
Hitchhike (Part 2)

The wind continued to carry us away, our legs entering a realm of non-existent ground, and the road wasn't doing us any favors either.

"Warnings are appreciated y'know!" Greg shouted, his hands latched onto the door, but the door was very experienced in betrayal, which swung, with him now dangling, with the wind trying to rip him away.

"Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot!" Greg screamed, fear clearly echoing from him, as the door continued to swing back and forth, like the wind was just constantly playing with him, with no remorse for him whatsoever.

"Try not to let go!" I shouted, my eyes glancing back and forth from inside the box and the road which at the speeds we were on would result in hazardous results.

"That's asking a lot!" Greg shouted, and from that, I could infer that his grip was not all that gripping and that it was a matter of time before he would slip and fall onto the road, and that wasn't a possibility I was trying to experience.

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