

A/N: Events in the story will change, so I hope you guys enjoyed. I think I may continue this story throughout the rebellion too. But that's if you guys want me to.

Chapter 16

"Katniss, get up," Peeta whispers.

"five more minutes," I say sleepily. I adjust back into the sleeping bag with Peeta.

"Katniss, you said that five minutes ago," he says with a laugh.

"Stop laughing, I can't sleep," I say with a yawn.

"Seriously, we have to get up, we need to make a plan for the supplies today," he says.

"Fine, fine. I'm up, happy?" I say as I get up.

"You guys can cuddle all you want tonight," Rue says giggling. I blush and Peeta has a wide grin on his face that makes me laugh.

"Alright Rue, can you stay here and watch Peeta while I go to the cornucopia and check out what we're working with?" I say. I don't want to leave Peeta's side, but he can't walk without making too much noise.

"Katniss, I can come with you guys. Look at my leg, it's so much better," he says as he stands up. He does look a lot better, the cut is barely visible anymore. It looks like a small cat scratch I used to get from my sister's cat now.

"Oh, wow. It is so much better," Rue says.

"Okay, fine, you can come," I say.

"Katniss not being stubborn? What's up with you today?" Peeta says.

"Shut up," I say, trying to hide my grin.

We walk towards the cornucopia which is about an hour and a half away. I shoot a squirrel on the way, but most of the animals I see run before I can shoot.

When we get to the tree line. surrounding the field with the cornucopia, I gasp. Rue wasn't lying, the careers built a pyramid of the supplies. They'll outlast us for sure with all of this.

There's a boy guarding the supplies, but he isn't from District 1 or 2. He must be the boy from District 3. But why would they need him? He's not strong, and his District is technology. He's useless to the Careers.

"Any ideas?" I ask. Peeta and Rue both shake their heads.

We sit there and look around for a few minutes. It doesn't make sense why District 3's boy would be working with the Careers, and it doesn't make sense why they'd leave one person to guard the food when they know Peeta and I are allies. A two versus one isn't good odds for their guard.

The only conclusion I can think of is Cato thinks Peeta is still hurt too badly to walk. It would make sense, without the medicine, I'm sure he'd never made it to the cornucopia with Rue and I.

"Why is District 3 working with the Careers?" Rue asks the same question I was thinking.

"Look, over there," Peeta says as he points to the platforms the tributes entered the arena on. All around the platforms were piles of dirt. They were digging.

"Oh, that makes sense Peeta," Rue says. "They boobytrapped the supplies."

"What? How?" I ask. That didn't make any sense.

"They dug up the mines around the platforms. That's where District 3 comes in I think. I bet he reactivated them around the supplies, so if anyone gets near the pile, they'd be blown sky high," Peeta says. It's actually really smart.

"Well then what can we do? We can't go near the pile," I say.

"I don't know. I mean, we don't even know if this is true. Maybe they dug up the mines for another reason. Maybe they planted mines throughout the arena instead," Rue said.

"Maybe, but I don't think so. The Careers think this is for fun, and planting mines around the arena would cost them the satisfaction of killing us all. It makes more sense for them to plant the mines at the cornucopia so they can go hunting for us without anyone stealing from them," Peeta says.

"Well, we can't get close to the supplies. So our only choice is to get rid of them from far away," I say.

We sit here for 30 minutes, Rue keeping watch while Peeta and I think of a plan. I can't imagine the Game makers are very happy with District 3 using a weapon that wasn't given to them to their advantage. But why haven't they done anything about it?

"Katniss, look! See those apples? That bag's mesh, think an arrow could rip through it?" Peeta says quietly. "If the apples fall and roll, they might activate a few mines, blowing up some of the supplies."

I look at the mesh bag of apples, and he's right. It's hanging, so if I can rip the bag, the apples will fall and pour out of the bag. This could work.

"I'll try," I say as I knock an arrow. "If it works, be ready to run."

I pull the arrow back, aim at the bottom of the mesh bag, and let it fly. It rips the bag a little, but not enough for the apples to fall out.

"Shit," I mutter under my breath.

I grab another arrow, and signal for Peeta and Rue to step back. Who knows how powerful the mines are. I pull my arrow back, aim at the bag, take a deep breath, and let it fly.

This time, the arrow slices through the bag, dropping apples all over the ground. Maybe I should have stepped back a little too, though, because the explosion is much more powerful than I thought it'd be.

