
The kiss


I kicked off my heels right when the elevator made its way to my floor and the doors opened, eternally grateful to the fates for not having anyone in there with me because, judging by my extremely foul mood, I'd have probably killed them.

I trudged down the hallway tiredly. The path to the apartment just seemed endless. I was so lost in thought that by the time I saw her, it was too late.

Mrs Robinson!

The old lady on our floor who had decided that everyone's business was apparently hers too, and that she could poke her nose in people's affairs and give advice even when it was totally unsolicited. We all usually tolerated her, -adored her even- because hello? She was an old lady and being rude would be considered being disrespectful, plus she really was a lovely woman but, believe me when I tell you I've come quite close to ignoring those facts many a times.

"Lucia! How are you, child?" She all but practically squealed, her walker literally blocking my path. I smiled, well more like grimaced but who could tell the difference?

"Mrs Robinson, I'm peachy, how are you doing? Taking your medication?"

"The backache has been killing me, and fucking Annette barely does anything about it." She croaked.

A total lie.

Her nurse, Annette was such a sweet soul, and the girl really adored the old woman. Plus it was just something she said whenever the young girl advised her not to do something she really wanted to that could be bad for her health.

"Speaking of Annette, where is she? You know you shouldn't be out walking alone right?"

"Psh. What at all can possibly happen? I'd die? I'd be kidnapped? I'm eighty-six fucking years, I think that's a life well lived, don't you?"

"Uh…" I didn't know what to say to that. Instead, I said, "Well, come on. Let's get you back to your apartment. I'm pretty sure Annette is worried sick."

She thankfully allowed me to steer her back, my one hand wrapped around her shoulders, the other clutching my bag and heels.

"How old are you now, Lucia?" She asked after a while.

"Why are you asking, Mrs Robinson?"

"Oh nothing. It's just that you're not getting any younger, and should start contemplating marriage soon, you know?"

Gosh, this annoyingly endearing oldster!

I should have left her to her devices.

"Oh-kayyy I-uhm really don't want to have this conversation, Mrs Robinson-"

"Oh, but I do. Shagging Mark is not the answer.


"I- I honestly don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, don't be coy, child. You know… having sex? Or what do you millennials call it these days? Hooking up! Yes, that's it. I see you sneaking into his room sometimes, and I see him sneaking into yours too when that lovely roommate of yours is out." She finished with a smirk.


Did anything ever escape this woman's eagle eyes?

Thankfully, an approaching Annette saved me from having to say anything.

"Annette! Here, you have no idea how glad I am to see you." I all but dumped the old woman on the poor nurse. "Lovely talking to you, Mrs Robinson. Byeee." I quickly scurried off.

When I finally made it to the apartment, I shut the door and leaned against it tiredly, willing the bad day away. My eyes opened to Silvie standing before me, holding two glasses and what looked like a really expensive brand of champagne, a dazzling smile on her pretty face. Her green eyes twinkled happily. "So veep, wanna drink the night away in joy and happiness?"

I snatched the drink from her hand and hurriedly tried to open it, struggling angrily with the cork for a brief moment. Forgetting about the glasses, and quite possibly Silvie as well, I drank straight from the bottle, taking in gulp after gulp after gulp.

"Woah, Lucia, slow down there." She collected the bottle from me. "You don't want to be hangover tomorrow, do you?" I shrugged carelessly, trudging wearily to the couch and collapsing in it heavily.

"Lucia? Are you okay? What's wrong?" She came towards me gently, like she was in a dragon's lair and I was said dragon. The sight was so funny, I burst into laughter that quickly turned into tears.

"Oh my God, Lucia." She was by my side in a minute. "What is it? Did something happen at work?" I wailed even more. "Were you harassed at the car park? Tell me Lucia, you're freaking me out."

"I didn't get the fucking position." I sniffed, trying hard to get my sobs under control.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. What happened?"

Amidst sniffles, I explained everything to her, from top to bottom.

"Wow, so Dylan is back in your life."

That was all she got from my narrative?

"So, what are you going to do now? You gonna quit?" I heard her ask faintly bringing back to my senses.

I carefully weighed my options, wiping away my tears in the process. My moment of weakness had passed, and I felt strength seeping back into my spirit.

Was I going to quit?

"No, Silvie, I'm not going to quit. I've given RetroCorp too much time to give it all up. I'm going to earn this position, one way or another."

She smirked, throwing her arms around me, obviously proud at my determination. "That's my girl."

"Plus, I'd have to start all over from the bottom again… too much work."

She nodded and cast a glance at the bottle of champagne idly. "Do you- uhm want me to stay with you? I can you know… cancel work-"

"No, no no. You should go, I'll be alright." I cut in.

"You sure?"

"Positive." I nodded.

