
The Morning After*

Daphne didn't know how many times she had trembled from his touch the past night, nor the number of times she had reached a peak. 

It seemed that there was only two scenarios that entire night. Either, she was laying dead on her back, her legs unable to move an inch, or she was moaning from his touch. Or, she was doing both at the same time as the bed creaked in protest. 

Truly, she had somewhat brought that fate onto herself. 

She had made a grave mistake after his first release. 

When he had already pulled out and was ready to clean himself from his sticky semen, she couldn't resist poking fun at it. 

Daphne had never seen the beast in a dormant stage. It considerably shrunk. Despite being still quite a force to reckon with, it was no longer the overfilled balloon it had previously been. Now, this seemed like something that could actually fit within her, unlike whatever hot rod had split her insides from within. 

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