
[Crowd Control]

"Let them be attacked and save them? Super~effective, Hellie.

It's a good thing their attacks aren't instant wide-scale murder or anything." Charlotte chimed.

The group burst into laughter and giggles.

"That's why we're having Riley protect them from the long-distance attacks." Helix replied.

"About that…." Marie said hesitantly.

"It shoots fire attacks, right?

Wind stokes fires, and water explodes into deadly steam.

So wouldn't another type of barrier work better?"

Riley and Charlotte nodded hesitantly.

"There's a way." Helix replied with a mysterious smile.

"We'll test it out in the upcoming training.

But not only do I think it'll work, but it'll also send a stunning message to our friends to fuck off."

"That's blunt." Marie giggled.

"So~dominant. I like it." Charlotte said while licking her lips.

Helix gave her a wicked smile before turning back to face everyone.

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