
The Craziest Captain

"I wonder if Luffy-sempai can defeat him... even though he hit him, he is still fine" Yosaku thought in a worried look.

"How about Zoro-sempai, where has he been thrown off?" Johnny added as he questioned the others.

"Get him, Luffy! I will stay here and cheer you up!" Usopp shouted and cheered him on while hiding behind a wall.

"Then I'll cheer with you" Kaito stated as he sat besides him with a bored look.

"That's not necessary..." Nami remarked at them.

While Sanji lit his cigarette and started smoking it as he sat down besides Nojiko and Genzo.


"Do you know what the difference is between you and me?" Arlong asked with a menacing look.

"Teeth..." Luffy answered in a blank look.

"...Or jaw?" Luffy added with a confused tone.

The two of them stayed silent for a minute while they looked at each other before Arlong dashed at him with an annoyed look.

"Is it the face, right?" Luffy said in a panicked look as he saw Arlong opened his jaw at him.

"IT'S SPECIES!" Arlong shouted as he chomped his teeth at him which Luffy dodged by jumping sideways.

Arlong kept trying to chomp him as Luffy dodged all of them when Arlong grab his neck and was about to chomped on his neck.

Instead of Luffy's neck being chomped, it was the pillar behind him that was destroyed as Luffy stretched his neck at the last second in order to avoid it.


"That was close" Luffy commented as he backed away from Arlong to create some distance.

Arlong looked at him as he rambled about how fishmen were born to be stronger than any species and mocked humans to be a weaker species.

"So what, does that give you the right to boast?" Luffy asked as he punched a pillar and destroyed it.

"I don't have to bite to destroy a rock" Luffy stated as he clenched his arms at him.

"Boring" Arlong remarked as a vein popped in his head.

Arlong charged at him while mocking him for not being able to swim and not being able to do anything about it.

"Because I can't do anything, others have to help me" Luffy stated while he picked up two swords and equipped it as he chuckled.

Luffy randomly swings his two swords at him as Arlong dodge him while mocking his swordsmanship.

Slash~ Slash~

Arlong got tired of it as he parried one of his swords and it flew off in the air which Luffy slashed the other sword at Arlong.

Arlong blocked by chomping on it as the blade broke off and Luffy used that time to punch him hard on the face as Arlong got pushed back and fell on the floor.

The villagers gasped in shock and amazement as they saw Luffy break his teeth with his bare hands.

"How can I know how to use a sword? you, idiot!" Luffy shouted at him.

The villagers where wondering what he was talking about as they focused on what he was about to say next.

"I don't know anything about navigation, I can't cook, I can't do magic tricks and I've never lied to someone..." Luffy stated.

"... I am sure that if no one helps me, I can't survive" Luffy added as he yelled at Arlong.

Arlong laughed as he mocked him for giving his crew a headache and the fact that he has no pride.

"What can you do?" Arlong said as he laughed out loud.

"I can defeat you" Luffy stated as he formed a wide smile.


"Get him Luffy-sempai!" the villagers shouted as they cheered him on.

"That's the why it should be!" Sanji said as he smirked at Luffy.

"Haha... he's the craziest captain i've ever seen" Kaito commented as he chuckled at Luffy.

"If you lose, I will kill you" Zoro stated in a annoyed look.

"I will support you behind" Usopp shouted towards Luffy.


"SHUT UP! YOU, PUNY HUMANS!" Arlong shouted at them as he regenerated his teeth back.

"Ah... he can grow his teeth again!" Luffy exclaimed in surprise.

Arlong took out a pair of teeth on his mouth and equipped it on both of his hands as he praised himself for having this heavenly gift.

"That's so cool!" Luffy praised as he saw him.

"Killing teeth!" Arlong stated as he launched a chomp on him with the teeth at his hands.

Luffy had a hard time dodging them as one of them was about to chomp on him but he grabbed a fishman to block Arlong's attack.

"My... my crew" Arlong gasped in shock and surprise as instead of Luffy, it was one of his crew that got chomped on.

The two of them argued at each other for a minute before Arlong got mad at Luffy and launched an attack at him.

"Tooth gum" Arlong stated as he attacked him while Luffy dodged all of them and retaliated by punching Arlong which he slipped back as one of his teeth on his hands fell.

"It comes out" Luffy said as he smiled and grabbed the teeth.

Arlong got up as he mocked him that it's useless to destroy his teeth when he paused as he looked at Luffy with his teeth on his mouth.

( N/A: gross... that was someone's teeth )

Arlong got annoyed as the both them started brawling when Arlong got a hit on his shoulder which Luffy strike back as he dashed at his shoulder and chomp it.

They both backed off as they dashed and chomp each other when Luffy managed to slammed him down the ground.

Smash~ Thud~

Arlong sat up as he looked at his injuries with a thoughtful look.

"Eh... where is he?" Luffy questioned as Arlong dissapeared while breathing heavily.

"LUFFY! IN THE SEA!" Usopp shouted as he warned him.

Luffy turned his head at the sea as he saw a shark fin on the surface in the sea when it dived down and disappeared.

"It's just a shark" Luffy stated as he looked at Usopp.

"That's Arlong!" Usopp refuted as he shouted at him.

"Did he escape?" Luffy asked as he bent down close to the sea in order to look for Arlong.

Out of nowhere, Arlong flew off in high speed towards Luffy as he barely managed to avoid a lethal hit.

Whoosh~ Stab~

"Ouch... that hurts" Luffy exclaimed in pain as he dropped down on the floor.

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