


I ran my hand through my thick hair as I let out a loud whistle. Regardless of all the irritated looks I got, I wasn't gonna let that bring me down. I continued on my merry way like life was great and I didn't have a care in the world. 

I wish I didn't. Since I was an outcast, I didn't really have that much to do since I had no rank or use, so I could do what I wanted. No one would care. I headed into the woods, I could go for a run I guess, the morning had not started on a good note, but then again, what else is new? 

As I walked towards nowhere in particular, I let out a sigh as my mind wanders. 

To one memory in particular. It was my tenth birthday, then things weren't so hopeless in my life. Mom was still alive and I was mostly ignored by my Father and older brother, but to me that was normal, all was good. 


"Dad, dad. It's my birthday today, just wanted to remind you since you're always busy." I said.

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