
Journey to Bear Island part 2

I went down with Dulan and Aegon,

Adrián: Greetings Lord Stark, Greetings Lady Maege, may the Old Gods take care of you.

Ned: Greetings Lord Trant, may the Old Gods watch over you too.

Maege: Greetings Lord Trant, may the Old Gods guide you.

Ned looked surprised at Adrián's companions, One was the spitting image of a Stark Gray eyes, and black hair, this left him shocked, Lady Maege also noticed.

Ned excuse me Lord Trant: A question what is the name of your partner.

Adrian: Ahh Ned you noticed, Jon could you introduce yourself.

Aegon: Good morning Lord Stark, Lady Mormont, I'm Jon my last name if it should be Stark, but we abandoned it when we left the North

Ned was shocked as were his Son Robb and Arya: Wait boy like it should be Stark, and they abandoned him when he left the North.

Jon: Lord Stark, to respond during the time of Torrhen Stark, the one who knelt, many clans of the North decided to separate with their families, Starks, Mormont, Glover, Umber, and other houses of the North decided to go to Essos and found the mercenary company the company of roses

Everyone looked surprised, it was not a known story, but they were happy that people from the north founded a company, and to this day they endured.

Ned: It is amazing, I would have to visit the Winterfell library to look up the history of Torrehen, history is not my forte.

Lady Maege with her daughters laughed: Hahaha Typical of the Mormonts, we are strong men who endure.

Adrián: the truth is that from what I know of them they are a company to be taken into account, not because of the number of men but because of their cunning and they are battle-hardened men.

Arya: then we would be Distant Cousins

Adrian: Haha Basically it can be the possible little wolf.

Arya was glad for the compliment her father received, telling her that she was similar to her sister Lyanna the wolf of the north.

And this must be the Heir to Winterfell, Robb Stark, nice to meet you.

Robb: The pleasure is mine Lord Trant, and Lord Dulan

Dulan: Haha leave that boy, what do you use sword and shield?

Robb: Lord Sword

Dulan: Interesting boy, later I want to see how you fight to see if he's like your father.

Ned: At the moment Dulan fights better than me, we are already old,

Dulan: Ha you call old when I'm older I'm already my good 55 years, because of the low voice and one more zero

to move into the main hall of the Mormont fortress, Lady Maege proceeded to ask

Maege: Boy, tell me why you want to help us and what it would cost us.

Adrián: Because I warned your brother about that Woman, and I'm sorry I didn't warn him more, She looked at me strangely, Lady Mormont, being honest, the South despises the North and sees them as barbarians, especially the Reach and the lands of the West, they only see them as bags of money.

Because I want to deliver the supplies, because winter is coming and it will be Hard winters, any help will help to get through it and I want to slowly mend the relations between the south and the north.

That is why I bring you supplies for cold weather, Shelter for the people of the island, Cattle to plow fields, and produce milk along with various fruit tree saplings and vegetable seeds for cold weather.

They all looked at me surprised, Ned nodded and asked

Ned: What would you gain from all this?

Adrián: Nothing and everything, Ned, things are not always done for a benefit, but friendship.

Ned: I understand I agree with your help and you Lady Maege

Maege: You already have something child, it's fine we accept the help, but the Mormont house always pays the debts.

Adrián: If you want, you can trade cured skins with us, they are a good source of income.

Maege was surprised by that idea: If it's a good idea, well after this who wants to eat.

Adrián: Haha it's fine we'll eat, but let as guests let us put part of the food, Ned and I went to the ship to see the unloaded elements,

was Rhaenys and Lewyn waiting with the download lists, and Ned was a bit surprised by the two boys from Dorne.

Adrián: Day of surprises not Ned.

Ned: Honestly, I never expected to see Two Boys from Dorne up north.

Adrián: Children of Oberyn, we get along quite well, after apologizing for the death of Elia and her children.

Ned: Wait, you apologized for their deaths.

Adrián: Ned, what are you waiting for, you saw what their deaths were, Dulan, he was more than furious, my mother herself ordered me to try to save Elia and her children, who would have thought of the Lannisters and their interests, three innocents died and Robert only he laughed and you know that he sits in that chair only because of his grandmother who was also a Targaryen, that does deserve an apology.

