
The Higher they are the harder they fall 5

Nine days after the funeral, The Duke's residence.

Liqiu woke up to her entire room engulfed in thick black smoke. Her eyes hurt like she had smeared chilly paper into her eyes, she pushed the heavy blanket away and jumped out of the bed.

She hissed as her leg made contact with the hot ground, "wha_" she bent over and began to cough. Her throat itched badly. she could barely breathe, the air felt heavy.

She squinted her eyes and. Bend over in search of her shoes. Tears rolled down her eyes almost crowding her mission completely.

She huddled about the room until she finally got to her shoe. Once she had her shoe on she turned to the side quickly feeling around her bed for a handkerchief.

She pushed the pillow aside as her fingers touched it and grabbed the silk handkerchief. Liqiu placed the handkerchief over her nose and mouth and hurried to the door.

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