
7.00.3 Mother Daughter spat.

Or not. 

The dreams were just a window into Prithvi's past, not his future. My assumption might be the fruit of my obsession, my curiosity over why he came here with that beast in his mind.

I was looking for a reason where there might not be one to begin with. And this object might not even work, as I had tried everything that can be considered like a button on the "phone" even before checking up on his dreams.

'But this is enough. I know the object called the phone is special and the world on the other side is a lot more advanced than the time I had left it.' 

The disgusting wars seemed to be over and from the expression of those in the dreams, it can be seen that they were too busy with their daily life than the fear of a bomb dropping on them. 

With the only exception of Prithvi, who kept being pursued by a dog in his dreams, A dog that appeared more and more sinister as time went by.

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