
Chapter 830 Rat Hunting

In the aftermath of a battle that had painted the sky with fire and darkness, the ruins of the city lay smoldering below. The thieves, once shadowy figures cloaked in the anonymity of their mission, found themselves illuminated atop the skyscraper, their eyes wide with the horror of what had unfolded. The night's silence was broken only by the distant sounds of rescue and the crackling of flames that consumed what remained of the once vibrant metropolis.

As they stood amidst the devastation, the air around them shifted, the beating of helicopter blades cutting through the smoky haze. Within moments, a fleet of helicopters, bearing the insignia of the Celestial Platoon, converged on their position, their spotlights converging into a blinding cascade of light that enveloped the group, forcing them to shield their eyes and stagger back.

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