
Crazy plan

"Is it a matter of Martial Contributions, then?"

"I'm afraid that we cannot force an honored Martial Sage to answer Your Mastery's calls. I hope you understand."

"Is there no way that I can contact her?" Rui furrowed his eyebrows. 

"I'm afraid not, Your Mastery. Not through any official channels in the Panamic Martial Federation, at least," she answered. "I cannot speak for any unofficial channels that may or may not exist."

Stepping away from the counter, Rui fell into deep thought as she made it abundantly clear that she was unable to help him in any way after several more exchanges.

It was annoying that he had already hit a speed bump, unable to even meet Sage Kole, let alone convince her. Normally, had it been an ordinary reason, he would have given up and gone home, however, his mission was not something that he could just give up on.

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