I'm knocked on my back, and my ears are ringing. My head is throbbing and pounding against my skull. I can't hear anything, and can't move. I can barely get air into my lungs, the explosion knocked the wind out of me.

I see Peeta shaking me and yelling something, but I can't hear him. He yells again, and once I don't answer, picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. Rue and Peeta run towards our cave again, while I throw up on Peeta's shirt. My left ear is dripping blood, or is wet from something. I'm hoping it isn't blood.

They run for 30 minutes when we finally reach the cave. Peeta's leg caused him to slow down after a little bit, but he won't admit he's still in some pain. He gently places me on the sleeping bag and starts touching my head and looking into my ears. I can barely hear him out of my right ear, but my left is still deaf.

"Her ear's bleeding, do you have any plants left to help her?" Peeta says. It sounds like a whisper, but his facial expressions look like he's yelling.

I don't hear what Rue says, but she comes over to me and gently places the leaves inside my ear. It hurts horribly, but it feels like it's slowly drawing out the pressure built up inside my head. I still can't hear out of it.

I decided to lie down for a little bit. My head is throbbing, I can't hear, and don't want to move around too much. Every little movement sends pain into my skull.

I watch Peeta go outside of the cave and take his shirt off. Probably to clean my throw up off of it. Even with how skinny he is from not having enough food in the arena, his muscles are still visible as are his abs. He looks great from the training in the Training Center, to a lifetime of lifting flower bags and kneading dough. I can't help but admire his physique for a while as he cleans his shirt.

After 30 minutes, or what feels like 30 minutes, I hear two cannons go off. I wonder who died, but I'm even more amazed because I could hear the cannons. Only out of my right ear, but at least I can still hear.

"Who do you think it was?" Rue asks.

"The boy from 3. Cato probably isn't happy that his booby trap didn't save the supplies from being blown up," Peeta says.

"And the other cannon?" I ask.

"Oh, can you hear again?" I nod. "Well, I don't know. We'll find out tonight. We should get some rest, I think Katniss needs it, and we're down to seven tributes. Who knows what the Gamemakers have in store for us," Peeta says. I agree, I do need rest.

Peeta takes the first watch, but agrees to lie in the sleeping bag with me. I've grown so accustomed to sleeping next to him that I don't think I could without him. Sleeping next to him makes me feel safe, and keeps the nightmares away for the most part.

He slips into the sleeping bag, and I slip in after. I rest my head on his chest like every other night since we entered the Capitol, and quickly fall asleep.

I'm woken up to the sound of the Capitol anthem. I quickly sit up and walk out of the cave to look into the sky. I see Marvel from District 1, and the boy from District 3, like Peeta predicted. I can imagine how the boy from District 3 died, but Marvel? Who or what killed him?

I finally fall back asleep, feeling the rise and fall of his chest and listening to the steady rhythm of Peeta's heart beating under my good ear. I still can't hear out of the other.

I wake up to splitting noises in the air. It sounds like tree branches breaking, but twenty times louder.

"What's that noise?" Rue asks.

We all run to the opening of the cave to see what could be making so much noise. I have my bow ready, in case it's another tribute.

"Oh my God," Peeta whispers.

The ground falling, coming towards us. Trees fall into the hole that continues it's path towards us. Large animals run, while the small ones fall to their deaths.

"Run! Go!" Peeta yells.

We don't have time to grab anything from the cave. We need all the time we can get, especially with Peeta's leg. I watch as Peeta stumbles around on the tree branches, almost tripping. One false move, and he'll be the next cannon.

"Peeta! Watch my feet! Step where I step!" I scream. He does what I ask, and stops stumbling as much, but still does look like he might fall over every once in a while.

"Katniss!" I hear Rue scream. I turn my head and don't see her. She's not behind us anymore. I hear a cannon, and realize that it is Rue's cannon.

"Keep going Katniss!" Peeta yells. We're almost to the field where the cornucopia lies. This is the finale. The Gamemakers are driving us all to the cornucopia.

Come on Katniss. Run. You can think about Rue later, just run. You're almost there.

We run to the edge of the field where the trees stop, and see the falling ground beneath us stop too. It's as if there were a barricade blocking it from continuing.

"Peeta, it's the finale," I whisper. There's only six of us left, and I can see all of them but Foxface.

Cato and Clove are directly across the field from us and Thresh is to our left by the field. Well, where the field used to be.

My heart is racing, my breathing is fast, and the sun's glare is making my vision blurry. I need to stay focused though, because if I don't, Peeta or I will be the next ones dead.

