why did he catch something so quickly when I still have nothing?

"Nothing ye-"

"Give it to me! I'll catch it!" my supposed questioning was cut short when I felt his touch and attempt to take my fishing rod. I hurriedly rose from my seat and drew the fishing rod closer to me while he dragged it away from me.

"Give it to me, human!" I shouted, but he likewise drew it closer to him. "You don't have any patience for this!" he exclaimed, as if oblivious to the fact that he was speaking to a royalty.

"I said let go and give it to me!" my aggravation and irritation were clear in my voice, but he refused to let go of his grip on the fishing rod. "I can't bear you asking and asking again! Just let go!" he tightened his grip, and I did as well.

I couldn't control myself any longer, and I knew I was stronger than him, so my eyes lit up, and I was going to pull it again, knowing he couldn't handle my strength, but both of our eyes widened when-

"Shit!/Entrante!" we both exclaimed in surprise as our bodies were dragged into the water when something abruptly pulled both of us . I quickly let go of the fishing rod, which vanished from my grasp. We both sank but swam upward, but wait! We're both swimming upwards?

When both of our heads were out of the water, I approached him and slapped him hard. As soon as I struck him, his eyes widened. His pinkish lips parted as he locked his gaze on me.

"All this time you know how to swim?" I screamed at him as we both bathed in the frigid water. Why didn't he swim right away when I believed he was drowning last night at the bottom of the river?

I assumed he couldn't swim because he'd sunk deep and hadn't surfaced in a long time. I blame myself since all I know is that he almost drown. Why must he pretend?

After a while, I saw how he smirked, as if he didn't mind how pissed I am. "You shouldn't have tried to save me since you actually want me to drown, don't you?" he said sarcastically, which irritated me. Wouldn't he be grateful that I tried to save him? I looked and felt worried for him, and he didn't even thanked me?

"Didn't you get it? I want to end my life," he stated coldly, and my jaw dropped open at what he had said. He was about to swim away but I blocked him using my speed.

"What?" he said irritably. "Then why did you come near me and kiss me for air?" I instantly asked. Why did he grab me and kiss me to get some air if he wanted to die that night?

He instantly averted his gaze from me, as though he was embarrassed by his response. "Tell me why!" I forced him, but he evaded me when I blocked him so he could get out of the deep water. I let him come to the coast without stopping him any longer. I followed him and noticed his wet clothes as he reached for the container of the fish he had caught.

I couldn't help but notice his muscular body. His muscles were visible due to the wetness of his clothes, his wet shirt clung to it tightly.

Why does it seems that the water highlights his perfection every time I gaze at him, as if he is improving in my eyes? The water flowing from his damp hair and running down to his sharp nose is unmistakably attractive. Why does your physical appearance and body scream elegance?

He apparently sensed my stare and turned to face me, causing me to look at him even more. I noticed how his lips parted and how he looked at me.

We're both staring at each other, as if we're about to say something. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I was the first to turn away from him when I felt his gaze on my damp body.

"Will you stop doing that?" I snobbishly demanded, and he seemed to come to his senses and avoided looking at me. I prefer to avoid glancing at him as much as possible since I don't like how I feel. I can't afford to admire his perfection!

I immediately devised a plan to redirect our conversation and alleviate my unease. "Uncle has some clothing in the palace; I'll hand them to you later so you can change," I said solemnly as I began to walk so we could both return home. I only got a nod from him, as if he didn't want to talk further.

It was about to step on the rock but when I stepped my foot I immediately lost my balance. Entrante! I will fall on the rocks! I immediately closed my eyes to prepare myself for the fall but I felt a pair of arms catching me.

I gently opened my eyes and saw his face, which was only a few inches away from me as I was locked in his arms. I'm not sure why my heart is pounding now; I'm not certain if it's because of my panic earlier, when my body is about to hit the rocks, or because of his closeness and wrapped arms on my waist.

How many times do we got this close and it seems like my chest throbs more and more as time passes?

I got to see his eyes even closer, and the more I felt his arms, the more I felt safe. With him, I realized that you don't have to be a vampire to be a magnificent being.

But wait a minute! This is not something I want! I couldn't take our position any longer and pressed my left palm to his face, pushing him away from me. "Ouch!" I bucked as he smacked my hand that was pressing his face.

"Get your hands off my face! You're going to damage my handsomeness!" he said as I was about to crumple his face with my palm. We both stood straight and move away from one another.

It takes more than that to make me fall in love! I'm not as shallow as other women to fall in love right away!

"Are we going to walk or run?" I inquired, because we have to walk a long distance to get to the palace and I want to change my dress immediately.

"I'm going to walk because I get dizzy when you grab me and run so fast!" he remarked coldly since earlier I had just pulled him and with my speed we were able to travel quickly, causing his body to be in shock.

But my lips formed a mischievous smile. Human, I will have my revenge ! Without hesitation, I seized both of his hands while he was holding the container and carried him like a sack with my strength. I could feel his shock right away. I will get my justice.

"What the-" he said but I immediately use my speed. "-fuck!" he only finished what he was going to say when we had already reached the front of the palace. I immediately felt him covering his mouth and seemed nauseous. I promptly released him on the grass, as if he were a weightless sack.

"Damn you!" he exclaimed, his mouth twitching as though fighting his urge to vomit. I quickly burst out laughing while he stared sharply at me. He attempted to rise up after dropping the container on the ground.

I laughed even more since he couldn't keep his stance balanced. "You! You're really irritating me!" he was ready to approach me, but I noticed how he squinted and moved wobbly.

"Are you still drunk mortal?" I asked to him. "Just stay where you are!" he said angrily as he pointed at me but he could not point me directly due to dizziness. I never moved from my position because I knew it would be difficult for him to reach me.

I was in the middle of a thought when I was stunned by the speed with which he moved, and he immediately anchored my neck. When I witnessed his speed, my eyes widened. Mino's speed was comparable to ours. This mortal astounds me.

As he seemed to be embracing my wet body, I could feel his breathing on my neck. "Got Yah!" he exclaimed in a husky voice that my ears picked up on. I couldn't move quickly because I was taken aback by his speed.

I was going to shove him away from me when I felt the gush of a gooey liquid on my shoulder and back. For a few seconds, I wondered what that was. Entrante! When I realized it, my head quickly heated up.

"Entrante! WHY DID YOU VOMIT ON ME?" I shrieked as I felt the disgusting thing slowly pouring down on my back. I got goosebumps from disgust. NO ONE HAD DONE THIS OUTRAGEOUS THING TO ME!


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