
chapter xxxvi

the meals

After they spend a week on the beach, it was a great vacation, but with a paper view around the corner, and the grand opening of the new dining center in the fit studios, Kari and Viktor is working both of the new centers one by screen and one in the flesh meanwhile everyone is training, and walking the floor, Kari cut on the speaker, and talked, "[ this Kari, Ashley Nevada we are now serving a healthy lunch after and before fit and training, why we talk about fitness if we can't encourage a meal diet into your training, to keep you in the right direction, Nevada is all about pro-fitness and eating right, so the days' lunch meal we are serving * nice fillet of geese, with corn, and a salad, along with a wheat roll, your choice of water, or fit juice that this gregarious man blending, ] -[" aw dad mom call you gregarious, ] said. Venton, "[ she only speaking the truth,] said. Viktor, A customer walked up to the desk, " when did this happen their a fit dining center now? asked. customer1#, " yep, K add them in both studios. Answered. Stacie, the fit drinks are done, "[ this is Viktor Reno Nevada assistant manager, the drinks done,] he put them on the serving tray, and walk on the floor with them. "[we have to snap Apple, electric grape, hopping banana, and rocking blueberry, the women of the house said lunch will be ready soon,] every one that is waiting to next take glasses of juice, and those are being trained will get there's latter, Kari put the food on to the pro-fit serving plates, and on the trays, Vance and Viktoria walked, " tell me we get lunch too?" son everyone gets lunch, they see us eating healthy they want to eat healthily, take them out, said. Kari, they pick up the trays and give everyone a plate of food, "[thanks K I do love your cooking,] said. Stacie, the one in Detriot is serving fit juice and lunch to, " [you welcome I hope everyone enjoys this the first step in getting and staying fit and healthy, my family comes in get, ] they walked into the dining room, got their plates and sat down and eat, "[ my fit trainers after you get done training come and get your plates customers first,] said, Kari, " [that smell so good K, you making me hungry,] said. Lee, "[got it K.safe us a plate,] said, "[already have they be on the table waiting for you, she sat down at the table, and those that got done came to eat lunch, " man K that looks great, thanks for the drink V, said. Mike, they sat down to eat lunch, " what everyone thinks? asked, Kari. " I live off your cooking mom this was great so was the juice dad, is there a day schedule and are you always going to do the cooking? asked. Vance, " we take turns, send on a break for a while, let's go over tomorrow's lunch meal, and schedules, said. Kari, they talk over what is for tomorrow's lunch, and they decide on * chicken cutlets bake potatoes, and watergate salad, " Friday do you want the Friday or dinner? who got a match and whose on the schedule? asked, Kari. " breakfast mom I can not live without the hungry man breakfast, said, Volume. " speaking when are we getting invited to that breakfast? asked, Lee. " you do know our paper view event is Friday, all of us got a match, said. Viktor, " time and who up first, Viktoria you are run the studio Detriot, you can drive down? asked, Kari. " yes, you know, said, Viktor with a smiled, " dad will do a plane drive down and back, tonight, call us once you get at the studio or when you at pint A, Vollie you going with her, placement for Vance, said, Kari. " at 4:20 am it's a diva match them around 6:00 pm I and Hunter got a tag team matches with tag team 1#. she write it down, and look over the lineup schedule, " next up baby, Vickie you have a 6:00 am customer Saturday, is this thed\same keep not showing? asked, Kari. " yes K and keep rescheduling, answered. Stacie, " that is getting on my nervous mom, she crossed him, " go to your 6:57 am customer, Stacie tell him or her the boss is giving him a warning you keep rescheduling or no show we are going to have to take the membership away, said. Kari, " got it, " a diva or female wrestler match after, at 6:06 am Van got money and a bag ladder match with wrestler 8#, said, Viktor. Kari write it down and look at the lineup daily schedule, Sunday we are going to start closing, and do we meet at the place, there will be breakfast, not that we do the paywall, the lineup schedule, and the lunch menu, Reno who got a match and time any questions. asked, Kari, "the de Navados got a tag team cage match with tag team 4# and it's at 7:27 pm. said, Viktor. " really mom, are we going to close on Sundays? asked, Volance, " yeah, mom needs to relax a bit so she can get back at 8:00 am Mike you got weight training with bodybuilder 1#, and Vanessa you got cardiology training with customer 7# at 8:30 pm, who got a match and time? asked, Kari, " tag team female wrestler match, at 10:00 pm the man got a triple-threat match with wrestlers 5# and 6#, said. Viktor, Kari write it down in the daily schedule planner and looked at the lineup schedule Alyssa you have a check-up at 9: 00 pm you have a fit checkup with customer 5#, and Vonnie you have a physicalogy at 10:45 pm with customer 8# who got a match and time. said, Kari, " another FW match, and the bullet got a single match at 11:00 pm with wrestler 9#, said. Viktor,

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