


Galata almost shouted. Before Aron could finish the ceremony, the couple were already making out with each other.

During the swearing of the oaths, Amilia cried, and to the surprise of the young knight, Bil cried too. They must both have loved Gil and Galate very much.

The rest of the wedding took place at the tables, everyone ate, talked and enjoyed the happiness of the new marriage. Later, almost all residents danced around the large fire.

Much to Aron's surprise, Amilia drank the most beer out of anyone present and was sticking to Bill. The only people who limited themselves were young knight, and Morris, who was supposed to be on watch all night after the wedding as punishment.

Aron was sitting at one of the tables as Morris's drunken boys and Bron rolled on the ground. Calling it wrestling. Both the bride and groom have already gone to their new home to consummate their marriage. However, they were not the first to leave the party, a certain second couple disappeared moments before them.

Galate's cuisine was really good, especially now that they had more food and salt available. There was nothing left on the table.

Aron got up and headed for his tent.

"I have to at least move to some hut..."


"Chrmork kararar"

He whispered to the surrounding goblins to keep them quieter and looked again at the people dancing on the hill.

He and the other three goblins patrolled the clan border. But to his surprise, he did not meet a hostile clan goblins, but humans. And it is so close to one of the Fish clan villages.


He said the rest and headed back to the way they had come from. He must notify his own. A human settlement so close does not bode well. They have to destroy them as soon as possible and turn the inhabitants into food.

To this day, he remembered the delicious taste of human flesh, and the thought made his saliva trickle. Excitedly, he squeezed his well-served harpoon in his hand and smiled.


In the morning Aron was awakened by the sound announcing the arrival of two new settlers. They had enough space for new people so the notification from the grimoire did not surprise him. Today they should even finish another of the small simple huts.

As soon as the young knight got dressed, he went outside and saw two people climbing up a steep hill with little belongings on their backs.

"Welcome to Silem!"

He shouted at them with a smile on his face. The two, slightly scared, saw the young man quickly and started walking towards him.

It was a woman and a man. As it turned out, a couple of farmers, who lost all their farmland and their home. Now they were looking for a place for themselves.

Aron had plans for the agrarian development of the village, so the couple had fallen out of the sky. Sometimes he wondered if the grimoire was doing it deliberately.

As soon as everyone started to wake up with a slight hangover, they started their work. Aron ordered trees north of the hill to be felled. He planed small fields there. The two new people helped Bil to finish the house for them.

Aron didn't see Amila anywhere, but he didn't want to ask Bill if anything had happened between them, so he didn't say anything about it.

He himself took Bron and trained with him until the evening.

When he returned for dinner, the house for the new residents was ready, and warm food was waiting for him at the table. Morris had been carrying planks from a shipwreck all day after he had slept off his night's worth and was now lying exhausted near the fire.

When Aron was finally in his tent, he immediately began meditating. There had been a major breakthrough in the time he was able to meditate the night before. And he felt that today he could finally try to create another mana rune in his mind.

After almost two and a half hours, he managed to etch the rune in his mind.

It was different from the first and even differed from what he had studied in the meditation technique.

"Am I doing something wrong?"

Aron reread the entire meditation technique and found it impossible to throw out any runes other than the initial ones contained in the book.

So it wasn't with technology, or maybe with Aron's mind.

On trial, he tried to use the well-known spell of the magic hand. This one, however, turned out to be much stronger. When he let mana through the runes, they shone much brighter than before.

The thinking itself also seemed to be easier and the thoughts more organized. Aron realized that he remembered all the books he had read so far. He had always had a good memory, but the change between the first and second runes was colossal.

The young man looked again at his first rune, which now also differed from that of the meditation technique.

It was very strange. But considering his runes would have to wait. There was a sound in his mind that he was slowly starting to dislike.

[Ding Ding Ding!]

[You fool! Your village is under attack. Later you will deal with how unique your runes are. Get your ass out!]

[Reward: design of a wooden knight's tower]

Aron grabbed his sword and only in his underwear, jumped out of the tent and ran to the end of the hill. As soon as saw what was on the hill he shouted.

"To arms! We are under attack! "

A sleeping guard, frightened by a scream, jumped up under the tree. On the slope to the east, the attackers' shadows were already halfway up the hill. As soon as the enemies noticed that they were noticed, everyone got up and stopped sneaking. After a few seconds, they started running towards Aron.

Aron was waiting for reinforcements at the edge of the hill. The sentry was already waking the others. However, before they managed to reach the young man, a few arrows flew towards him, for his luck they all missed him pathetically.

The opponents, however, were close enough that Aron finally saw who he was dealing with. About 20 goblins were advancing towards Silem. Several of them had bows in their hands and after a while more arrows flew towards the young man. Now the shooters were closer and Aron had to duck to avoid one of the arrows.

Although the shooters were not very accurate, when they get a little closer they will pose a threat to him and his people. To deal with them, Aron had to think of something. He had two options, either they would defend themselves in small huts sheltered from arrows, or they would meet them and bind archers in hand-to-hand combat.

Defense in the huts was their last resort, which he did not want to use for the time being. He saw Morris and his boys already running towards him, each with a spear in his hand. Bron was running right behind them, a hood on his head, a sword in his hand and only his underwear. Both he and Aron will be fighting bare chest today.

Why did he have time to put on a quilted hood and he did not have time to put on a shirt? Aron wondered for a moment. But as soon as the rest were there, he went into action.

"Watch out for arrows while attacking, I'll take care of the archers, cower me from others!"

Aron lifted the stone with his now powerful spell and threw it at the archer aiming at him. Maybe it did not deal any serious damage to the opponent, but it distracted him and the arrow flew in a completely different direction.

Before Aron could reach the archers, he had to defeat a few goblins on his way. Fortunately, these were mostly armed with stone-headed spears.

As soon as he met his opponents, with one stroke, he put down the first.

Moments after the other six were stuck in the goblins and tied up with a fight. Another goblin with a bronze ax was standing on the Aron way to the archers.

Before he could strip him of his head, however, two arrows were approaching Aron's direction, one he could avoid, but he had to do something with the other.

So he used the spell of the magic hand once again and changed the trajectory of her flight, which passed next to his head.

He raised the sword above his head and, like an executioner, split the ax handle and then the skull of the defending goblin. He moved forcefully towards the nearest archer who watched with horror at the approaching death.


One of the goblins to Aron's left shouted. But he ignored it completely and was already splitting open the rest of the virtually helpless archers. Blow after blow like a butcher, more goblins fell under his sword. Some of the archers had no weapons other than the bow and arrows, so when confronted with a knight armed with a sword, they were like worms under his boot.

As he was finishing his work with the fourth archer, he heard a scream from one of his men and then a sound from the left as if something was cutting the air quickly.

"Lord! Watch out!"

But before the young man could react, the momentum of the blow knocked him over. And then his mind registered severe pain. When he looked at what had caused him, he saw that there was a wooden fishing harpoon in his side.

I know... the quality has dropped, sorry. I will rewrite it later in the future.

SonGoku0_0creators' thoughts
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