
Chapter 213 Forest

"So the awakening is still in process, what does the awakening do?"

"You would be able to use my powers, well half of my powers because you are not a demon, but you have a demon residing in your body"

"When would the awakening be complete?" Ray asked.

"In some day's time" Kaan spoke with a sly voice.

"Why are you spacing out...is something wrong?" Selena questioned.


"Then try again, one more time then we'll leave"

Ray took a deep breath before throwing the spear, now he knew that he would be teleported to the spear so he was prepared, the spear traveled towards the hole in the ceiling and when the spear went through the ceiling Ray was teleported.

Ray still wasn't used to the teleportation and since he wasn't the one controlling the skill, his timing was a little off.

The spear had already passed through the ceiling so as Ray teleported he quickly used the spear to strike the side of the walls so he could hold on without falling again and he succeeded.

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