"Tributes! Now that you're all here, there's an announcement I'd like to make!" I hear Claudius Templesmith's voice boom over the speakers of the arena. "If the remaining two tributes come from the same district, there may be two victors! But how would this be fair to the other two victors without district partners? Exactly, it wouldn't. So, District 11 and District 5 may become allies if they wish to do so, and will be considered a team. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!"

Two Victors? Peeta and I could go home. We look at eachother and nod. I draw an arrow from my quiver, and get ready for the inevitable finale the Gamemakers set up for us.

Peeta draws his knife, and we get ready for the bloodbath. The remaining tributes don't make any moves though. We're still far away from one another, but there's nowhere to hide. Besides wherever Foxface is.

"Katniss, we need to get Clove out first. Cato and Thresh are the biggest threats, but Clove has throwing knives. I saw her in training. Cato has his sword, and Thresh doesn't look like he has anything that could kill us from afar," Peeta says.

Cato and Clove run towards Thresh, who is their closest target. Cato holds his sword while Clove prepares her knives in her jacket. They look happy, like they wanted this to happen. It's scarier thinking they're enjoying the Games.

"Follow me!" Peeta yells as he starts running towards the cornucopia. Clove and Cato are nearing Thresh now, so we need to hurry.

We reach the cornucopia, and Peeta helps me climb on top of it. I pull him up slowly, he's a lot heavier than me.

I snap my head towards the fight happening right now, and see that Thresh is actually holding his own against them. He's got Cato pinned to the ground with Clove on her backside. But it's too late for Thresh. Two against one isn't very good odds for him, so it's no surprise that as he's choking Cato, Clove throws her knife into the side of his stomach.

That gives Cato the time he needs to get up off the ground and slam Thresh into the hard dirt floor. Cato has him pinned to the ground, his knees putting pressure on his thighs so he can't move his legs. I can't help but feel bad for Thresh. The odds of him winning that fight were slim to none.

He doesn't give up though. He continues fighting, not wanting to give up his life just yet. He pulls a small knife out of his pocket and stabs Cato in the thigh with it. It's enough to get Cato off of him, but now that he isn't on top of Thresh, Clove has an easy target to hit. Peeta and I watch as she throws her knife into Thresh's throat.

Thresh doesn't look like he's in pain too much longer though, and we hear a cannon. District 11 has lost both tributes today.

Cato and Clove slowly make their way over to the cornucopia. They're within my shooting range, but I only have a couple arrows left, and can't waste them.

Clove has a hand in her jacket, and a smile on her face. She looks… happy. District 2 is a Career District, so she's been training her whole life for this. They both have. But to be happy about killing innocent children?

They're nearing the cornucopia now, Cato with a limp from his stab wound, and Clove with a knife in her hand.

"Oh hey, your shoulder got better!" I yell to Cato, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I'm going to make your death nice and slow, 12," Cato yells back.

They start circling the cornucopia, one going left and the other going right. Cato looks confused, he won't be able to climb up here with his leg like that.

"Why don't you come down here, Catpiss? Stop hiding like a bitch," Cato says.

Before I get a chance to reply, I hear a cannon. Peeta. I spin around looking for him, and thankfully, he's still up here with me.

I see Clove dragging a body out of the cornucopia, their shirt covered in blood. It's Foxface.

"Found her, Cato. She was hiding in the cornucopia, and didn't even have a weapon," she says.

"What do you say we go home, Katniss?" Peeta says more than asks. He's telling me it's time to win this.

I draw my string back, and aim it at Cato, completely forgetting Clove has throwing knives. I release my arrow, but Cato moves out of the way.

"Katniss!" Peeta yells as he pushes me slightly out of the way. I turn around to see Peeta with a throwing knife sticking out of his shoulder. He saved my life.

I quickly load my bow, and aim at Clove. She doesn't have time to react by the time the arrow hits her in the chest. It's a perfect shot.

"Clove!" Cato yells. He runs over to her as I check on Peeta's shoulder. It's a bad wound, but I don't think he'll bleed out.

"Hold still," I say as I rip the sleeve off of my jacket and tie it around his shoulder. "Come on, we need to win so that we can get that treated."

I hear the cannon sound, signalling Clove's death. What I don't hear is Cato climbing the cornucopia.

I help Peeta up as Cato slams into my back. My bow slides across the cornucopia floor, Along with two of my last four arrows. Peeta tackles Cato, wrestling him to the ground. The bow is behind them, I can't get to it.

