
chapter 37

With the marines

"Is this the place?" A marine asks an ex-slave as they arrive at a large building guarded by numerous guards.

"Yes. This building holds half of the slaves ready for auctions in this sector. Once inside there should be a long hallway full of slaves." The Twi'lek male says while eyeing the guards.

"How exactly will you break in?"

The rest of the marines could be seen putting an suppressor on their weapons as the lead one starts to do the same.

"Leave that to us. Just get ready to make a run for it and guide them to safety once we free them." The marine says as he moves forward aiming his gun at the unsuspecting guards.

"Smoke 'em, now." The marine says shooting the first shots as the rest follow his lead.

In seconds all of the guards in front of the building are dead without anyone inside knowing that they are currently under attack. After waiting a while to see if someone else shows up they get ready to move on.

"Clear. Move up."

Moving up they stop at the front of the building at a metal door as they get ready to breach it.

Stacking against a metal door one of the puts a charge on it as the rest lean against the wall. One of the takes out a stun grenade taking the pin out just as the door explodes before tossing it inside. With a loud bang they all start to charge inside shooting anything that isn't friendly.

Once they clear the room they start to smell a horrendous scent the more they travel throughout the building.

"What the hell is that smell? It smell worse than dead bodies." A marine whispers to himself gagging a little.

Moving on despite the horrible smell they reach a set of stairs that lead to two corners that was connected to a hallway.

Splitting up the team, they both stack on opposite sides of the walls ready to check the corners at the same time. Looking at each other they nod at each other as they both round the corner with their weapons at the ready.

As they both round the corner they expected to see a few guards patrolling the halls, but what they didn't expect was to see more slaves than they can count squeezed in cells like sardines. They were basically on top of each other and their was a good possibility that some of them were dead inside, which may have been the cause of the rotten smell inside the building.

Those that were up front that had seen them stretched their hands out towards them asking to be let free while others seem to have had a lost look in their eyes.

"Jesus Christ. What the fuck is this. How can someone do this to another being." A marine says disgusted by this treatment.

There was numerous amounts of species that were held inside of the cells. There was even a few that had children inside and some of them looked liked they were close to dying. A few of the marines seeing this had to control their anger.

"Those sick bastards. How long has the republic allowed this?" A marine says kneeling down towards one of the locks on the cell.

A few of them back up in fear while others just look on seeming to accept their fate.

"Get ready to start breaking the locks. We'll have to worry about the chains later. It'll take to long to do all of them." The head marine says.

"Do any of you understand me. If one of you can. We are hear to break you out."

"Once you are set free exit this building and a few people that are the same as you will be waiting to help you all." He says as the start to break the locks.

As they open the gates that had locked them in, they thank them before making their escape out the building as they go out together due to the chains keeping them together. Some of them even had to carry the dead bodies of those who perished in the cell since cutting the chains was going to take a while.

Almost ten minutes later of breaking locks they start to reach the end of the hall before blaster fire and screams can be heard outside.

"We finished just in time too. Come on we have to protect their escape." The lead marine says as they run towards the commotion as the last remaining slaves follow behind them.

Once they exit the building the see a handful of hostiles firing down on the run away slaves. A few of them can be seen sprawled in the ground dead.

Without hesitation they all start to fire at the enemies taking out a couple before they run for cover and a firefight begins between the two sides.

"Who the hell are these people! They have better weapons and armor than the guards we took out earlier." A marine shouts as he fires rounds at the enemy.

"Bounty hunters. The hutts must have known we were coming, so they put a bounty on our heads."

"And how would he know we were coming! This operation was supposed to be hidden from them until it was to late to respond!" A marine shouts over the gun fire.

"Who cares. We get to kill the people who wants to turn these people back into slaves. They need to die." Another marine says as he tosses a grenade at the enemies as it explodes killing a few of them.

One of the bounty hunters gets a good visual on one of the marines before firing multiple shots at him as one hits him in the chest and another on his leg. Dropping his weapon from the pain he takes his pistol out and shoots at the enemy taking him out before sliding down in pain holding his chest.

"Ahhhhh! Fuck! I've been hit!" The marine yells in pain as another marine runs to him avoiding any blaster fire coming his way. Once he gets to him he starts to treat his wounds.

"You got lucky. If it was on the opposite side it would have taken your heart out. So. How's your day been?"

"Ahh. Fuck you." The marine grunts in pain.

Some of the slaves that were caught in the crossfire takes a blaster from one of the dead bounty hunters before shooting the chains on them. Those that were now free looks for more weapons before fighting back with the marines. It wasn't long until pretty much most of the slaves were fighting back at the bounty hunters.

Outnumbered drastically they start to make a run for it as some die trying to escape the hail of bullets and blaster fire. A few moments later the streets are quiet as they all start to get up. In the middle of the street a pile of dead bodies was seen dead. There was about twenty of their bodies piled up on top of each other.

Because of the chains holding them all in a group they didn't stand a chance at escaping alive.

"Come on we have to get out of here before more of them arrive." The head marine says as they all make their way towards a safer place.

With Waneta

Waneta can be seen fighting Obi-wan, Anakin, and Ashoka at the same time. Blocking all of their attacks as they surrounded her, she jumps a few feet in the air before slamming her hands in the ground using the force to push them all back.

Anakin being the first to recover charges at her again as they attack each other. Anakin being the one fighting her alone notices that her attacks seemed to be more powerful and quicker than it originally was. It was almost if she was hiding what she could really do.

Knocking Anakin's lightsaber aside she uses this opening to kick him in the chest almost knocking the wind out of him before getting ready to cut him down. Just as she was about to quickly strike she puts one of her lightsabers behind her to block an attack.

She looks behind her to see that Obi-wan had arrived and just in time because if he was a few seconds late.she would have killed Anakin. Now between the both of them the two of them clash their lightsabers on one of hers as she gets knocked down a little bas the sounds of lightsabers touching lightsabers was heard.

"Give up Waneta. You can't beat the both of us." Obi-wan says.

Waneta only smirks before slowly pushing the two off of her.

"We'll see about that." She says before completely throwing the two in different directions.

Looking back in front of her she sees Ashoka looking at her as she gave Waneta a pained face.

"Don't give me that look Ashoka. The republic is sliding deeper into chaos all while the Jedi order is starting to go against the very thing that they speak out against. It needed to be done." She says as she starts to approach her.

"And at what cost. What exactly are your trying to achieve from this?"

"To remake this galaxy and fix the mistakes none of you could have." Waneta says before connecting lightsabers with Ashoka.

Ashoka looking at Waneta's face gets surprised when her eye turns back to normal and for a second she thinks she can see the person she called a friend in those eyes.

"Ashoka. When this war gets out of hand. Get out while you still can."

Before Ashoka has time to respond she gets tossed to the side by a hard punch by Waneta.

As the three get ready to go at it again Anakin's ship the twilight hovers overhead as the three jump on before the ship starts to takeoff. When ashoka was talking with Waneta. Anakin had contacted Artoo to come with the ship so they can escape the planet.

Not allowing them to escape so easily she uses the force to hold the ship in place as she starts to turn the ship backwards.

Just as she was about to yank the entire ship down one of the turrets on the ship fires at her. Letting go of the ship she jumps out of the blast zone as sand flies everywhere. As the sand and dust settle down, the only thing she could do was look up as the ship made it's escape.

Hidden in the shadow six walks up behind her as she turns around to look at him. Putting her lightsabers on her sides she faces six ready for what comes next.

"It's been a while since we worked together hasn't it six. So...What's our next mission."

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