
The Dragon Buster

From the morphing flesh and steel, the civilization-destroying entity manifested barrels of guns across its body, unleashing a storm of bullets throughout the lower floor. Stray projectiles carved straight through the shelves and balconies, zipping right by the two who were on different floors.

"Ready to fire yet?!" Blimpo asked.

"I need…a bit more!" Emilio strained.

Blimpo looked anxious, though smiled at the chaotic scenario as he stepped atop the wooden railing of the balcony he stood, "Alright! I'll buy you some time! Just make sure to hit 'im hard!"

[Draconic Might]

An acceleration of heat surged in his body; like an oven that honed the flames of the great rulers of the skies, boiling his blood and amplifying his internal strength, the azure etchings of that ancestral dragon once more glowed on his pale skin.

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