He gets Peeta into a headlock with a knife to his neck. He drags Peeta to his feet, leaving me no room to get to my bow.

"Now what, Girl on Fire? It's over! First, Lover Boy dies. Then, it's your turn. It's over!" Cato yells.

I pull the knife that was in Peeta's chest out of my belt, getting ready to throw it. My aim isn't good though, and Cato calls my bluff.

"Do it. Do it! I'll take Lover Boy with me. I never had a chance at winning, I realize that now. But I can still do this! One last kill!" Cato's screaming and clenching his jaw.

"Do it Katniss," Peeta says behind clenched teeth. Cato tightens his grip on him, slightly cutting his neck with the knife. Blood drips down onto Peeta's shirt.

"No!" I scream. I can't kill Cato if Peeta will die with him.

"Katniss," Peeta says breathlessly.

"Shut up, Peeta," I yell back.

I prepare to throw the knife at Cato's face, which causes him to move slightly at my sudden movement. Peeta takes advantage of him being off balance and leans forward with all of his strength, slamming Cato to the cornucopia. I don't have a good enough aim to hit Cato from here.

Peeta has him pinned onto the cornucopia face first, but Cato is slightly stronger than Peeta. He rolls them over, elbowing Peeta in the mouth. His mouth and nose is gushing blood, but Peeta doesn't stop.

He punches Cato in the stomach, causing him to bend over enough for Peeta to knee him in the face.

Cato gets up, slashing the sword towards Peeta. He jumps back, barely avoiding the blade from his cheek.

I need to get to my bow. Peeta can't fight Cato with a sword while he only has a knife, but I'm useless without my bow. Cato is way bigger and stronger, he'll kill me easily.

Peeta slowly moves to his right away from me, leading Cato away from me too. My only chance is this throwing knife. If I miss, Peeta's going to die, so this has to be a good throw.

Peeta is near the edge of the cornucopia now, as far away from me as possible. as Cato lunges at him, he kicks my bow towards me. He puts his hand up to block the sword from hitting his face. It slices right through his hand, leaving a bloody mess.

I grab my bow, aim the arrow at Cato's head, and let it fly. He falls back, off of the cornucopia. A cannon marks his death, leaving just Peeta and I left.

"We won! Katniss, we're going home!" Peeta yells as I run towards him. I run into his arms, and if it hurts his shoulder, he doesn't make it obvious.

"Why haven't they announced it?" I ask. Normally, we'd be heading to the Capitol by now.

"Maybe we have to move away from the body?" he asks. We walk to the edge of the field, where the forest would have started if the ground were still there.

"Tributes! The rule where the remaining two tributes can win if they come from the same district has been… revoked. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor."

I look at Peeta, scared for what happens next. I can't kill him.

"Do it, Katniss," Peeta says.

"No! I'm not leaving here without you!" I scream back.

"They need their victor, Katniss. Just do it, please," he says.

"No, I can't leave without you," I whisper.

"Please Katniss, you have to win. Think of Prim," he says.

"Don't do that, Peeta. Don't try to guilt me into killing you. That's not fair and you know it!"

"Fine, I'll just jump!" he says as he points towards the edge of where the forest was. Where the ground is missing.

"Peeta, please. Please don't," I beg.

"I'm sorry, Katniss, but one of us needs to go home, and that's going to be you," he says.

"Fine! I'll jump too!" I scream.

"No, Katniss, you can't!" he yells back.

"We'll do it together, Peeta," I say.

"Together?" I nod. "Alright, on the count of three."

I kiss him, one last time. I don't know if it's for the cameras, or for me, but I kissed him. "One," I say, grabbing hold of his hand.

"Two," he says, grabbing the end of my braid.

"Three." We both step towards the ledge, when we hear the speakers.

"Wait! Don't jump! Ladies and gentlemen, the Victors of the 74th Hunger Games!"

I just stare at Peeta as we take a few steps from the ledge. I hug him tightly, we're both going home.

The hovercraft comes done, picking me and Peeta up. The ladder that drops down freezes Peeta and I until we're inside the hovercraft. People in white coats grab Peeta and take him into a room with a glass door. Once they're through, I hear the door lock, keeping me outside of the room. They hook him up to machines and tubes.

I watch as they put him to sleep. I'm screaming his name, throwing my body into the glass door, but it doesn't budge. But I keep trying. I keep screaming his name and hitting the door, kicking and punching, until I feel a pinch in my neck and my vision goes dark.

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