

"I Sometimes hire unofficial agents to do the work I can't achieve on my own and one of this agents was a man he had a very unique, Strangene which was the ability to bend, he was highly flexible but he couldn't strach, now you see this man had no family he was a loner looking for money so i gave him a job well five successfully completed jobs later something come up and i had to end him, he was good at what he did and never failed a job it was a shame I had to let him go, I sent three heroes to kill him after i figured out his place of residence, they later reported that they had don it but they never returned so I sent two more agents a weak later to confirm his death and they came back telling me they couldn't find the agents I sent earlier But, they did find the man's headless decomposing corpse"

"I am sorry sir but i don't understand where you were heading with the story sir"

"The man was Galliard Quinns, Galliard is dead commander"

"I see sir"

"so accurding to my deduction who ever this is would either be another trespasser going by this same name or the dead man himself"

"So what do you propose we do sir"

"We? Commander you have failed me"

"I'm sorry sir"

"Quit apologizing for something you cannot put a fix to but be rest assured i do accept them and in order this mistake not to repeat itself i shall put an end to the blunder in my plans. Commander Richard ?"

"Yes sir"

"i hate to get my hands dirty as a Judge so as your last task, Commander....

Sir Smith picked up a pistol from the stoll next to him and handed it to the Commander

" kill yourself"

The commander placed the barrel to his head, his hands. shock as the finger slowly pulled the trigger, he shut his eyes and took a last gulp finally he fully pressed his finger and heard a bang as his Iife flashed in fear realizing the sound was made by the vocals of Sir Smith, the gun was empty, the man who just escape death droped to the floor with his knee and palm holding his body up, he let out tears thanking Sir Smith for letting him live he vowed...

"I would never fail another mission again sir i promise if i do I'll die on that spot and never return"

Sir Smith looked at him and smiled saying

"I like it, I really do. That look on your face shows nothing but hope. You found out there were no bullets in the gun and you thank me that I have saved your life forgeting that i was the one who instructed you to take it in the first place, Commander I only have one question which is, why do you thank me?"

"Because sir, you let me live. I have wronged you but you let me live oh thank you sir, you let me live"

"would have commander, would have let you lived but

you took an oath containing a line that disgusted me you said if you were to fail me again and that was what pissed me off, i haven't even given you freedom and yet you have already predicted a future flaw in one of my plans"

"no... no.... ear, th...th...tha...ats not what I meant"

The commander stammered as he was already dieing in fear from every word that was spoken by the high rule's mouth, his eyes opened wider as he knew his death drew closer


"I mean yes sir"

"so i'm right"

"I mean no sir i'm not....thats not no sir....yes....i ...was..... no Sir"

"Come on Commander, i'll never understand where you're heading if you don't elaborate more, I suggest Speaking actuall words"

"Sir please le... e.....ee..... et I need to live, I have a family"

"a family? earlier when i instructed you to commit suicide this information was not brought to my notice commander, why not?"

"Please sir please just let me live sir, i promise i'll never fail again please sir forgive me sir"

"you had your second chance and now you refuse you answer any of my questions, well I am known for many things and a liar is'nt one of them so i'll keep my word"

The commander lifted his head up not knowing if he should be happy or scared, rather confused by the high rule's Statment his eyes gazed at the man he knelt down before and golden light emerged from the markings that appeared underneath him it was a compass arrow with North representing forward as the future, south representing backward as the past, West representing negative as the present and East representing positive as human predictions and scenarios, the middle key swallowed by an arora of death the golden light excreted a putrid smell of blood and rotten corpse. The light dimed down and then brighted back up with a sourd of a faint roar two hands drew out from the marking and one grabed the commander's leg as he rowed away from the unknown light he hurled at the disgusting smell that filled the room, the second hand fully emerged to grab his left leg then the entire creature began to ascend from the ground reviling a huge mouth on a neck rather than a complete head, the arms were extremely long as they were connected to its short body the commander watched it increase in height with the long legs it possessed.

The commander being too scared to move or shout sat in absolute silence watching the thing emerge knowing it was the end of him at that moment, it took a step and landed it's foot on the commander's body as it effortlessly pulled off the legs it held, the commander screamed in pain and agony as it took his arms as well then starting from the bottom it slowly consumed the man by biting and chewing. After it was done with it's meal it dissolved away like burnt paper in the wind and the mark vanished, Sir Smith got up from the chair he sat and left the blood covered room unstained and unbordered.

Chapitre suivant