"Well, alright, I'll go get dressed." I watched her head off to her room. Reaching for a glass this time, I poured myself a generous helping of champagne and sipped, staring absentmindedly at the ceiling.

Silvie came out in a beautiful short dress, her hair and make-up on point. "Are you sure you're going to be alright?" She asked worriedly, causing me to roll my eyes. "Yes mum, I'll be fine. I'll just be in here, sipping on some champagne." I slurred dramatically.

"Maybe we should put that away, you know, with you having work and all tomorrow." She reached for the bottle but I kept it out of her reach.

"Psh, I'm just going to pour myself another glass after this, and I'll put the rest away, promise." I chuckled.

Silvie wasn't convinced. I bent down and ransacked my bag for my car keys and tossed them at her. "Come on, get your ass out of here already. You're going to be late for work."

All protests were lost at that. "Alright. I'll see you in the morning Lucia, and for the love of God, please do not drink all of the champagne, else there would be consequences." She grabbed her purse and scooted out of the apartment.

I slid off the couch to the ground, refilling my now empty glass then, I remembered that Syl had left the door unlocked and hurriedly stood up to lock up. My gaze shifted from the floor to my room. "Ah, fuck it."

I reached for the bottle and my glass of champagne and staggered to my room.

I was finishing that bottle of champagne.

Screw all consequences.


"Oh my God, Lucia… wake up." I heard Silvie whisper, shaking me awake. I moaned softly, curling myself up some more on the floor.

The floor? What was I doing on the floor?

"LUCIA!!! Wake up. You're late for work.



I shot up with a start and tumbled to the ground as a wave of dizziness hit me. My head hurt like hell. I slowly made it to my feet. "Ugh, my head hurts so badly." I groaned. I looked down at my body, realizing I was still in yesterday's clothes. My eyes darted to the empty champagne bottle a few feet away from me, and then it all came rushing back.

"You finished the whole bottle? Lucia, are you crazy?" Silvie shrieked.

I groaned again. "Kindly keep it down. You know in a way, this is all actually your fault. You were the one who gave me the fucking champagne in the first pl-"

I clapped a hand over my mouth, as my eyes widened, causing Silvie to look at me in confusion. "What?"

I raised my other hand and then gagged, clapping it over my mouth as well. Silvie's mouth opened in disbelief, her eyes lighting up in understanding. She quickly dragged me to the bathroom. I dashed to the toilet bowl and retched my guts out, with my best friend holding my hair like the real savior she was.

I managed to wobble to my feet, my eyes on the ground so nothing would offset my balance.

"I can't believe you Lucia, you finished a whole bottle when you knew very well you had work in the morning."

I didn't have to look up to see the disappointed in her eyes, it was all over her tone. "I'm really sorry." I honestly had no idea why I was apologizing, but I just felt like it had to be done.

"You know what you should do?" I shook my head in the negative. "You should call in sick, that's what. You're honestly in no position to go to work."

I nodded in understanding. "Alright, I'll get my phone."

After almost five minutes of combing the apartment, I found it buried in one of the flowerpots that decorated the hall, how it got there, I have no idea. Quickly dialing Shawn, I sat down and waited for the call to connect while Silvie cleaned up. My room was an unusual mess. I was honestly never drinking again.


Oh, the call had connected.

"Shawn? Hi-"

"Where the hell are you? Get your ass to the office immediately. The board is here, they want to hand over the list, and they want you both present. You're late, which is unusual. Dylan is already here, it's really not looking good for you. Thankfully, I managed to stall them a little bit."


"Brielle? You there?" I heard him ask faintly.

"Oh… uhm, yeah yeah, I'm here."

"You have thirty minutes to get here, we're all waiting." He hung up.

Shit shit shit!

I looked up at Silvie. "I've got to go, Syl. Can't skip work." I dashed to the bathroom and splashed water on my face, and then reached for my toothbrush and some paste. I made quick work of brushing my teeth and quickly hopped into the shower.

Grabbing the first dress I set my eyes on, I dashed to my bedroom and shuffled it on, while simultaneously trying to brush my bird's nest of a hair. Silvie was nowhere to be seen.

Adding a layer of mascara and a coat of concealer to hide the bags under my eyes, I grabbed my bag, hoping along the way to the hall in a bid to walk while wearing my heels.

"Isn't that dress a bit too skimpy for work?" Silvie asked as soon as she laid eyes on me. I looked down at the outfit, realizing now that it was quite on the figure hugging side, and was a bit short. "It's too late to change, Syl… I'll just throw on a blazer and everything will be fine." I said in a rush, taking the cup of coffee from her waiting hands. I swallowed two pills of ibuprofen and took a huge gulp of the warm drink and thrust it back at her. "You really are the best, Syl. Where are my-" she handed me the car keys before I could finish my sentence.

"Call me when you get to work, Lu. And come back home as soon as you can, alright?"

