
Chapter 55.

      "Fine I said it but don't be deceived by it '' I said.

"I promise not to" he replied, ``my regard to your roommate and once more thanks for the visit" he said ending the call.

    "You are always welcome mister no strings attached" I replied laughing. Dropping my phone " " Noah sent his greeting" I said to Gabriella. 

    "Ohh hope he feels better now? she asked.

"Yesss he feels better and also has the strength to disturb me" I said.

   "You and Noah seem so cool, what's happening? she asked.

  Tilt head "Cool ? I don't think we are cool" I replied.

   "You both just seem closer than before," she added.

"We seem closer now because he wasn't feeling too well. Once he gets better his numerous girlfriends will take him over. He won't even remember that I exist so this closeness is nothing," I said.

    "If you say so, no problem," she replied.

"I did not only say so but also knew so" I said.

   "Can we go visit Sera tomorrow, maybe to assist her? Gabriella asked.

    "Yhh that would be a good suggestion and she would appreciate it" I added.

  As we spoke, a mail entered our phone at the same time which sounded so funny checking the message it was from college. I knew it would be our exams announcement and I was correct. Our exams were for the next week which would be for two weeks after which we will all be going on break.

   "We need to get serious for the next two weeks because we have to build a good grade which starts from this first year" I said.

    "That's true," she added.

" The scheduled timetable should be released on time so our preparation can be in accordance with the timetable" she said.

   " How will your winter break be? I asked Gabriella.

     "We will be spending the break at Mason's place which will be a new environment to the both of us, so there is no expectation yet but we hope it will be fun filled" she said.

   "Ohh that will be good, A new environment won't be a bad idea " I said.

     "What about you? she asked.

"Seems I will be staying with our domestic workers during this break because my parents are hardly at home. I'm already used to not having them around" I said.

   " Ohh I see, Are your parents business owners? Gabriella asked.

   "Yes they are business owners and their tight schedule always makes them go on business trips and even when they are at home they will be attending to their business from home" I said with a weak smile.

    "You seem so used to it and that's cool" she said.

   "Yhh I'm" I replied.

"Paris sleep tight" she said lying on her bed covering herself with her blanket .

  I wasn't ready to sleep yet Gabriella was known to always sleep on time far earlier than me so I plugged my ear bud while she slept off listening to music I stayed like that still I also fell asleep still listening to music I woke up late in the night because of the constant noise I was hearing I thought it was from Grabriella's phone just to notice my earbud was still in my ear which was funny to me I just unplugged it then placed them by the side of my pillow I was feeling listless so I laid back.

   I was enjoying my beauty sleep when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Who could that be ? Who else Gabriella I knew even before opening my eyes.

   "Your phone's bluetooth is on which will drain your battery life just put it off then sleep back" she said.

   "Ohh Gabriella have I ever wrong you before you would have just put it off yourself than waking me up" I said with my eyes still closed.

 "My friend, will you open your eyes and put the bluetooth off stop complaining Ms" she said.

   Gabriella could be a pest when she chooses to I know that so I stood up stretching myself still not ready to leave my bed, I disconnected the bluetooth Gabriella was right you know the battery life of my phone was already low so I had to charge my phone by the electric socket close to the reading table. I left immediately to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash the dozy look off my face.

   As I was coming out of the bathroom I heard my phone ringing. I plod towards the reading table unplugged my phone then picked it was Noah.

   "Hey you, How are you doing? I asked, sitting on my bed.

 "I'm cool, I have just been discharged so I decided to call to  inform you" he said.

   "Ohhh that's good, So you left your nurse crush at the sickbay? I asked.

    " Paris was I supposed to stay with her at the sickbay, she works there while I went there for treatment lady" he said.

   "I thought you would choose staying with your crush over being discharged" I replied jokingly.

    "Why will I do that, Paris you always find a way to mock me and my crush I 'm already used to it you can continue" he replied.

  "Noah don't get me wrong I only thought what u felt for her was real that's all " I replied.

    "You are free to have your thought no problem," he replied.

 " I'm happy you feel better now and have also left that place for a healthy air. Take good care of yourself and try resting a little before your girlfriends start visiting or you visit your girlfriends" I said.

    "I know you would talk about my girlfriends, I'm not visiting anyone for now still the exams are over '' he said.




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