
Chapter 60: Walk

Chapter 60: Walk

~Albus POV~



After healing up everyone that was injuired we all hurry along to our destination on foot as I let the other White Fang grunts too tired to rest inside my airship transmuted truck for them to rest their feet.

But after given some time we switch out with the one's walking but I have the go ahead in front of the group while some grunts drive my truck.

Walking beside me was Adam, Blake, and few of the White Fang grunts as Cinder talks more with the grunts that she healed to get a better understanding talking with people.

As we walk down the path, I can give the members of the White Fang where to avoid any Grimm encounters using my sight.

While walking down the path I began to make some small talk with Adam with some curiosity in my voice, "Say Adam was it? Are you a captain to your group or…?"

Listening to my voice he began to respond to me in a neutral tone of his voice, "Yes. I'm currently the Captain Rank of the White Fang stationed here in the Vale branch. Blake next to me is my Vice Captain."

Being somewhat surprised I glanced over to Blake as she nervously nods her head in agreement as I smirked at her, "Wow. Blake you certainly work your way up the ranks. And you were only a grunt since we last met."

She glares at me for that remarks as she puffs her face away as I smiled at her playfulness of denying my words.

However, Adam caught my actions as he began to talk to me also curious as well, "Really? When did the two of you meet?"

Hearing that I began to explain to Adam where we first met and I remind him we have met before, "We met in a Argus that did the White Fang rally. After that her and Ilia took me around Argus helping me enjoy the view. Actually you and I have met although probably not in person."

"We did?"

I can literally tell the confusion on his face as I began to remind him of my brief encounters of him, "Yeah. I saw you around the time where bunch of Human Supremist attacked Ghira along with the Fang. And another time with Higabana Village saving your fellow Faunus at the time of Grimm attack."

His eyes widen a bit before he thinks a bit before he saw my eye clearly before did he just smile?!

He responds with a good attitude towards me instead of being neutral as he talked, "Oh! So, you're the so-called Wandering Alchemist I heard about. Some former Faunus Slaves talked about you before that was saved in Mistral."

"Wandering Alchemist?"


Blake laughs at me for a bit before she began to explain to me my unaware tittles as she spoke to me, "Yeah. Over the rumors going on about the Faunus community about you. The Wandering Alchemist. Or the One Eyed Ouroboros. Seems like you're actions are spreading. Not that hard to know it's you with your description."


"You seem actually surprised."

"Well… I never really thought people cared?"

"Well… now you know."


Sighing down talking to Blake Adam was the one to speak to me what was my intentions here in Vale in a curious manner, "Anyway Albus was it? What's your intention here in Vale for anyway? Here to sight see around?"

Blinking at this I guess I should inform the White Fang to watch out for the spiders.

Hate those damn bugs with a passion.

Expressing a pissed off look getting the two attention I began to explain the two to be careful around Vale City, "Oh hell yeah I have a reason! I have a reason to crush some annoying bugs… oh and be very careful not to get caught on camera by some woman."


"Albus that's very vague meaning."

"Right…. Ahem! Let me explain then."

Clearing my mouth and tone of my voice more clearly now I began to talk to the two the actual reasons to be cautious in Vale City, "Right. Sorry if I was vague there. I REALLY hate the Spiders Gang in Mistral. But recently I came here to get my revenge by screwing over their security spy network in Vale."

Adam stops briefly listening in as Blake frowns at this as she clearly asked me what I meant by spy network, "Wait spy network? There is a spy network in Vale city relating to the Spiders one of the powerful gangs in Mistral. What are they doing in Vale?"

Listening to my words I gave my two Faunus friends some heads up what to expect in Vale City shadows, "They clearly want territory control on that front. But they happen to use the Lady Browning's Preparatory Academy For Girls as a front while in reality is a place for them to train their assassins hiding in plain sight."


Now it was Adam turn hearing the news about this as he began to calm down slight as he began to ask me more info, "Wait you said earlier that they have a spy network? Is this Academy for Girls the main base of operations then?"

Nodding my head at that one I began to explain how they collect their info all around Vale and where, "Yeah. They have their cameras hidden in plain sight as well. Actually, clever on their end. The school has a secret and illegal plot behind it, a training program that involved taking young women and turning them into elite spies and assassins for Spider."

Blake and the rest of grunts hearing this tense up at this as Adam mumbles to himself in actual concern of the news, "Now this is really some useful and dangerous information here. I should report this issue with High Leader and Vale Branch Leader."

Waiting for the murmurs of the White Fang grunts and allies to settle down Blake then asked me with some nervousness on her end, "If what you said is true Albus… do you know how they exactly spy on people? Most people would assume to have noticed this by now so how come no one has."

Wiggling my finger around at that question to Blake I replied to her with a simple answer causing the White Fang members to think critically, "Ah… now ain't that the money-making question now isn't? Fortunately, I already figured out how. Honestly, it's something most people would over miss. I mean… there pins they give out to their students were all hidden body cameras, used by Lady Beat to spy on socialite girls who would give access to secrets of Vale, information worth billions of Liens."

Silence was what I met giving them that answer.

Although their moods receiving this information was mixed hearing the news.

But then Adam was quick to recover as he began to talk to me surprised as he spoke, "Wait… you said you want revenge on the bugs… you're planning on destroying their Spy Network aren't you?"


Agreeing with Adam on that front but I still want to deal with them myself as they began to ponder the info they digested I gave them.

Adam shakes his head on the idea of spies as he began to question me about it as he spoke to me, "You got this info how exactly? Seems too convenient for you to get this kind of secret info?"

Nodding my head in agreement no one knew about this.

I only knew about this info was because of the novel but as of now I have no proof for them to believe my words.

However, I would still give them the heads up about this issue to make sure they don't get screwed over.

How they handle however is on them.

But still though I have a ice cream girl to get and a thief to join me if possible at all.

More help the better and I still haven't asked Adam if he could teach me the ropes how to handle the sword.

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