"Yes mum." I threw over my shoulder as I run to my room for a blazer and quickly dashed out of the apartment.


"God, Brielle! Are you alright?" My assistant, Sloane asked with concern. She followed me to my office.

"I'm… uh, alright. My eyes just hurt like crazy." I half lied, adjusting the dark shades I had on. Everything seemed brighter than usual for my already poor eyes so I had to compromise. "Has the meeting started?"

"It should any minute from now. You should head to the conference room now."

She didn't have to tell me twice. I brisk-walked as fast as I could in my heels to the conference room and groaned inwardly at the sight of Dylan standing outside making a phone call. He smirked when he made eye contact, and I thanked my stars that I was in dark glasses. Pretending not to have seen him, I made for the conference room, but he caught up with me in a flash.

"Someone seems to have had a bad night." He mused thoughtfully as he walked beside me.

"Get thee behind me, Satan." I muttered irritably, rolling my eyes when he chuckled.

"Does it mean you have the hots for me?"

I knew exactly what he was talking about, but I feigned ignorance. "What are you talking about?"

He shrugged. "You know… Satan, hell, hot. Get it?"

I pulled on the most disgusted look I could muster. "God, you're so lame."

He laughed and opened the door for me, bowing slightly with a charming smile on his face. "After you, ma'am."

I felt my heart flutter at the gesture and I opened my mouth to say thank you, but I was interrupted. "Brielle, there you are!" Shawn motioned for the two of us to get seated.

"Alright, everyone is here. Let's get this meeting started."


"So, Bree, what's your first plan of action?" Dylan asked as we exited the conference room and walked together towards our offices, -why his office was close to mine, I had no idea- both of us fully equipped with the lists of investors and a brief knowledge of how their personalities were like.

Why was he following me?

All through the meeting, he had been throwing jabs every minute he got, and being in the delicate mood I was in, I fell for every bit of it. Suffice to say, I was pretty sure everyone back there had thought I was on my period or something.

I stopped and shot him a glare. "Like, I'd tell you." I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration. "Look, I get that our offices are directly opposite each other and all, but you really do not have to walk with me. Stop approaching me, stop goading me and taunting me into bickering with you. You came here for my position, and I'm going to do anything possible to make sure that there's not a chance in hell that you'd emerge victorious."

I stepped closer. "We're not friends Dylan Thomas, and we're never going to be, so stay the fuck away from me." I walked off before he could say a word.

I tossed my shades on the table and had barely sat down in the comfort of my office when a quick knock sounded at the door and Dylan waltzed in. I lifted my head up and shot him a look, trying hard but failing to stop admiring him in that snug beige suit he had on.

He shot me a smirk and run a hand through his hair. "Oh Bree, Bree, Bree. Look, here's one thing you don't know about me; I always get the last word."

He came to my side of the desk and leaned against it, his gaze never leaving mine. He looked completely serious this time, his face completely erased of any signs of teasing or amusement. "Brielle, I'm honestly very sorry for my behaviour towards you-"

"THIS ISN'T ABOUT APOLOGIES, DYLAN!" I cut in, standing up and beginning to pace, like I did whenever I was nervous or upset. "I-I-I I don't like you Dylan, I c-can't stand you."

He shook his head and stood up, reaching to hold me, his strong hands on my shoulders. "You're lying,"

"Well, not entirely, but you get my point." He amended. "Even you cannot deny the attraction between us."

My eyes widened at his statement.

Wow, this guy was slick.

"Yes, Brielle. I am attracted to you, and you are to me too. Believe it or not, I see it in your subtle actions; the way you bite your lip and look at me whenever you think I'm not watching, how your pupils dilate whenever I get closer to you, how your eyes automatically seek me out, I could go on and on." He brushed a stray hair away from my face.

"I hate it when you act indifferent towards me, Brielle, and that's why I-I don't know, I try to get a reaction out of you all the time. Suffice to say, it's always the opposite of the action I was going for."

I chuckled. "Maybe, you should stop doing that then."

He smiled. "Not a chance, sunshine. I've already told you, I really like riling you up. Plus, you really don't make it easy for me-"

"Damn straight." I cut in with a smirk, causing him to let out a small laugh.

"I really like that about you, Bree." He smiled down at me, and I couldn't help but give him one in return. We stood staring into each other's eyes for what felt like eternity, the pools of attraction and sexual tension almost drowning us in its torrents.

"Bree?" He leaned down and whispered in my ear, sending tingles down my spine.

"Uh huh?"

"I'm going to kiss you now, push me away if you don't want this like I do."

My eyes were closed, my body lost in the pleasurable sense of his touch… of his breath against my skin. He peppered kisses down my jaw and trailed his way to my lips, pressing his against them softly.

I didn't stop him.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Gladys_Quarshiecreators' thoughts
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