

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

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[David Lance POV]

Suit on, Raven opened a portal to where the fight was happening. The plan was simple; she would help evacuate the area and then regroup, helping from far away, as I had no idea if this Amazo could copy magic or not.

The same applied to me, but at the very least, I had the fact my powers came from another universe on my side, which could possibly mean they couldn't be replicated. Hopefully, that would be the case.

"Black Bolt, leave!" Green Arrow, upon seeing me, ordered me to leave as he shot a barrage of explosive arrows at the android.

I shook my head, seeing his battered state, his clothes were torn, and he was bleeding quite badly, nothing lethal, but enough to diminish his abilities eventually. Taking a deep breath, I eyed Amazo, seeing my sister try and fight the machine but being countered at every attempt as the android switched between powers.

Wasting no more time, I sprang towards the android, who, upon seeing me, kicked my sister away, allowing him to parry my attack by entering Superman mode.

{Observational scan failed.} The android intoned. {Subject 'Black Bolt'... data inconclusive, adapting parameters, entering deep analysis mode.}

Relieved the android couldn't copy my powers, I pressed the attack, unleashing an onslaught of attacks, one after the other, without holding back. The android, however, wasn't faced by my advance, switching between modes to match, parry, and counterattack my every move as our attacks kissed on the battlefield.

I was making no progress, finding no openings; even with the help of Green Arrow, who was helping me from afar, for the first time, in ages, my heart was singing, just like it had sung with Deathstroke, a melody of death.

In this fight, death balanced on every move.

{Access: Flash.} The android intoned, moving behind me. {Access: Superman.}

From every angle, I rained down on the android, receiving multiple hits from the machine every time it parried or dodged my advances. But, no matter how many hits Amazo got on me, I continued fighting, swinging my attacks so hard that sparks flew when the machine blocked my attacks.

This continued for a few moments until the android kicked me away. {Access: Flash.} The android intoned, moving behind me as I landed on the ground, fist ready to pummel me into the ground, but not before switching his mode. {Access: Superman.}

"Black Bolt!" Green Arrow cried, shooting a few explosive arrows the android simply elected to ignore, before turning his immediate attention to the archer, probably assuming I was done for, alas, I wasn't.

Taking the opening the android had given me, I jumped to my feet, as blood came out of my mask, landing a punch on the android with enough force to send him flying against a nearby building, bringing down a few walls in his wake.

"Black Bolt, leave now!" Green Arrow ordered once again.

I ignored him, darting towards the android before it came to me, pressing the attack. I had one mission and three objectives, keeping Oliver and Dinah alive, waiting for the League to arrive, and waiting for Rachel to confirm there was no one around for me to use my powers on the android.

Keeping my head focused, I continued clashing with Amazo for what might have been minutes or hours, completely losing track of time or any other information but the enemy in front of me as the fight went on.

{Observational deep analysis mode complete.} The android intoned. {Data inconclusive. Initiating Stage 2 analysis: Physical Sample.}

I was no fool.

I knew that until I was allowed to use my powers or the League arrived, I was fighting a losing battle. 

The worst part was that even with all of my powers, I knew I was still outmatched by a decent margin. Amazo had many modes that would help him avoid my voice or simply shrug off the damage should the need arise. With the powers of Martian Manhunter and Superman, he was simply out of my league to destroy.

That unavoidable fact chilled me.

{Access: Superman.} The android intoned, landing a few hits on me that brought me to my knees. {Access: Martian Manhunter.} He then changed his mode, changing his density to go into the floor, before pulling me down, changing my own density in order to trap me on the ground, from the neck down.

I coughed, blood spurting out. Where... In... The... Fuck... Was the league?

{Access: Flash.} The android intoned, proceeding to kick my face a few thousand times per second, multiple times, as he ran around me in a circle.

I was stuck in the ground, and he was from my current perspective above me, so that meant...

"Enough..." I spoke, blasting everything above me to dust. The attack releasing me from my concrete prison.

{Physical scan completed.} The android intoned, appearing in front of me.

I guess it was too much to ask, thinking that had hit him. He was using the Flash's powers, meaning dodging my attack was well within his capabilities while in said mode.

{Data inconclusive. Samples unreadable. Processing to get a bigger sample.} The android intoned, before darting towards me. {Access: Superman.}

However, before Amazo could reach me, he was blasted away by a beam of dark energy.

"Not gonna happen," Raven stated, her body glowing in dark energy.

I sighed in relief. I finally had backup, which reminds me, where's Green Arrow?

"He's with Black Canary, tending her wounds," Raven said, reading my emotions and from them, concluding what I was thinking.

Well, that's good. The farther away they were from that thing, the better... I honestly had no idea how Amazo hadn't killed them during the time they had fought it alone. 

With the powers it had, dealing with them should've been easy enough.


Amazo's mission was never to kill them, but to make sure they brought the League here. If that was the case, Amazo's purpose had many implications, one, it could be destroying the League, or two, keeping the League distracted as something else happened in the shadows.

I personally believed it was the latter of the two.

{Observational scan failed.} The android intoned, coming once again into view, unscathed. {Subject 'Raven'... Category: Magic... Observational tools lacking for proper replication of said Category. Proceeding with the elimination of the subject.}

~Ready?~ I asked Raven, taking a deep breath. If Raven was here, one thing was very clear, the entire place was empty, meaning I could whisper to my heart's content.

"Yes," Raven nodded, her eyes glowing white.

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