Ned shuddered, he had the truth in everything he remembered that day and he no longer recognized his friend at the end he spoke: If you're right girl, at least someone has done something right in all that mess.

Rhae, Lewyn, come on, let's eat with the Starks and Mormont.

After lunch, we all went to the practice field. Robb asked for a training match with Aegon.

Aegon accepted the match, the boy gave it his all with the wooden sword, ending up beating Robb for training experience.

Aegon shook Robb's hand and they greeted each other.

Aegon: You're good Robb, keep practicing and you'll be a pretty strong swordsman.

Robb: Thanks Jon, but I need a lot of training.

Aegon: Don't blame yourself, Dulan and Ashen blew me away with training.

Robb: Wait, you trained under Dulan and Ashen.

Aegon: Yes, from the 5 that I train with them, Adrián recently named me Lord Commander of the City Guard.

Robb: Awesome, you can ask Dulan if he can give me tips on swordsmanship or training.

Aegon: I'm sure he'll be glad to help you.

Meanwhile, Ygritte showed Arya the use of the bow and daggers, the Daughters of Maege used blunt weapons, and Dulan was with them and taught them how to hit harder and use their energy better.

Arya came over and asked if she could train her.

Dulan: So the little wolf wants to train, you look like your aunt Lyanna, if you have the same goals and the same passion for power, I can girl.

Arya was glad about that and asked

Arya: Tell me Ser Dulan what I have to do to be a fearsome warrior.

Dulan: To be fearsome you have to think ahead of your opponent you can win by brute force or cunning and as a general rule cunning will always win by brute force, if you know what moves your enemy will make and how to respond you will win almost every match, your weapon It would be a Rapier or a Colichemarde, fine swords for dueling, fast and lethal if you know how to use them.

Arya: But why not long swords.

Dulan: because they are not convenient for you, they rent fast swords that with a single blow can take a life, if you want you can talk to your father so that they adopt you on the Island, we could train you, especially Elentari, swords are his specialty, Daggers, and Arches.

Arya: and why not Ashen?

Dulan laughed and said: Elentary is Ashen's teacher, the boy could never win a single match against her even to this day, ask your father if he lets you, we will train you.

Arya was extremely happy, it was one of the few times that someone supported her in her intention to learn about the use of weapons.

He ran to his father who was next to me and Maege

Arya: dad, please let me be adopted by the Trant family, Ned looked at me surprised by his daughter's request.

Adrián: I imagine that Dulan wants to train you, I say scratching my head

Maege and Ned looked at me, and Arya replied.

Arya: Dulan said that he would teach me with Lady Elentari how to use a sword.

Adrián: Ahh, Arya before you want to train with Elentary, let me tell you it's not a joke to train with her, literally she is a ruthless woman when it comes to training you with the use of the sword or bow, seriously she wouldn't let me let go weapons, even though my hands bled or my bones creaked with weariness.

In my training he opened up about 30 or 40 ribs, my arm came off more times than I can remember, and I was cut hundreds of times all over my body by his sword. I spent more days wrapped in bandages than healthy. They all looked at me surprised by what I revealed to them.

Maege: Boy what the hell did you live, to be so strong.

Adrián: The necessary Lady Maege, if I want to be strong I have to train as hard as possible and I asked for it at the age of 4, he began handling weapons such as daggers, followed by bows, polearms such as spears and tridents, for last, shield and sword.

My workout routine was running around the island in standard heavy soldier gear, to increase my stamina, then weight training and other routines for strength.

Then the medicinal baths to heal my muscles, finally, my lessons in economics, history, calligraphy, singing, and music, and several more necessary lessons so that I could be the lord of the island.

Ned said: It's impressive the will you wield Adrian, I could send Robb or Arya for a couple of years, but I would have to talk it over with my Lady Wife.

Adrián: Knowing his wife from what his uncle Black Fish told me, he won't let them come and he prefers that they stay with her or in Riverrun.

Ned sighed: It's possible, I'll try, he said looking at Arya, the man was still hurt by his sister's words and Arya was identical to her.

End of memory.

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